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332 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Uncles living (sons of 6th Baronet) Henry John, b. 1830 ; ed. at Eton : ;. 1865, Jessie, da. of John Orbell, Esq., of Hawkesbury, Waikonati, New Zea'and. Resilience, Fernbrook, New- Zealand. Thomas Edmund, b. 1832 ; formerly Major i2th Foot ; served in New Zealand wars 1860-61 vmedal), and 1863-5. Residence^ 7, Bouverie Square Folkestone. George, b. 1^33; ed. at Harrow ; formerly Fellow of Exeter Coll., Oxford ; is Assist. Sec. in Education Depart. : in. 1^65, Mary Elizabeth, da. of the late Rev. Peter Aubertin. R. of Chipstead, Surrey, and has issue living, John Combe, b. 1869, William Edmund, b. 1872, Katharine Mary Frances, b 1867. Residence, Howard House, Ashstead, Epsom. Club, Athenaeum. Richard Combe, b. 1841 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Exeter Coll., Oxford; is a J.P. and D.L. for Kent: in. 1870, Elizabeth, da. of the late William Aldworth, Esq., of Frilford, Berks. Residences, Oakfield, Dartford, Kent; 43, Bramham Gardens, S. Kensington, S.W. Aunts living (daughters of 6th Baronet) Marianne. Frances Margaret. Georgina Emily: at. 1866, Henry Thomas Lambert, Esq., J.P., who d. 1879, and has issue living, Henry Charles Miller, /-. iS6S ; ed. at Eton, and at New Coll., Oxford, Alfred Uvedale Miller, b. 1870; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. Residences, Sandhills, Bletchingley, Surrey; 106, Cromwell Road, S.W. WidOW living Of 7th Baronet KATHARINE MARIA (Lady Miller), da. of the late James Winte Scott, Esq., of Rotherfield Park, Hants [see Clarke-Jervoise, Bart.] : m. 1856, Sir Charles Hayes Miller, 7th baronet, who d. 1868. Residence, 2, Onslow Square, S.W. The ist, 2nd, and 3rd baronets each represented Chichester in Parliament, and the 5th baronet sat as M.P. for Portsmouth. MILLER, Creation 1788, of Glenlee, Kirkcudbrightshire Sir WILLIAM FREDERIC MILLER, 5th Baronet ; b. April 7th, 1868 ; s. his father, Sir THOMAS MACDONALD, 1875 ' e &- at Harrow ; formerly Lieut. 3rd Batn. Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regt.). : w. 1890, Mary Augusta, da. of the late Charles John Manning, Esq., of 15, Prince's Gardens, S.W., and has issue. ^rms Argent, a cross moline azure, in chief a lozenge between two mullets of the last and in base a bar wavy vert. Crest A human hand couped at the wrist ; the third and fourth fingers folded in the hand argent. npporitrs Two roebucks proper. C/wfo Boodle's, Bachelors'. The best things remain in Heaven. Seat Barskimming, Mauchline, Ayrshire, N.B. Son living FREDERIC WILLIAM JOSEPH MACDONALD, b. Dec. 2ist, 1891. Brothers living Thomas George Alexander, b. 1869. Residence, Mount Pleasant, Scone. N. S. Wales. Francis Macdonald, b. 1.871. Sisters living Emily Agnes. Constance Frances : m. 1888, Charles Edward Bexley Vansittart, Esq., and has issue living, Constance Hilda Maude Bexley, b. 1889. Residence, Uncles living (son of 3rd Baronet) William Stewart, b. 1853. Club, Junior Carlton. (Brother of 3rd Baronet) Thomas, b. 1819 ; is an Adm. on retired list, and a J.P. for co. and city of Dublin : m. ist, 1856, Ann Julia, who d. 1874, da. of Dr. Miller, of The Grove, Exeter ; 2ndly, 1878, Eliza Mary Ann, widow of the late Capt. Robert John Henry, of Drumlamph, co. Deny, and da. of Capt. Forster, R. A., of The Wilderness, Dartmouth. Residence, Audley Mansions, Grosvenor Square, W. Club, United Service. Aunts living (daughters of 3rd Baronet) Edwina Constance. Emily Alice. Residence, 9, Lang- horne Gardens, Folkestone. WidOW living Of 4th Baronet ISABELLA FREEMAN SETON (Lady Miller), da. of the late William Anderson, Esq., of Calcutta : m. ist, 1863, Sir Thomas Macdonald Miller, 4th baronet, who d. 1875; zndly, 1880, Evan Baillie Grant, Esq., formerly of 3rd Hussars. Residence, 78, South Audley Street, W. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late John Miller, Esq., 3rd son of 2nd baronet, b. 1789, d. 1863 : m. 1828, Mary, who d. 1875, da. of Nicholas Sutherland, Esq. : James, b. 1835: formerly Col. Comdt. Bhopal Batn., Sehore, Central India; retired as Maj.-Gen. m. 1873, Elinor Katharine, da. of T. L. Robinson, Esq., J.P. of Croydon, and has issue living, John Lockhart, b. 1883. Residence, 5, Chichester Terrace, Kemp Town, Brighton. Clubs, East India United Service, Union (Brighton). Arthur Wellesley, b. 1839. Club, University (Edin- burgh). Mary : m. 1864, Robert Berry, Esq., LL.D., Bar.-at-law, Sheriff of Lanarkshire. Resi- dence, 5, University Gardens, Glasgow. The ist baronet, Sir Thomas, was Lord President of the Court of Session in Scotland, with the courtesy title of Lord Barskimming ; and Sir William, the 2nd baronet, was a Lord of Session, with the courtesy titlfi of Lord Glenlee.