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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. 81 Handsomely bound in cloth gilt, crown 8vo., price 6s. BISMARCK INTIME. BY A FELLOW STUDENT. The late EARL GRANVILLE, in writing, said : " / am reading ' Bismarck Intime' with the greatest interest." A With Photo-Portrait of PBINCE BISMAECK and full-page Portraits of the EMPEEOES WILLIAM I. and II., VON MOLTKE, and BISMABCK. Bismarck as a Student. Bismarck as a Young Man. Bismarck's Marriage. Bismarck's Home. Bismarck's Character. Bismarck in the Reichstag. Bismarck's Popularity. Bismarck's Witty Sayings. Anecdotal Appendix. This attractive and well illustrated volume bristles with most interesting and characteristic anecdotes of the private life of the great ex-Chancellor. PUBLIC OPINION. '-The volume extends to nearly three hundred pages, and all are full of interest, information, anecdote and shrewd observation, and the work holds one fascinated from beginning to end. It is THE BOOK OF THE DAY, and one that everyone must read, for it is a book that will be the talk of Society." IRISH TIMES. "A brisk and picturesque sketch of Bismarck's career from earliest days down to the present time, enlivened by innumerable anecdotes, gathered with the steady object of bringing a striking and curious individuality well within view of the general mind." London : DEAN & SON, Limited, 160a, Fleet Street, E.G.