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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 629 SANDILANDS, Hon. Francis Rob- ert, brother of the i2th Baron Tor- pichen ; b. 1847 ; is a Lieut. R.N.; received the "Albert Medal" 1875; raised to the rank of a Baron's son 1870. SANDILANDS, Hon. James, son of the roth Baron Torphichen ; b. 1821 ; ed. at Eton ; was Capt. 8th Hussars. 31, Prince ' s Gate, S. V. ; Army and Navy Club. SANDILANDS, Hon. John Hope, h.p. to the i2th Baron Torpichen. SANDYS, Hon. Marcus Windsor George, h.p. to the 4th Baron San- dys. SARTORIS, Hon. Mary, da. of the 6th Viscount Barrington : m. 1856 Alfred Sartoris, Esq. Abbotswood, Stow-on-the- Wold. SATGE, Hon. Harriet DE, da. of the ist Baron Langford ; b. 1809 : m. 1832 the Chevalier Antoine de Satge. SAUMAREZ, Hon. James St. Vin- cent, h.a. to the 3rd Baron De Sau- marez. SAUMAREZ, Hon. John St. Vin- cent, son of the 3rd Baron de Sau- marez ; b. 1845 ; entered the i4th Hussars 1864, became Lieut. 1866, and Capt. 1869 ; retired 1873. 41, Prince s Gate, Kensington, W. ; Naval and Military Club. SAUMAREZ, Hon. Mrs. Thomas Le Merchant Catherine Spencer Beres- ford, youngest da. of the late Lieut.- Col. Spencer Thomas Vassall : m. (i) 1829 the Hon. Thomas Le Merchant Saumarez (who d. 1834), son of the ist Baron Saumarez"; (2) 1841 the Rev. Eardley Wilmot Michell, of Shirley Vicarage, Derby. SAUNDERSON, Lady Eliza Wil- liamsa Anne, sister of the 3rd Earl of Portarlington : ?. 1847 Lieut. -Col. Hardress Luttrell Saunderson. SAUNDERSON, Hon. Helena Emily, da. of the 3rd Baron Ventry : m. 1865 Edward James Saunderson, Esq., late M.P. for Cavan. Castle Saunderson, Belturbet, Co. Cavan. SAUNDERSON, Lady Rachel Mary, da. of the 3rd Earl of Clonmel : in.. 1866 Llewellyn Traherne Bassett Saunderson, Esq. Dromkeen House, Co. Cavan. SAURIN, Lady Mary, da. of the ist Earl of Harrowby : m, 1828 Adm. Edward Saurin, son of the late Rt. Hon. William Saurin. 37, Prince s Gate, Kensington, S. W . SAUSSE, Hon. Lady. Charlotte Henrietta, da. of the i4th Baron Lovat : m. 1866 Sir Matthew Richard Sausse, Q.C., Ch. Justice of Bombay, who d. 1867. SAVILE, Hon.Mrs. Charles Stuart, da. of Major William John King, late of the sist Fusiliers ; m. (i) 1864 the Hon. Charles Stuart Savile, who d. 1870, son of the 3rd Earl of Mex- borough ; (2) 1871 Wallace James Harding, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. SAVILE, Hon. Lucy Georgina, da. of the 3rd Baron Braybrooke : m. 1852 the Hon. and Rev. Arthur Savile (who d. 1870), Rector of Foul- mire, Cambridgeshire. Hcydon House, Royston. SAVILE, Hon. and Rev. Philip Yorke, son of the 3rd Earl of Mex- borough ; b. 1814 ; ed. at Eton r.nd at Trin. Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1834): m. 1842 Emily Mary Brand, el. da. of William Hale, Esq., of King's Wai- den, Herts ; has been since 1841 Rec- tor of Methley, Leeds. SAXE-WEIMAR, Princess Edward of. Lady Augusta Catherine, da. of the 5th Duke of Richmond, K.G : m. 1851 Major-Gen. Prince Edward of Saxe- Weimar. Molecomb, Chichestcr,i6Por!- land Place, W.; United Service Club. SCARLETT, Hon. Lady. Char- lotte Anne, da. of Col. Hargreaves ; m. 1835 Lieut.-Gen. the Hon. Sir James " Yorke Scarlett, who d. 1871, son of the ist Baron Abinger ; Bank Hall, Burnley ; 25, Princes Terrace, Hyde Park, W. SCARLETT, Hon. Peter Campbell, C. B. , son of the ist Baron Abinger ; b. 1804 ; ed. at Eton ; was appointed Attache at Constantinople 1825, at Paris 1828, Paid Attache at Rio de Janeiro 1834, Sec. of Legation at Florence 1844, at St. Petersburg 1852, and again at Florence the same year, acting several times as Charge d' Affaires, Envoy Extraor. and Min.