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650 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE Laura, el. da. of Maj.-Gen. Maberly ; is with his Regt. at the Cape of Good Hope. Avonmouth, Chrtstchurch, Hants ; United Service and Junior United Service Clubs. WARD, Hon. Elizabeth Dorcas, da. of the 3rd Baron Dufferin and Clandeboye: m. 1839 Rear-Adm. James Hamilton Ward, R.N. (who d. 1873). Sydney Lodge, Torquay. VVARD,Hon. Mrs. Humble Dudley, da. of the late Thomas Hawkes, Esq. , of Himley House, Staffordshire, many years M.P. for Dudley: m. (i) 1843 the Hon. Humble Dudley Ward (who d. 1870), son of the loth Baron Dudley ; (2) 1872 John Gerald Leigh, Esq., of Luton Hoo, Bedfordshire. WARD, Hon. Somerset Richard Hamilton, son of the 3rd Viscount Bangor ; b. 1833 ; ed. at Royal Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; entered the 72nd Highlanders 1850, became Capt. i7th Foot 1858, and Adj. of a Depot Bat- talion 1859 ; served in the Crimea with the 72nd Regt., including the assaults on the Redan, the expedition to Kertch, and the siege and fall of Sebastopol ; served also in India during the Mu- tiny ; has the Crimean and the Indian medal and clasp ; was Capt. and Adj. N. Mayo Militia ; is a J.P. for Co. Down : m. 1859 Norah Mary Eliza- beth, da. of Lord George Hill, son of the 2nd Marquess of Downshire. Isle O' Valla House, Strangford, Co. Down ; Junior United Service Club. WARD, Henry William Crosbie. h.p. to the 4th Viscount Bangor. WARD, Hon. William John, son of the 3rd Viscount Bangor ; b. 1829 ; ed. at Rugby ; entered the R.N. 1843, became Lieut. 1850, Com. 1858, and Capt. 1864 ; was at the action of Fatshan Creek, and at the capture of Canton 1858 ; was British Naval Attache at Washington 1868 ; ap- pointed to H. M.S. "Research" 1871, and to the " Cambridge " 18 : m. 1875 Evelyn, youngest da. of Lieut. - Col. the Hon. Richard Hare, of St. Michael's Lodge, Stoke, Devonport. Army and Navy Club. WARDE, Lady Harriet, da. of the 6th Earl of Guilford ; b. 1836 : m. 1862 Lieut. -Col. George Warde, of Squerryes Court, Westerham, Kent. WARDLAW, Lady Horatia Eliza- beth, da. of the 6th Earl Waldegrave : m. (i) 1847 John Joseph Webbe Wes- ton, Esq., of Sutton Place, Surrey, whoa?. 1849 ; (2) 1854 John Wardlaw, Esq. 44, Prince s Gardens, W. WARDLAW- RAMSAY. (See RAM- SAY.) WARREN, Hon. John Byrne Lei- cester, h.a. to the 2nd Baron De Tabley. WATSON, Hon. Mrs. Richard, da. of Lord George Quin ; b. 1806 : m. 1839 Hon. Richard Watson, M.P. (who d. 1852), son of the 2nd Baron Sondes. za, Mansfield Street, W. WATSON-TAYLOR. (See TAYLOR.) WAUD, Hon. Elizabeth, da. of the 2nd Baron Heytesbury : m, 1859 Edward Wilkes Waud, Esq., a D.L. and a J. P. for the W. Riding of York, and el. son of Edward Waud, Esq., of Mansion Hall, and Chester Court, Yorkshire. WAY, Hon. Emmeline, da. of the ist Baron Stanley of Alderley : m. 1844 Albert Way, Esq., a D.L. and a J. P. for Surrey, and son of the late Rev. Lewis Way, of Stanstead Park, Sussex. Wonham Manor, Reigate. WAYNE, Hon. Eleanor Louisa, da. of the i4th Baron St. John of Bletsol; m. 1874 Herman Wayne, Esq., late Capt. xoth Regt. WEBB, Hon. Isabella Elizabeth Catherine, da. of the i3th Baron Saye and Sele: m. 1857 Capt. Richard Frederick Webb (M.A., Oxon), T.P and D.L. WEBBER, Hon. Alice Augusta Gertrude, da. of the 2nd Baron Sude- ley: m. 1861 Major Charles Edmund Webber, R.E. 91, Cornwall Gar- dens, Queen s Gate, IV. WEDDERBURN, Lady Helena, sister of the 6th Earl of Airlie: m. 1823 John Wedderburn, Esq., of The Prospect, Jamaica (who is deceased). WEEKES, Hon. Elizabeth Mostyn, da. of the 2nd Baron Mostyn ; b. 1832: m. 1 868 Nathaniel Weekes, Esq. Guil- lard's Oak, Sussex. WEGG-PROSSER. (See PROSSER.)