Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/779

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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS, SCOTT BROTHERS, pitine, Spirit, # Iter HOUSE' AGENTS, &c., 17, RUE DBS PETITS CARMES, BRUSSELS. Ij^AMILIES intending to reside in Brussels, either for a short or long term, should consult Messrs. SCOTT BROTHERS before finally making their arrangements, as they will have much pleasure in gratuitously advising upon all matters connected with forming a large or small establishment ; they have also a large quantity of Houses and Apartments to Let in the best positions, at moderate rents. SOLE AGENTS IN BELGIUM FOR IND, COOPE, & CO.'S CELEBRATED ROMFORD ALES AND STOUT, AND BURTON PALE AND OLD ALES. Every Description of "Wines and Spirits of the First Brands. LONDON AGENTS: SCOTT BROTHERS AND ROLFE, 4O9, STRAND, W.C. o Dooi-s ICnst oi A.delplii Theatre.)