Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/370

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292 DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. HUNTER, Creation 1812, of London. Sir CHARLES RODERICK HUNTER, 3rd Baronet ; b. July 6th, 1858; s. his father, Sir CLAUDIUS STEPHKN PAUL, 1890; ed. at Eton; formerly Capt. 4th Batn. Rifle Brig. (Prince Consort's Own); sometime A.D.C. to Lieut. - Gen. Comdg. in Canada ; is Major gth Vol. Batn. Kind's Roy. Rifle Corps : m. 1887, Agnes Lillie, el. da. of Adam Kennard, Esq., of Crawley Court, Winchester, and has issue. ^rms Quarterly : ist and 4th, or, a lion rampant gules between eight cross-crosslets patee-fitchee sable ; 2nd and 3rd, argent, a bear salient sable muzzled or. Casts ist, a demi-lion rampant holding in his paws a cross- crosslet as in the arms ; 2nd, a demi-bear as in the arms. Seat Mortimer Hill, Reading. Clubs Naval and Military, Tra- vellers'. Son living RONALD CLAUDE, b. Aug. sth, 1888. Sister living Constance Janet. WidOW living Of 2nd Baronet CONSTANCE (Lady Hunter), da. of William Ives Bosanquet, Esq. : ;. 1852, Sir Claudius Stephen Paul Hunter, 2nd baronet, who d. 1890. Residence, Mortimer Hill, Reading. The ist baronet, Sir Claudius, D.C.L., and Col. of the Royal London Militia, was Lord Mayor of London 1811-12. Hunter-Blair, see Blair. Milbanke-Huskisson, see M banke. SYNGE-HUTCHINSON, Creation 1782, of Rathsalla, Wicklow. Sir EDWARD SYNGE-HUTCHINSON, 4th Baronet, son of the late Francis Synge-Hutchinson, Esq., only son of 3rd Baronet; b. Aug. 3ist, 1830; s. his grandfather, the Rev. Sir SAMUEL, 1846 ; ed. at Eton ; was successively Lieut. 6th Dragoons, 5th Dragoons, and 48th Regt. ; served in Crimea (medal with clasp). rms Quarterly : ist, per pale azure and gules, a lion rampan ermine between nine cross-crosslets or ; 2nd and 3rd, quarterly, ist and 4th, azure, three millstones argent ; 2nd and 3rd, argent, an eagle displayed with two heads sable ; 4th, gules, two lions passant argent. Crests ist, a cockatrice issuing out of a ducal coronet all proper : 2nd,' an eagle's talon issuing from a ducal coronet all proper. gH0tto obtr ftrtst " Ccelestia canimus " (ll-'e sing- of heavenly things). Non sibi sed toti. .SVrt^-Coolmoney, Stratford-on-Slaney, co. Wicklow. Clubs Army Not for himself, but for and Navy, St. George's Yacht, Sackville Street. the whole community. Brother living COOTE, b. 1832 ; ed. at Eton ; entered 2nd Dragoon Guards 1850, became Major 1858, Lieut.-Col. 1859, Col. 1866, Maj.-Gen. 1877, and retired Lieut.-Gen. 1881 ; served during Indian Mutiny 1858-9 (medal with clasp). Residence, 17, Stratford Place, W. Clubs, Army and Navy, United Service, Turf, St. George's Yacht, Salisbury. Sister living Fanny Dorothy: m. ist, 1846, James Hewitt, Esq., who d. 1851, leaving issue [see V. Lifford, colls.] ; 2ndly, 1853, David Philip Browne, Major 7th Hussars, who d. 1867, by whom she has issue living, Edward Douglas, b. 1861, Augustus George, b. 1864, Adelaide Margaret, Nina Mildred, Ethel Therese. Residence, Daughter living Of 3rd Baronet Sophia (Hon. Mrs. Coote Hefy-Hutchinson) : m. 1834, Capt. the Hon. Coo'te Hely-Hutchinson, who d. 1842, brother of the 3rd Earl of Donoughmore. Residence, Lissen Hall, Donabate. The family of Synge was seated at Bridgnorth early in the i6th century. The original name of Millington was changed to Synge from the circumstance of one of the family being n candtk or chantry priest. The Right Rev. Dr. Samuel Hutchinson, Lord Bishop of Killala, was father of the ist baronet, Sir James Hutchinson, who sat as M.P. for Jamestown, in the Irish Parliament. The 3rd baronet, the Rev. Sir Samuel Synge, grand-nephew of the ist and 2nd baronets, succeeded under a special remainder, and assumed the additional surname and arms of Hutchinson ; and his 2nd brother, Robert, was created a baronet [see Synge, Bart.].