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9 8 DEBRETTS ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Marguerite : ?. 1846, Capt. William Augustus Tolleraache, brother of ist Baron Tollemache. Residence, 2, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W. The 6th baronet, Sir William, assumed in 1819, the surnames of Hume-Campbell, in accordance with the will of his great-uncle, Hugh, 3rd and last Earl of Marchmont. Campbell-Orde, see Orde. CARBUTT, Creation 1892, of Nanhurst, Cranleigh, Surrey. Sir EDWARD HAMER CARBUTT, ist Baronet, youngest son of the late Francis Carbutt, Esq., J.P., of Chapel Allerton, near Leeds ; b. 1838 ; formerly in business as a mechanical engineer ; was Mayor of Leeds 1878 ; is a M.I.M.E., and a M.I.C.E. ; sat as M.P. for Monmouth Dist. (Z) 1880-86 : /;/. 1874, the only da. of John Rhodes, Esq., J.P., of Potternewton, near Leeds. .^rms Per fesse or and argent, in chief an elephant statant proper, in base a rock proper, thereon a raven sable. Crest In front of a mount vert, a raven proper between two ears of wheat or. Seat Nanhurst, Cranlsigh, Surrey. Town Residence 19, Hyde In Of cord and concord. Park Gardens, W. Club Reform. GARDEN, Creation 1787, of Templemore, Tipperary. Sir JOHN CRAVEN GARDEN, 5th Baronet ; b. Jan. 3oth, 1854 ; s. his father, .Sir JOHN CRAVEN, 1879 ; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll.. Camb. ; formerly Lieut. Queen's Co. Militia j is a J.P. for CD. Tipperary (High Sheriff 1882) : m. 1891, Sybil Martha, da. of the late Gen. Valentine Baker, and has issue. ^ras Argent, a mascle gules between three pheons sable. Crest A pheon sable. Seat Templemore Abbey, co. Tipperary. Son living JOHN VALENTINE, b. Feb. 6th, 1892. Brothers living Henry Charles, b. 1855 ; formerly Capt. ist Batn. Devonshire Regt. : m. i8Si, Blanche Catherine, da. of Rear-Adm. John Parry Jones-Parry, of Thelwall Hall, Cheshire, and has issue living, Fide et amore. Henry Craven, b. Dec. 23rd, 1882, Humphry John, b. 1886. With faith and love. Frederick Richard, b. 1856: m. 1885, Miriam, da. of . Beale, Esq., and has issue living, Frederick Craven, b. 18 , Helen Mary, Pattie, Coldstream James, b. 1857 ; is Capt. Connaught Rangers, and Adj. sth Vol. Batn. King's (Liverpool Regt.) ; served in S. African war 1881, and in Soudan campaign 1885 : m. 1891, Rose Margaret Ponton, da. of D. Johnstone, Esq., of Croy Shandon, Dumbartonshire. Derrick Alfred, b. 1875. Sisters living Julia Ellen Beatrice: m. 1889, George Edward De Vere Kennedy, Esq. [see Kennedy, Bart.]. Norah lerne. Half-Sisters living Harriet Caroline. Beatrice Georgina : m. 1868, Major George Hastings Brooke, Adj. 4th Batn. Prince of Wales's Leinster Regt. (Roy. Canadians) [see Brooke, of Cole- brooke, Bart., colls.]. Residence, Uncle living (son of 3rd Baronet) Henry Daniel, b. 1822 ; served in sand Regt. 1840-47 ; is a D.L. and J.P. for Queens co., and Hon. Col. 4th Batn. Prince of Wales's Leinster Regt. (Roy. Canadians) : m. 1847, Catharine, da. of John Parry de Winton, Esq., of Maesderwen, Brecon, and has issue living, Henry Parry, b. 1854 ; is Major ist Batn. Duke of Cornwall's L.I. ; served in Egyptian campaign 1882, and in Soudan expedition 1884-5 > was sometime attached to Egyptian Army (3rd class Medjidieh), Frances Mary: in. 1871, Major John Aldridge (formerly Capt. 2oth Regt.), Caroline Elizabeth Mary. Residence, Portarlington. Aunts living (daughteis of 3rd Baronet) Elizabeth Catherine: in. 1837, Lorenzo Nichson Izod, Esq., and has issue living, William Henry, b. 1837 ; Col. (retired) R.A. ; is Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col. 5th Batn. Roy. Irish Regt., and a D.L. for co. Kilkenny, Frederick Kevan, b. 1845 : "' 1880, Mary Frances, da. of the late John Thomas Hamill-Stewart, of Fullwood Park, Cheltenham, Lionel, b. 1858 : ui. 18 , Ethel, da. of Roberts, Esq., Edith Harriet Sophia: m. 1876, Evans Charles Johnson, Esq., M.C.S., Caroline Frances, Julia : ;. 1885, Fleetwood Rynd, Esq. Resi- dence, Chapelizod House, Thomastown, co. Kilkenny. Sarah Sophia: ;. 1842, John Trant, Esq., who d.. 1887, and has issue living, Fitzgibbon, b. 1849 ; formerly Lieut. 72nd Highlanders ; is a J.P. for co. Tipperary, and Lieut.-Col. 4th Batn. Roy. Irish Regt. : t. 1882, Georgina Emily, da. of Philip Jocelyn Newton, Esq., of Dunleckney Manor, Bagnalstown, co. Carlow. Frederick Ion, b. 1856, John Francis, b. 1858; formerly Lieut, (h.p. active list); is Capt. 4th Batn. Roy. Irish Regt. ; served in S. African war 1881, Caroline Frances, Sarah Louisa: tit. 1864, Francis Wise Low, Esq., of Kilshane, co. Tipperary, Eleanor Nina: ;. 1878, the Rev. Richard W. H. Nash, who d. 1888, R. of Kilmanagh, Callan, co. Kilkenny, Emily Henrietta, Alice Sophia, Florence Rose : m. 1883, Thomas Henry Bruen Ruttledge, Esq., Arabella Maude. Residence, Dovea, Thurles, co. Tipperary. Frances Mary: ;. 1867, the Rev. Telford Macdonogh, formerly