Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/29

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DEB RETT ADVERTISEMENTS. 2T LANGHAM' HOTEL, PORTLAND PLACE, LONDON, W. Walter Gosden, Manager. The situation (top of Regent Street and close to Bond Street) is most Healthy, Fashionable, and convenient for the best Shops, &c., &c. TABLE D'HOTE AT SEPARATE TABLES (open to non-residents}. Wedding Receptions, Luncheons and Dinners. SERVICE "A LA CARTE, from 8 a.m until 11.45 P- m - Moderate Tariff. ARTESIAN WELL WATER. LIGHTED THROUGHOUT BY ELECTRICITY. Position of Hotel 95 feet above Thames high water mark* TELEGRAPHIC ADDBESS " LANGHAM, LONDON." BRISTOL HOTEL, BURLINGTON GARDENS, LONDON, W. This Family Hotel, situated between Bond Street and Regent Street, and near Piccadilly, is furnished with every possible comfort and modern improvement. ELECTRIC LIGHT THROUGHOUT. HYDRAULIC LIFT. The very complete List of Choice Wines, and the high character of the French Cuisine, have obtained great reputation. The Restaurant is open to Non-Residents. For further particulars please apply to J. LERSUNDI, Manager.