Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/395

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DEBRETTS ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 317 KNIGHTON, Creation 1813, of Blendworth, Hants. [Extinct 1885.] Sir WILLIAM WELLESLEY KNIGHTON, 2nd and last Baronet. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Richard Ingham Knighton, Esq., cousin of 2nd baronet, b. 1789, d. 1826 : m. 18 , Jane Ann, da. of James Bowes, Esq., of Yorkshire : William, LL.D., b. Jan. i6th, 1826 ; formerly one of H.M.'s Assist. Commrs. in Oudh ; author of " Forest Life in Ceylon," " The Private Life of an Eastern King," " European Turkey," etc. ; is a Vice-Pres. of Roy. So. of Literature r in. ist, 18 , Louisa Agnes, who d. 18 , da. of James Duhan, Esq., Opium Agent, Bhagulpore, Bengal ; 2ndly, 18 , Charlotte Augusta, da. of Sir W. H. Drake, K.C.B., and widow of C. H. Marshall, Esq., Glengallan, Darling Downs, Australia, and has issue living (by ist marriage), Louisa Emma : m. 18 , Brig.-Surg. James Hunt Condon, M.D., formerly Indian Med. Ser. Residences, Peak Hill Lodge, Sydenham, S.E. ; Tileworth, Silverhill, St. Leonards-on-Sea, Sussex. Clubs, National Conservative, Fine Arts, East Sussex (St. Leonards-on- Sea). KNOWLES, Creation 1765, of Lovell Hill, Berkshire. Sir CHARLES GEORGE FREDERICK KNOWLES, 4th Baronet ; b. March I4th, 1832 ; s. his father, Sir FRANCIS CHARLES, 1892; entered R.N. 1845, became Capt. I ^7 2 ( re- tired 1887), and Rear-Adm. 1889 ; served in Burmese war 1852-3 (medal) ; commanded the Niger Expedition 1864 : thanked by Admiralty for services on Coast of Cuba during insurrection of 1870-71, and for quelling in 1880 insurrection in Danish Island of Santa Cruz, and by Colonial Office for ser- vices on Newfoundland Fisheries when in command of the " Lapwing " 1872 : m. ist, 1861, Elizabeth, who divorced him 1876, only child of the late John Chapman, Esq., late of Cleve- land Gardens, Hyde Park ; 2ndly, 1882, Mary Ellen, who d. Semper paratus. 1890, da. of Cathcart Thomson, Esq., of Pine Cottage, Halifax, Always ready. Nova Scotia, and has issue. Crtst An elephant statant argent. Residence Rathmullan, Ireland. Azure, crusilly of nine cross-crosslets, a cross moline, voided or. Club United Service. Sons living-By 2nd marriage- FRANCIS HOWE SEYMOUR, b. Jan. i 3 th, 1886 George Johnstone, b. 1887. Robert Cosby, b. 1888. Daughters living By 1st marriage Mary Boleyn : m. ist, 1885, Henry Arthur Tempest, Esq., who d. 1891, only son of Sir Charles Henry Tempest, ist baronet ; pndly, 1892, Bernardino Fernandez de Velasco, Duque de Frias, Conde de Haro, Attache at Spanish Legation at Tangier, Morocco. Alice Charlotte Laura. By 2nd marriage Theresa Blanche Cathcart, b. 1884. Eileen Beresford, b. 1890. Aunts living (daughters of 2nd baronet) Charlotte Laura. Maria Louisa Theresa. Residence, Mayfield, Ryde, Isle of Wight. WidOW living Of 3rd Baronet EMMA (Lady Knowles), da. of Sir George Pocock, ist baronet : m. 1831, Sir Francis Charles Knowles, 3rd baronet, who d. 1892. Residence, Ryde, Isle of Wight. The ist baronet, Sir Charles, Adm. of the White, and Rear-Adm. of Great Britain, adistinguished naval commander, was Governor of Louisburg, Cape' Breton, 1745-6, and of Jamaica 1752-6, and in 1770 was appointed, by the Empress Catherine II., of Russia, Chief President of H.I. Majesty's Admiralty, with a seat in the Russian Council. Adm. Sir Charles Henry, G.C.B., the 2nd baronet, distinguished himself in his profession, and commanded the "Goliath" in the memorable battle off Cape St. Vincent. i4th Feb., 1797, when the Spanish fleet was defeated. This family claims to be descended from Charles Knowles, Earl of Banbury tetnp. James II. Knox-Gore, see Gore. LACON, Creation 1818, of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Sir EDMUND BROUGHTON KNOWLES LACON, 4th Baronet ; l>. May 9th, 1842 ; s. his father, Sir EDMUND HENRY KNOWLES, 1888 ; ed. at Eton ; entered 23rd Fusiliers 1859, and retired as Lieut. 1865 ; is a J.P. for Norfolk, and a partner in the Yarmouth, Norfolk, and Suffolk Bank ; formerly Major and Hon. Lieut. -Col. 4th Batn. Norfolk Regt. : m. ist, 1868, Henrietta Julia, who d. 1873, e ^- da. of Sir Robert John Harvey, 1st baronet ; 2ndly, 1878, Florence Amelia, da. of the late Morgan Hugh Foster, Esq., C.B., of II, Great Cumberland Place, W. ^rms Quarterly, per fesse indented erminois and azure ; in the 2nd quarter a wolfs head erased or. Crtst On a mount vert a falcon proper, belled or, collared and charged on the breast with a cross flory gules. Probitas verus honos. Seats Ormesby House, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk ; Dunston Ha, Probity is true honor. Norwich. Clubs Junior Carlton, Hurlingham.