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6 S 2 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE E.I.C.S., of Beenham House, Berks. Knole, Sevenoaks ; Woodlands, Bar- net, Herts ; 15, Che ter Square, S. W. WEST, Hon. William Edward SACKVILLE-, son of the 5th Earl De- la- Warr ; b. 1830 ; ed at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1852, M.A. 1857); en- tered the Grenadier Guards 1856 ; became Lieut, and Capt. 1860, and Capt. and Lieut. -Col. 1869 ; retired 1870 : m. 1860 Georgina, da. of the late George Dodwell, Esq. , of Kevins- fort, Sligo. Guards Club. WESTENRA, Hon. Mrs. John Craven, da. of Lewis Charles Daubuz, Esq. : m. 1842 the Hon. John Craven Westenra (who d. 1874.) Sharravogue House, King's Co. , Ireland. WESTENRA, Hon. Richard Hamil- ton, h.p. to the 5th Baron Rossmore. WEYLAND, Lady Catherine, da. of the ist Marquess of Clanricarde, K. P. : m. 1850 John Weyland, Esq. Wood- eaton, Oxford ; Woodrising, Norfolk. WHALLEY, Hon. Lady Harriet Rose, sister of the 2nd Baron Ash- town : m. 1853, as his 2nd wife, Sir Samuel St. Swithen-Burden Whalley, who was M. P. for Marylebone, 1833-8. Aix-les-Bains, France. WHEBLE, Lady Catherine Eliza- beth, da. of the 3rd Earl of Howth, K.P. : m. 1850 James Joseph Wheble, Esq., a D.L. and a J.P. for Berks, of which Co. he was High Sheriff 1855. Bulmershe Court, Reading. WHITBREAD, Lady Isabella Char- lotte, da. of the 3rd Earl of Chiches- ter: m. 1855 Samuel Whitbread, Esq., M.P. for Bedford. 10, Ennis- more Gardens, Princes Gate, S. W. WHITBREAD, Lady Mary, da. of the 4th Earl of Albemarle : m. (i) 1826 Henry Frederick Stephenson, Esq., who d. 1858 ; (2) 1868 Samuel Charles Whitbread, Esq., F.R.S. Southill Park, Bedfordshire; 56, Rutland Gate, S. W. WHITE, Hon. Charles William, son of the ist Baron Annaly ; b. 1838 ; ed. at Harrow ; entered the Scots Fusilier Guards 1856, became Lieut, and Capt. 1860, Capt. and Lieut. -Col. 1870; unsuccessfully con- tested Co. Clare 1859, Dublin Co. 1865, and Dublin 1866 ; sat for Tip- perary (L.) 1866-75, when he accepted the office of Steward of H.M.'s Chil- tern Hundreds. 7, Minera Street, Chester Square, S. W. ; Woodlands, Dublin; Guards Club. WHITE, Hon. Louise Madeline, da. of the ist Baron Campbell and the Baroness Stratheden and Camp- bell: m. 1850 the Rev. William Spranger White, of The Brae, Rox- burghshire, and Rector of Potter Hanworth, near Lincoln. WHITE, Hon. Luke, h.a. to the ist Baron Annaly. WHITLEY-DEANS-DUNDAS. (See DUNDAS.) WHITSHED, Hon. Lady Elizabeth HAWKINS-, da. of the 2nd Baron Erskine: m. 1832 Sir St. Vincent Keene Hawkins- Whitshed, 2nd Bart. Killincarrick, Greystone, Wicklow ; Kinnaird House, Perthshire, N B WHYTE-MELVILLE. (See MEL- VILLE.) WICKHAM, Hon. Theresa Mary, el. da. of the nth Baron Arundell of Wardour: m. ( r ) 1861 Sir Alfred Joseph Doughty Tichborne, nth Bart., who d. 1866; (2) 1873 H. L. Wickham, Esq., late Capt. Rifle Bri- gade. Tichborne Park, Alresford, Hants. WIGRAM, Hon. Mary Anne, da. of the 5th Viscount Harberton : m. 1856 William Knox Wigram, Esq., Barris- ter-at-Law. Chesnuts, St. Margaret's, Twickenham. WILBRAHAM, Hon. Edward BOOTLE-, son of the ist Baron Skel- mersdale; b. 1807; ed. at Eton; for- merly Col. Coldstream Guards; is a D.L. and a J.P. for Lancashire: m, 1841 Emily, da. of James Ramsbot- tom, Esq., of Clewer Lodge, Windsor. Travellers Club. WILBRAHAM, Hon. Mrs. Richard BOOTLE-, da. of Sir Richard Brooke, 6th Bart.: m. 1832 the Hon. Richard Bootle-Wilbraham, M.P. (who ^.1844) el. son of the ist Baron Skelmersdale. Blythe Hall, Ormskirk, Lancashire. WILBRAHAM, Hon. Edward George BOOTLE-,/&.#. to the 2nd Baron Skelmersdale. WILBRAHAM, Lady Marian, da.