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DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. has issue living, Elizabeth Hester Georsrina Marie Ord : in. 1891, Capt. R. C. Wilson, formerly 6oth Rifles. Residence, 21, Chesham Street, S.W. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late William Thomson Honyman, Esq., 5th son of tst baronet, b. 1797, d. 1827 : m. 1813, Catherine, da. of Robert Thomson, Esq., of Mansfield, co. Ayr: Mary MacQueen : ;. 1836, Michael Thomson-Carmichael, Esq., who d. 1875, and has issue living, John Alston Hay, b. 1860; is Major 3rd Batn. The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), Catherine, Mary Jane Douglas: Jit. 1867, Henry John Coventry, Esq., W.S., of Alma Lodge, Strathearn Road, Edinburgh, and has isMie living, George Henry Douglas b. 1868, Michael William b. 1870, Frederick Satterthwaite b. 1873, Charles Edward b. 1878, Ida Mary, Wilhelmina: in. 1875, Major Richard Rostron Voting, formerly 2nd Batn. Black Watch (Royal Highlanders), and has issue living, Lawrence William Rostron b. 1889. Residence, Amisfield House, Haddington, N.B. Sir William, ist baronet, was a Lord of Session in Scotland with the courtesy title of Lord Armadaie. He traced his descent to Sir Robert Stewart, a natural son of James V., who was created Earl of Orkney by Queen Mary. Sir Ord, the 3rd baronet, commanded the Grenadier Guards ; and Sir George, the 4th baronet, was a Justice of the Common Pleas. HONYWOOD, Creation 1660, of Evington, Kent. Sir JOHN WILLIAM HONYWOOD, 8th Baronet; b. April I5th, 1857 ; s. his father, Ar COURTENAY, 1878; formerly Lieut. 2nd Derby Militia, and Lieut. E. Kent Yeo. Cav. ; is a J.P. and a County Councillor (Bridge Div. ) for Kent : m. 1877, Zaidee Emily Isuelte, da. of John Bodychan Sparrow, Esq., of Gwyndu, Anglesey, and has issue. patron of ne gibing (Alt. with Archbishop of Canterbury) Waltham V., Kent. $rms Argent, a chevron between three hawks' heads erased azure. Crtst A wolfs head couped ermine. Seat Evington Place, Ashford, Kent. Omne bonum desuper. Every good thing is from Son living-COURTENAY JOHN, b. May 2 9 th, 1880. abmie. Daughters living Zaidee Violet. Hilda Catharine. Brothers living Philip Courtenay, b. 1858. Wyndham (twin), b. 1858 ; formerly Lieut. S. Wales Borderers. Cecil Robert, b. 1862. Reginald Ernest, b. 1863. Guy, b. 1871. Sisters living Annie Mabel. Violet Constance Evelyn. Aunts living (daughters of 6th Baronet) Emma Mary: m. 1863, Robert Alured Denne, Esq., a J.P. and D.L. for Kent. Residence, Lydd, Folkestone. Louisa Anne. Marion Grace: m. 1869, the Rev. John Theed Watson, R. of Woodford, and has issue living, John Edward, b. 1872, Charles Joseph, />. 1874, Arthur Edmund Honywood, b. 1884, Alexander Henry St. Croix, b. 1885, Mary Caroline, Margaret Grace, Dorothy Elizabeth, Cicely Magdalene Baw- tree, Etheldreda Lilian, Florence Jacoba, Geraldine Isabel, Constance Mary. Residence Woodford Rectory,! near Thrapstone. Florence Elizabeth: ;;/. 1867, the Rev. Edward William Northey, and has issue living, Edward, b. 1868, Charles Henry, b. 1873, William, b. 1876, Francis Vernon, b. 1881, Florence Isabel: OT. 1889, Frank Richardson, Esq., Mildred Louisa: m. 1892, Archie Stewart Buckle, Esq., Lieut. R.A., Mary, Hilda, Gwendolen, Muriel. Resi- dence, Woodcote House, Epsom. Son living Of 5th Baronet William, b. 1814 ; is a J.P. for Berks, and Hon. Col. Berks Yeo. Cav. : m. 1844, Barbara Henrietta, da. of the late James Whyte, Esq., of Pilton House, Devon. Resi- lience, 52, Warwick Square, S.W. Clubs, Carlton, Constitutional. Daughter living Of 5th Baronet Elizabeth Josepha. Residence, WidOW living Of 7th Baronet ANNIE MARIA (Lady Honywood), da. of William Paynter, Esq., of 21, Belgrave Square, S.W. : in. 1855, Sir Courtenay Honywood, 7th baronet, who d. 1878. Residence, 22, South Eaton Place, S.W. This is a very old Kentish family. The ist baronet, Sir Edward Honywood, lent Charles II. .3,000, and received in lieu of payment a patent of baronetcv. FULLER-ACLAND-HOOD, Creation 1809, of St. Audrles, co. Somerset. Sir ALEXANDER FULLER-ACLAND-HOOD, M.P., 4th Baronet; b. Sept. 26th, 1853; s. his father, Sir ALEX- ANDER BATEMAN PERIAM, 1892 ; ed. at Eton, at Balliol Coll., Oxford, and at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; formerly Capt. Grenadier Guards ; is a J.P. and a County Councillor (Bridg- water Div. ) for Somerset, and h.p. to the Baronetcy of Harting- ton [see Scott, Bart., cr. 1806] ; has sat as M.P. for Somerset, W., or Wellington, Div. (C) since 1892 ; served in Egyptian campaign 1882 (medal with clasp, 5th class Medjidie, and bronze star) ; was A.D.C. to Gov. of Victoria 1889-91 : m. 1888, the Hon. Mildred Rose Eveleigh-de-Moleyns, da. of 4th Baron Ventry, and has issue. Jealous. J)ntnm of to0 ;ibings Dodington R., West Quantoxhead R., Somersetshire. &nna Quarterly: ist and 4th, grand quarters quarterly; ist and 4th, azure, a fret argent, on a chief sable three crescents or, Hood ; 2nd, cheeky argent and sable, a fesse, Aclcind', 3rd, argent,