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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. SETON, Hon. Mary Ursula, da. of the 2nd Viscount Sidmouth : m. 1841 Charles Miles Seton, Esq., late of the 85th Regt., of Treskerby, Cornwall. 10, Maida Hill West, W. SEYMOUR. (See ST. MAUR.) SEYMOUR, Hon. Eva Anna Caro- line. (See Lord William F.' E. SEYMOUR.) SEYMOUR, Lord Albert Charles, son of the 5th Marquess of Hertford ; b. 1847 ; served as Ensign in the 43rd Regt. 1867-71, when he became Lieut. Scots Fusilier Guards : m. 1872 Sarah, da. of the late John Moore Napier, Esq. SEYMOUR, Lady Augusta, da. of the ist Marquess of Bristol : m. 1832 as his 2nd wife, Frederick Charles William Seymour, Esq., who d. 1856. SEYMOUR, Lady Constance Ade- laide, da. of the 5th Marquess of Hertford ; b. 1852 ; was one of the Train-bearers to H.R.H. the Princess Louise, on her marriage with the Marquess of Lome 1871. SEYMOUR, Hon. Lady. Gertrude, da. of the 2ist Baron Dacre : m. 1831 Sir George Hamilton Seymour, P.C., G. C. B., G. C. H. 10, Grosvenor Crescent. SEYMOUR, Lord Ernest James, son of the 5th Marquess of Hertford ; b. 1850 ; is in the R.N. SEYMOUR, Lord William Fred- erick Ernest, brother of the 5th Mar- quess of Hertford ; served as a Mid- shipman in the Baltic 1854, for v/hich he has a medal ; entered the Cold- stream Guards as Ensign and Lieut. 1855, became Lieut and Capt. 1859, and Capt. and Lieut.-Col. 1867; was sometime a Cornet in the War- wickshire Yeo. Cav. ; raised to the rank of a Marquess's son 1871 : m. 1871 the Hon. Eva Anna Caroline, 6th da. of the ist Baron Penrhyn. SHAW, Hon. Frances, da. of the 2nd Baron Erskine : m. 1824 Gabriel Shaw, Esq., who d. 1851. SHAWE, Hon. Anne Jane Char- lotte, da. of the 4th Viscount Boling- broke : m. 1838 Lawrence Robert Shawe, Esq., who d. 1861, late of the 5th Dragoon Guards. SHELLEY, Lady Mary Jane Jemima, da. of the 5th Earl of Cour- town ; b. 1851 : m. 1869 Lieut.-Col. Shelley, late of the Scots Fusilier Guards. Thornbury House, Windsor; 35- Upper Grosvenor Street, W. SHERSON, Lady Anne Maria Nowell, da. of the 4th Marquess Townshend : m. 1854 Capt. Alexan- der Nowell Sherson. 23, Thurloe Square, S. W. SHORE, Hon. Charles John, h.a. to the 2nd Baron Teignmouth. SHORE, Hon. Frederick William John, son of the 2nd Baron Teign- mouth ; b. 1844 ; ed. at Harrow ; is a Lieut, in the Royal Artillery. Naval and Military Club. SHORE, Hon. Mrs. Frederic John, da. of George Cornish, Esq. ; b. 1800; m. 1830, the Hon. Frederic John, who d. 1837, son of the ist Baron Shore, Teignmouth. 7, The Terrace^ Putney. SHORE, Hon. Henry Noel, son of the 2nd Baron Teignmouth ; b. 1847 ; entered the R.N. 1862, became Sub- Lieut. 1868, and Lieut. 1873 ; has served on board H.M.S.'s "Edgar," ' ' Gibraltar, " " M inotaur, " "Nar- cissus," and " Endymion;" appointed to the " Lapwing," 1874. SIDNEY, Hon. Algernon, son of the 2nd Baron De L'Isle and Dudley : b. 1854 ; is a Lieut, in the Royal Ar- tillery. SIDNEY, Hon. Philip, h.a. to the 2nd Baron De L' Isle and Dudley. SIMEON, Hon. Lady Catherine Dorothea, sister of the nth Baron Colville : m. 1861, as his 2nd wife, Sir John Simeon, 3rd Bart., M.P., who d. 1870. 72, Eaton Place, S. W. SIMPSON, Lady Frances Laura BRIDGEMAN-, da. of the 5th Earl Fitzwilliam : m. 1837 the Rev. Wil- liam Bridgeman-Simpson, Rector of Babworth, near Retford. SINCLAIR, Hon. Mrs. John, da. of John Church, Esq. : m. 1833 Hon. John Sinclair (who d. 1861), son of the i2th Earl of Caithness. SKEFFINGTON, Hon. Oriel John Clotworthy Whyte Melville FOSTER-, h.a. to the nth Viscount Massereene.