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ijo DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. DORINGTON, Creation 1886, of Lypiatt, co. Gloucester. Sir JOHN EDWARD DORINGTON, M.P., ist Baronet, el. son of the late John Edward Dorington, Esq., of Lypiatt Park, Gloucestershire, by Susan, da. of Joseph Godman, Esq., of Park Hatch, Surrey ; b. July 24th, 1832 ; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1854, M.A. 1857); formerly' Hon. Major Gloucestershire Yeo. _ Cav., and Chm. of Quarter Sessions for Gloucestershire ; is a J.P., a D.L., and Chm. of the County Council (Councillor for Bisley Div.) for Gloucestershire, and a Commr. in Lunacy ; sat as M.P. for Stroud (C) Nov. 1873 to Jan. 1874, when he was defeated, and May to July 1874, when he was unseated ; unsuccessfully contested E., or Cirencester, Div. of Gloucestershire Dec. 1885 ; has sat for N., or Tewksbury, Div. of Gloucestershire since July 1886 : m. 1859, Georgina Harriet, da. of William Speke, Esq., of Jordans, Ilminster. Drills Per fesse sable and azure, three bugle horns argent stringed gules, within a bordure invected argent. Crtst A stag's head erased proper, charged with a bugle horn sable, stringed gules, in front thereof an arrow fessewise proper. Seat Lypiatt Park,! Stroud. Town Residence 30, Queen Anne's Gate, S.W. Clubs Carlton, Athenaum. Strepitus non terret ovantem. Doughty-Tichborne, see Tichborne. DOUGLAS, Creation 1777, of Carr, Perthshire. Sir ARTHUR PERCY DOUGLAS, 5th Baronet ; b. 1845 ; s. his father, Gen. Sir ROBERT PERCY, 1891 ; formerly Lieut. R.N. ; is Staff Officer of Artillery, and Inspector of Artillery Stores, New Zealand : m. 1871, Mary Caroline, da. of the late Rev. William Foster, M.A., of Stub- bington House, Fareham, and has issue. $rms Quarterly : ist and 4th, argent, a man's heart gules ensigned with an imperial crown proper, on a chief azure three mullets of the first ; 2nd and 3rd, gules, three piles argent issuant from the base; in chief two mullets of the last. Jmppflrttrs On either side a wild man wreathed about the loins and temples, holding in his exterior hand a club, all proper, and charged on the breast with a Maltese cross argent. Crtst A wild boar proper striking between two clefts of an oak tree a chain and lock holding them together. Residence Wellington, New Zealand. Be sure. Daughters living Laura Beatrice. Annie Margaret. Claudine Josephine. Sisters living Anne Penelope Harriet (Lady Lmv): tn. 1885, Sir Hugh Low, G.C.M.G. Resi- dence, 23, De Vere Gardens, Kensington, W. Helen Mary. Half-Brother living JAMES STEWART, b. 1859; is Capt. R.A. ; served in Zulu campaign 1879 (medal) : in. 1891, Ada Constance, da. of Lieut.-Gen. E. H. Fisher, R. A., of Dover. Half-Sisters living Jessie Campbell : m. 1883, Berkeley Portman, Esq. {.see V. Portman, colls.]. Residence, Ba.theaston Lodge, Bath. Rose Ella. Emma Hope. Margaret Augusta : . 1886, the Rev. James Arthur Hervey, son of the Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells. Residence, Alfreton Vicarage, Derbyshire. Widow living Of 4th Baronet LOUISA (Lady Douglas), da. of the late Robert Lang, Esq., of Moor Park, Farnham : m. 1856, as his second wife, Gen. Sir Robert Percy Douglas, 4th baronet, who d. 1891. ' Residence, St. George's Lodge, Winchester. Sir Charles, the ist baronet, a distinguished naval officer, forced a passage up the St. Lawrence to The 3rd baronet, Gen. Sir Howard, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., K.C.S., F.R.S., was Col. of istn Foot, and served in the Peninsular war ; he was Governor of New Brunswick 1824-9, Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands 1835-40, and M.P. for Liverpool (C) 1842-7. Gen. Sir Robert Percy, 4th baronet, was Lieut. -Gov. of Jersey 1858-63, and Lieut.-Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. at Cape of Good Hope 1863-8.