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DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. (Lady Huntingtower) : tn. 1851, Lord Huntingtower, who d. 1872, el. son of 6th Earl of Dysart. Residence, Ham House, Richmond, Surrey. The family of Burke settled in Ireland under Strongbow, and formerly possessed princely territories in Mayo, Galway, Roscommon, Tipperary, and Limerick. The 6th baronet was a lunatic, and the 8th baronet being declared an idiot, his estates were settled by Act of Parliament to pass immediately to his cousin, the next male heir. Sir John, who was subsequently created Knight of St- Jago on the field of battle. BURKE, Creation 1797, of Marble Hill, Galway. Sir HENRY GEORGE BURKE, 5th Baronet ; b. Nov. 3oth, 1859; s. his brother, Sir JOHN CHARLES, 1880 ; ed. at the Oratory, Birmingham, and at Trin. Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1879) ;. formerly Lieut. 4th Batn. Connaught Rangers, and a J.P. and D.L. for co. Galway (High Sheriff 1883). ^rms Erminois, a cross gules ; in the first quarter a lion rampant sable. Cnst A cat-a-mountain sejant-guardant proper, collared and chained or. Seat Marble Hill, Loughrea, co. Galway. Clubs Kildare Street, co. Galway. Brothers living THOMAS MALACHY, 6. Jan. 8th, 1864. Clubs, Co. Galway, Kildare Street. William Anthony, b. 1866 ; Bar. King's Inns, Dublin, 1890 : m. 1889, Coralie Evelyn Power, da. of the late Capt. Power Lalor, of Longorchard. Club, Kildare Street. Maurice Bernard, b. 1867 ; formerly Lieut. 4th Batn. Connaught Rangers. Ung roy, ung foy, ung Sisters living Julia Catherine Anne. Mary Clare Theresa. loy. Uncles living (sons of 2nd Baronet) Charles Granby, b. 1814; ed. at One king, one faith, one Christ's Coll., Camb. ; Bar. King's Inns, Dublin. 1838 ; formerly Master of '" Court of Common Pleas, Ireland ; is a J.P. for Dublin and Middlesex : m~ ist, 1843, Emma Jane, who d. 1869, da. of the late Ralph Creyke, Esq., of Rawcliffe Hall, and Marlon, York ; 2ndly, 1871, Anna Everilda, 2nd da. of George Legard, Esq. [see Legard, Bart., colls.], and has issue living (by ist marriage), Ulick Ralph (of 14, Ely Place, Dublin. Clubs, Carlton, Kildare Street), b. 1845; Bar. Middle Temple 1870; is Clerk of the Peace for co. Dublin; unsuccessfully contested Calne (C) 1880: m. 1868, Katharine, da. of James Bateman, Esq., F.R.S., of Worthing [see Grey-Egerton, Bart., colls.], and has issue living, Henry Ulick b. 1874, Mabel Emma, Hope Katharine, Sybil Mathilde, Granby James (of 30, Eccles Street, Dublin. Club, Kildare Street), b. 1850 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin (M.A. 1873) ; is a ist class Clerk and Registrar to the Receiver Judge, High Court of Justice, Ireland : m. 1888, Agnes Mary, da. of the Rev. A. K. H. Boyd, D.D., of St. Andrew's, Fife, N.B., Philippa Elizabeth : m. 1871, the Rev. Franc Sadleir (Principal Chap- lain to the Forces), of 4, Ennismore Gardens, Dover, Emma Frances, b. 1855. Residence, 68, Holland Road, Kensington, W. Club, St. Stephen's. Edward Howe, b. 1817. Residence. Drum Park, Athlone. Aunt living (daughter of 2nd Baronet) Caroline Jane. Residence, Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Maj.-Gen. James Harry Burke, 3rd son of 2nd baronet, b. 1816, </. 1882 : m. 1852, Marion Eliza, who d. 1892, da. of Mai. -Gen. B. Crispin : James Henry Thomas, R.N., b. 1853; became Com. 1887: >. 1878, Edith, da. of the late Capt. Powell John Comyn, and has issue living, James Howe Campbell Ulick, b. 1880. John Benja- min. 1854.- Henry Ulick, b. 1856. Hubert William Austin, R.N.,b. 1858; L.R.C.P. and L.R.C.S. Edin. 1883; appointed a Surg. R.N. 1884. Marion Agnes; is a nun. Gathering Mary Caroline. Elizabeth Mary Clare : in. 1891, Jerome John Mac-Mahon, Esq., M.D. Res^ dence, This family is a branch of that of which the Marquess of Clanricarde is the head. BURNABY, Creation 1767, of Broughton Hall, Oxfordshire. Sir HENRY BURNABY (who has not assumed the title), 5th Baronet, son of the late Capt. Edward A. C. Burnaby, R.N., 2nd son of ist Baronet; b. 1829; s. his brother, Sir WILLIAM EDWARD, 1881 ; formerly Lieut. R.N. : m. 1853, Carmen Maria, only child of the late Sefior Don Mariano Torrente, Intendente D'Ejercito, and member of the Spanish Parliament. Argent, two bars gules, in chief a lion passant per pale of the second and vert, tost Out of a mural crown a derm-lion rampant-guardant or, in the dexter paw a staff proper, thereon a flag gules. Pro rege. For tlie king. The ist baronet, Sir William Burnaby, Adm. of the Red, and some- time Adm. and Com.-in-Ch. at Jamaica, and in Gulf of Mexico, was High Sheriff of Oxfordshire 1764.