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154 DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Sister living Theodosia Selina (Countess of Cotten!iani): m. 1870, the 3rd Earl of Cottenham, who d. 1881. Residence, 94, Queen's Gate, S.W. Widow living Of 2nd Baronet FRANCES HENRIETTA (Hon. Lady Dallas), da. of the ist Baron Ellenborough, and widow of Charles dos Voeux, Esq. : tn. 1841, Sir Robert Charles Dallas, and baronet, who d. 1874. Residence, 17, Ashburn Place, Cromwell Road, S.W. The Dallas family, of great antiquity in the counties of Elgin and Nairn, derives its name from the locality in which the clan was originally settled. The ist baronet, of the H.E.I.C., was M.P. for Newport, Isle of Wight, 1800. His elder brother, the Right Hon. Sir Robert Dallas, was Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas 1817-24. DALRYMPLE, Creation 1887, of New Hailes, Inveresk, Midlothian. Sir CHARLES DALRYMPLE, ALP., ist Baronet, 2nd son of Sir Charles Dalrymple-Fergusson, 5th Bart. ; b. Oct. I5th, 1839; ed. at Harrow, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. third class Classics 1862, M.A. 1865) ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1865 ; was a Junior Lord of the Treasury 1885-6; is a J.P. and a D.L. for co. of E. Lothian, and a J.P. for Mid- Lothian and Ayrshire ; assumed in 1849 the surname of Dalrymple on suc- ceeding to the estates of his great grandfather, Sir David Dalrymple, Bart. (Lord Hailes); sat as M.P. for Buteshire (C) Nov. 1868 to March 1880, and from July 1880 to Nov. 1885 ; unsuccessfully contested Buteshire April 1880, and Edinburgh- shire Nov. 1885; has sat as M.P. for Ipswich (C) since April 1886 : m. 1874, Alice Mary, who d. 1884, 2nd da. of Sir Edward Hunter-Blair, 4th Bart., and has issue. 3rois Quarterly : ist and 4th, or, on a saltire azure, nine lozenges of the field ; 2nd and 3rd, azure, an arming buckle argent between three boars' heads, or. Crtst A rock proper, over which the motto " Firme." Seats New Hailes, Musselburgh ; Ardencraig, Isle of Bute, N. B. Town Residence 5, Onslow Houses, S.W. Clubs Carlton, Athenaeum. Son living DAVID CHARLES HERBERT, t>. March 2 9 th, 1879. Daughters living -Christian Elizabeth Louisa. Alice Mary. Brother living [See Fergusson, Bart., cr. 1703.]. Dalrymple-Hay, see Hay. Dalrymple-Horn-Elphinstone, see Elphinstone. HAMILTON-DALRYMPLE, Creation 1697, of North Berwick, Haddingtonshire. Sir WALTER HAMILTON-DALRYMPLE, 8th Baronet ; b. Jan. 6th, 1854 ; s. his father, SV'rJOHN WARKENDER, 1888; is a J.P. and a D.L. for Haddingtonshire; assumed in 1889 the additional surname of Hamilton : m. 1882, Alice Mary, da. of the late Maj.-Gen. the Hon. Sir Hugh Henry Clifford, K.C.M.G., C.B., V.C. [see B. Clifford], and has issue. ^rms -Quarterly : ist and 4th, grand quarters, or on a saltire azure between two water-bougets on the flanks sable, nine lozenges of the field ; 2nd and 3rd, grand quarters; quarterly ist and 4th, gules, three cinquefoils. ermine; 2nd and 3rd, argent, a lymphad with sails furled sable, all within a bordure, argent charged with human hearts gules and azure placed alternately, Hamilton. Crrst A rock proper. Supporters Dexter, a lion guardant gules ; sinister, a falcon proper. Seats Luchie, North Berwick ; The Lodge, North Berwick. Club Wellington. Sons living HEW CLIFFORD, b. Aug. nth, 1888. John, b. 1889. Daughters living Agnes Mary, b. 1884. Mnrjorie, b. 1885. Sibyl, b. 1887. Sister living Virginia Julian: >u. 1876, Francis Henry Champneys, Esq., M.D., and has issue iving, Montague Weldon, b. 1878, John Dalrymple, b. 7880,, Weldon, t. 1892, Margaret De 1 L'Etang, b. Resilience, 42, Upper Brook Street, W. Aunts living (daughters of 5th Baronet) Janet : >//. 1847, the Rev. James George Curry Fussell, M.A., whorf. 1883, and has issue living, James Thomas Richard (Clubs, Oxford and Cambridge, New). />. 1848; Bar. Inner Temple 1872, Mary Feilding Janet Warrender. Residence, The Chantry, Frome. Patricia DALKY.MPLE. Residence, Gluth, Truro, Cornwall. Widows living Of 6th and 7th Baronets FRANCES ELIZABETH (Lady Dalrymple), da. of Robert Arkwriglit, Esq., of Sutton Scarsdale, Derbyshire: /. 1852, Sir Hew Hamilton Dalrymple, who*/. 1887. Residence, Luchie, North Berwick. SOPHIA (Lady Dalrymple), da. of the late James Pattle, Esq., B.C.S. : ;. 1847, Sir John Warrender Dalrymple, ?th baronet, who d. 1888. Residence, The Lodge, North Berwick.