Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/79

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THE ROYAL FAMILY. DUKE OF CONNAUGHT. ARTHUR WILLIAM PATRICK ALBERT, Duke of Connaught and of Stra- thern, Earl of Sussex, Duke of Saxony, and Prince of Saxe-Coburg Gotha, K.G. K.T. K.P. P.O. G.C.M.G. Born May 1st, 1850 ; entered the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1867; appointed Lieut. Royal Engineers, 1868, transferred as Lieut, to the Royal Artillery the same year, and to the Rifle Brigade, 18 , and as Capt. to 7th Hussars, 1874, and promoted to Major, 1875. Is Hon. Col. of the 28th Middlesex Rifle Volunteers. Has the order of the Black Eagle of Prussia. Creations, Duke of Connaught and of Strathern, and Earl of Sussex, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, 1874. Residence, DUKE OF CUMBERLAND. GEORGE FREDERICK ALEXANDER CHARLES ERNEST AUGUSTUS, 2nd Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale, in Great Britain ; Earl of Armagh, in Ireland, K.G. G.C.H. K.P. P.C., and Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg. Born May 27th, 1819, succeeded his father Nov. 18th, 1851 ; was King of Hanover, 185166: married Feb. 18th, 1843, Her Serene Highness the Princess Alexandrina Maria Wilhelmina Catherine Charlotte Theresa Henrietta Louisa Paulina Elizabeth Frederica Georgiana, daughter of his Serene Highness Joseph Frederick Ernest George Charles, Duke of Saxe- Altenburg; and has issue, Ernest Augustus Wm. Adolphus Geo. Fredk., Earl of Armagh, b. Sept. 21st, 1845, and two daughters, b. 1848, and 1849. Creations, Earl of Armagh, in the peerage of Ireland, and Duke of Cumberland and Teviotdale. in the peerage of Great Britain, 1799. Residence, Spiez, Bernese, Oberland. DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. GEORGE WILLIAM FREDERICK CHARLES, 2nd Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Tipperary, and Baron of Culloden, in the United Kingdom, K.G. K.P. G.C.B. G.C.H. G.C.M.G. P.C., son of Prince Adolphus Frederick, 7th son of King George III. Was born March 26th, 1819, succeeded his father July 8th, 1850. His Royal Highness is Grand Master of the Order oi St. Michael and St. George, Grand Cordon of the Legion of Honour, and Grand Cross of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, a Field-Marshal, and General Commanding-in-Chief, Colonel of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, of the Royal Engineers, of the Grenadier Guards, and of the 60th Regi- ment of Foot, Honorary Colonel of the City of London Rifle Volunteers, Chief Ranger of St. James's, the Green, Hyde, and Richmond Parks, President of the Royal Military College, of the Royal Military Asylum, and of Christ's Hospital ; Governor of King's College, &c. Creations, Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Tipperary, and Baron of Culloden, all in the peerage of the United Kingdom, 1801. Residence, Gloucester-house, Park-lane, V. Official Residence, Horse Guards, Whitehall, S.W. Clubs, United Service, White's, Travellers'. His Royal Highness has two sisters, living, The Princess Augusta Caroline Charlotte Elizabeth Mary Sophia Louisa, born July 19th, 1822; married June 28th, 1843, Frederick William Charles George Ernest Adolphus Gustavus, reigning Grand Duke of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, G.C.B., and has issue, living, Son, George Adolphus Frederick Augustus Victor Ernest Adalbert Gustavus William Wellington, Hereditary Grand Duke, b. July 22, 1848.