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Oxford (B.A. 1860); was sometime Curate of Badsworth, Yorkshire: m. 1866 Ellen Grey, da. of the late James Duberly, Esq., of Gaynes Hall, Hunts., has been since 1864 Rector of Buckworth, near Huntingdon.

Mostyn, Hon. Roger Llloyd-, son of the 2nd Baron Mostyn; b. 1831; ed. at Eton; appointed Capt. and Lieut.-Col. Scots Fusilier Guards 1859, retired 1864. 35, Lower Seymour Street, W.; Brooks's Club.

Mostyn, Hon. Savage Llloyd-, C.B.,son of the 2nd Baron Mostyn; b. 1835; ed. at Eton; entered the 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers as 2nd Lieut. 1853, became Lieut. 1854, Capt. 1855, Major 1864, and Lieut.-Col. 1869; served at the siege of Sebastopol and at the attack on the Redan (June 18); has the Crimean medal and clasp and the Turkish War medal; served also in the Indian Mutiny campaign, including the relief, the siege, and the capture of Lucknow; served also the Ashantee Expedition, 1873-4; has the Indian Mutiny medal and two clasps. Army and Navy Club.

Mure, Hon. Constance Elizabeth, youngest da. of the 1st Baron Leconfield: m. 1859 Col. William Mure. Caldwell, Ayrshire.

Murphy, Lady Blanche Elizabeth Annunciate, da. of the 2nd Earl of Gainsborough: m. 1870 Thomas P. Murphy, Esq., late Organist of the Church of the Holy Innocents, New York.

Murray, Hon. Alexander William Charles Oliphant, h.a. to the 10th Baron Elibank.

{{sc|Murray, Hon. Amelia Charlotte Scott-, da. of the 14th Baron Lovat, K.T.: m. 1846 Charles Robert Scott-Murray, Esq. Danesfield Park, Bucks; 11, Cavendish Square, W.

Murray, Lady Anne Francesca Wilhelmine, da. of the 6th Earl of Aylesford; b. 1853; m. 1875, Charles Murray, Esq., of Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service: el. son of the Rt. Hon. Murray, K. C. B.

Murray, Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Augustus, P.C.,K.C.B.,son of the 5th Earl of Dunmore; b. 1806; ed. at Eton and at Oriel Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1827; M.A. and Fellow of All Souls' 1832); was Groom in Waiting to H.M. 1837, and Master of H.M.'s Household 1837-44; appointed Sec. of Legation at Naples 1844; Agent and Consul-Gen, in Egypt 1846; Min. Plen. to the Swiss Confederation 1853; Envoy Extraor. and Min. Plen. to Persia 1854, to Saxony 1854, to Denmark 1866, and to Portugal 1867, which he resigned 1874; was in attendance to Said Pacha, Viceroy of Egypt 1866; has been an extra Groom in Waiting to H.M. since 1844: m. (i) 1850, Elizabeth (who d. 1851), youngest da. of the late James Wadsworth, Esq., of Geneseo, New- York; (2) 1862, Edith, da. of the ist Baron Castletown.

Murray, Hon. Edith (See Hon. Sir Charles A. Murray).

Murray, Hon. Dudley Oliphant, son of the gih Baron Elibank; b. 1846; served sometime in the R.N.; called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1870. 3, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C.; Union Club.

Murray, Hon. Montolieu Fox, h.a. to the 9th Baron Elibank.

Murray, Hon. Patrick Oliphant, son of the 8th Baron Elibank; b.

1819, entered the E.I.C. Madras Mil. 

Ser. 1839 ; became Lieut. 5th Native Infantry 1842, retired as Capt. 1853 : m. 1852 Harriet Phillips, da. of James Collom, Esq., of Hele Bridge Villa, Cornwall.

{{sc|Murray, Lady James. Elizabeth Marjory, da. of George Fairholme, Esq., of Greenknowe, m. 1851 Lord James Charles Plantagenet Murray, who d. 1874, brother of the 6th Duke of Athole. Otterburn, Northumberland.

Naesmyth, Hon. Lady Eleanor, da. of the 2nd Baron Lilford: in. 1839, as his 2nd wife, Sir John Murray Naesmyth, 4th Bart. Dalwick, Peeblesshire, N.B.

{{sc|Nagle, Lady Henrietta Caroline Chichester-, da. of the 4th Earl of Portsmouth: m. 1826 Joseph Chichester-Nagle, Esq., a J.P. for Devon. Calverleigh Court, Tiverton.