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2 68 DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Cses; Grandson of the late Rev. Charles James Hawkins (ante) : Issue of the late Caesar Hugh Hawkins, Esq., Com. R.N., b. 1841, d. iR88 : m. 1888, Annit Beatrice, da. of the late George Wills, Esq., of 3, Worcester Villas, Clifton :

ar Hugh George Wills (posthumous), b. 1889.

Grandchildren of the late Rev. Edward Hawkins (infra) :

ue of the late Rev. Edward Hawkfns, D.D., b. 1789, d. 1882
HI. 1828, Mary Anne. vl

Issue of the late Francis Hawkins, Esq., M.D., 6. 1794, d. 1877 "* ist > ^S 1 , Hester, who d. 1847, da. of the Rt. Hon. Sir John Vaughan ; 2ndly, 1859, Sarah Jane, who d. 1890, da. of George Haywood, Esq. , of Park Hall, Derbyshire :- , ... , & -iuubc, vv iiniiebier. -A ft', neury uciiucuiiiii^, b. 1843 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1866); is V. of Lytham, and Hon. Canon of Manchester : vi. 1873, Lydia Constance, who if. 1880, da. of George Charnley Dewhurst, Esq., of Beechwood, Lymm, Chester. Residence, Lytham, Lancashire. Hester Lucretia Eliza. Issue of the late Rev. Edward Hawkins, 5th son of ist baronet, b. 17 , d. 1806 : m. 1787, Margaret, who d. 1850, da. of the Rev. Thomas Howes, of Morningthorpe, Norfolk : Rev. Robert, b. 1805 ; ed. at Pemb. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1827, M.A. 1830) ; is V. of Lamberhurst : The ist baronet was Serjeant-Surgeon to George II. and George III. HawMns-Whitshed, see Whitshed. HAWLEY, Creation 1795, of Leybourne Grange, Kent. Sir HENRY JAMES HAWLEY, 4th Baronet ; b. July I4th, 1815; s. his brother, Sir JOSEPH HENRY, 1875 : m. ist, 1837, Elizabeth, who d. 1871, da. of Robert Askew, Esq. ; 2ndly, 1877, Maria Selina, who d. 1877, da. of Edward J. Morant Gale, Esq. fjatron of <9iu Jibing Leybourne R., Kent. ^nns Vert, a saltire engrailed or. Crest A dexter arm in armour proper, garnished or, holding in the hand a spear in bend sinister, point downwards. Seat Leybourne Grange, near Maidstone. Residence Hoove Lea, Cliftonviile, Brighton. Sisters living Augusta Harriet . m. 1839, the Rev. John Hamilton, who d. 1891, V. of Lynsted, and has issue living, John (of 93, Elm Park Gardens, S.W. Club, Junior Carlton), b. 1850 : m. 1883, Helen, da. of Gen. Charles Crutchley, of Sunninghill Park, Ascot, and has issue living. John b. 1884, Charles Eliott b. 1888, George Frederick b. 1890, Julia Helen, George Trayton Eliott, b. 1854 : m. 1878, Anna, da. of William Farrer, Esq., Elizabeth Anna : m. 1870, Major Walter James M'Grigor, who d. 1891 [see M'Grigor, Bart., colls.], of 3, Upper George Street, Bryanston Square, W. , Cordelia Eleanor : in. 1877, Major Robert Evans Montgomery, formerly R.M.L. I., Mary Grace: m. 1874, Capt. Charles Sheldon Pearce Woodruffe, R.N., of Old Roar House, Silver Hill, Hastings, Adela Louisa : m. 1874, Octavius Roper Tyler, Esq. Ellen Catherine. Daughters living Of 3rd Baronet Mildred Catherine : m. 1869, Col. Barnngton Bulkley Douglas Campbell {see B. Blythswood]. Residence, 13, Manchester Square, W. Morna Georgina : m. 1874, Percy Fitzhardinge Raymond-Barker, Esq., J.P. see E. Ducie, colls.]. Residence, East Burnham Grove, Slough. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Rev. Henry Charles Hawley, 3rd son of 2nd baronet, b. 1823, d. 1877 : m. 1845, Mary, da. of Sir Michael Cusac-Smith, Bart. : HENRY MICHAEL, b. March 2 5 th, 1848 : ed. at Radley, and at Queen's Coll., Oxford ; is a J. P. for Lincolnshire: m. 1875, Frances Charlotte, da. of John Wingfield -Stratford, Esq. [see V. Powers- court, colls.], of Addington Park, near Maidstone, and has issue living, Henry Cusac Wingfield, b. 1876, Cyril trancis, b. 1878, Michael Charles, b. 1879, -Gladys Florence, Olive Victoria. Residence, Tumby Lawn, Boston. Club, Constitutional. Rer. Charles Cusac, b. 1851 ; ed. at Radley, and at Jesus Coll., Camb. ; is R. of Leybourne. Residence, Leybourne Rectory, near Maidstone. Club, New University. Frederick William, b. 1854; Radley. Arthur Cecil, b. 1862. Edith Catherine. Ada Mary. Kathleen Augusta. Mary Blanche. Ethel Maud. Nina Cicely.