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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 619 Sec. in Diplo. Service 1862 ; trans- ferred to Copenhagen 1863, to Vienna 1865, to Berlin 1868, to Florence the same year, and to Berlin 1871 ; ap- pointed Sec. of Legation at Yedo, 1873 : m. 1870 May Lewis, da. of Charles W. Morgan, Esq., of Phila- delphia, U.S.A. Brit. Embassy, Yedo; Travellers' and St. James's Cliibf. PLUNKETT, Hon. George John, son of the gth Earl of Fingall, K.P. ; b. 1831 ; called to the Bar in Ireland 1855 ; unsuccessfully contested Meath Co. Jan. 1871. 33, Kildarc Street, Dublin; Athenaeum Club. PLUNKETT, Hon. Randall Pilgrim Ralph, h.a. to the 13111 Baron Louth. PLUNKETT, Hon. Thomas Oliver Westenra, son of the i2th Baron Louth ; b. 1838 ; appointed Ensign Royal Scots 1855 : Lieut. 1855, and Capt. 1864 ; retired 1866 ; served in the Crimea, and was wounded at the attack on the Redan before Sebastopol ; has the Crimean medal and clasp and the Turkish War medal ; served in the China Campaign 1860, including the taking of Sinho and Tang Ku, the occupation of Tien-sin and the surrender of Pekin ; has the China medal and two clasps ; is resident Magistrate in Longford : m. (i) 1862 Clara (who d. 1867), only child of John Kirkby, Esq., of Fern Bank, Sheffield ; (2)' 1874 Caroline, only da. of Col. Musters, of Briens- town, Longford. Sligo. PLUNKETT, Hon. and Rev. Wil- liam Matthew, son of the gth Earl of Fingall, K.P. ; b. 1824; ed. at Prior Park Coll., Bath ; was ist Lieut. 23rd Foot; is now a Priest in Roman Catho- licChurch. St.Mary s,Clapham,S. W. PLUNKET, Hon. Mrs. David, el. da. of the late Robert Aldridge Busby, Esq. : m. 1837 Hon. David Plunket who d. 1868 (son of the ist Baron Plunket). PLUNKET, Hon. Mrs. Robert, da. of the late Sir Robert Lynch-Blosse, Bart. : m. 1830 the Hon. and Very Rev. Robert Plunket, Dean of Tuani (son of the ist Baron Plunket), who d. 1857. POE, Hon. Elizabeth Mary Skef- fington, da. of the and Viscount Fer- rard, and of Harriet Skeffington, loth Viscountess Massereene : m. 1854 Wil- liam Thomas Poc, Esq., M.A., Bar- rister-at-Law. Glen Ban, Abbey Leix t Queen s Co. POLE, Lady Anna Carolina Chan- dos, da. of the 5th Earl of Harrington ; m. 1850 Edward Sacheverell Chandos Pole, Esq., who was High Sheriff of Derbyshire 1867, and d. 1873. Rad- burne Hall, Derby ; 13, Kensington Palace Gardens, W. POLIGNAC, Princess de. Hon. Maria Charlotte, da. of the ist Baron Rancliffe (title extinct] : m. (i) the Marquis de Choiseul ; (2) Prince Auguste Jules Armand Marie de Polignac, who d. 1847. POLLNITZ, Baroness de. Hon Isabella Drummond, da. of the i7th Baron Forbes : m. 1839 Baron Ernest de Pollnitz. POLLOK, Hon. Florence Made- line ; b. 1856 : m. 1873 John Pollok, Esq., of Lismaney, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway, andRonachan, Tarlert,N.B. POMEROY, Hon. Ernest Arthur George, h.a. to the 6th Viscount Harberton. POMEROY, Hon. Mrs. Henry, 3rd da. of the Rev. Robert Truell, D.D. : in. 1829 Hon. Henry Pomeroy (son of the 4th Viscount Harberton), who d. 1833- PONSONBY, Hon. Madeline Emily Augusta. (See Hon. and Rev. Mau- rice J. G. Ponsonby.) PONSONBY, Hon. Ashley George John, son of the ist Baron de Mauley ; /'. 1831 ; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll.,' Camb. ; was Capt. Grenadier Guards 1854-5 ; sat as M.P. for Cir- encester 1852-7, and 1859-65 ; is a D. L. and a J. P. for Gloucestershire, Middle- sex, and Westminster : m. 1857 Louisa Frances Charlotte, da. of Lord Henry Gordon. 9, Prince's Gardens, Hyde Park, South, S. W.; Hcatherfield, Ascot Heath, Staines ; Brooks' s, Tra- vellers' , and Army and Navy Clubs. PONSONEY, Lady Emily Charlotte, da. of the 3rd Earl Bathurst : m. 1825 Major-Gen, the Hon. Sir Frederick Cavendish Ponsonby, K.C.B. (who d. 1837). Hampton Court Palace.