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DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 439 William Reynolds Stirke, formerly R.A., Frances Susanna : ;. 1876, Broune Roberts, Esq., L.K..Q. C.P.I. Residence, Issue of the late Rev. Octavius Piers, 3rd son of sth baronet, /;. 17, d. 1848 : tit. 1813, Jane, who d. 1871, da. of the Rev. Thomas Tristram of Moor Hall, War- wickshire : Henry, b. 1818 ; M.R.C.S. Eng. ; a retired Dep. Inspector-Gen, of Hospitals and Fleets, R.N. : 111. 1854, Ellen Sarah, da. of the late John Colburn, Esq., of Cork, and has issue living, Henry Octavius, />. 1856; is Major R.A. ; served in Afghan war 1880 (medal): ;;/. i86, Lise, da. of Dep. Surg.-Gen. Johnston Ferguson, and has issue living, Gwendolin May, />. 188-, Fanny Ellen, Caroline Mary, Residence, Burnham, Somerset. Edward William, b. 1822 ; is in. Claudius Buchanan, b. 1830; formerly Lieut. R.A., and Hon. Major and Paymaster R.A., Woolwich ; is m. Eliza Jane : m. 1841, the Rev. Hastings Hawes Harington, and has issue living, Hastings Norman Victor, />. 1855 ; ed. at Aberdeen and Edinburgh Universities; L.R.C.P. and L.R.C.S. Edinburgh 1879 ; is Surg.-Capt. Madras Army : m. 1881, Mary, da. of William Philson, Esq., M.D., of Sherburne Lodge, Cheltenham, Agnes Louisa, Adela Flora, Helen Laura. Residence, 4, Clarence Square, Chel- tenham. Helen Clara : ;. 1850, Charles Hastings Snow, Esq., and has issue living, Rochfort, b. 1851, Ernest Hastings, b. 1855, Charles D'Oyly, b. 1863, Daines Barrington, b. 1866, Isabella Maud: in. 1876, Alfred St. George Hamersley, Esq., Barrister-at-Iaw, Gertrude Margaret. Residence, Grandchildren of the late Rev. Octavius Piers (ante) : Issue of the late Col. Thomas Tristram Piers, b. 1824, d. 1873 : m. 1854, Charlotte Mary (now of 27, Mountpellier Terrace, Cheltenham), da. of the Rev. Henry Baker Tristram, V. of Eghngham : William Barrington, b. 1859; is Capt. I.S.C. ; served in Afghan campaign 1880-1 (medal) : in. 1891, Mary Catherine Emily Price, da. of the late Price Morris, Esq., of Plas Clough, Denbigh, and has issue living, a da., /'. 1892. Samuel Octavius, b. 1869 ; ed. at Cheltenham Coll., at Trinity Hall, Camb., and at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; formerly Lieut. Gordon Highlanders. Helen Louisa. Issue of the late Capt. Shute Barrington Piers, R.N., b. 1828, d. 1876: in. 1863, Jane Cuninghame, da. of Peter David Handyside, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S.E., F.R.S.E. : Shute Barrington, b. 1864. Henry Handyside Bruce, b. 1865. Peter David Handyside, b. 1869. Edward Cecil, b. 1871. Claude Pigott, b. 1875. Eirene Walsh Shute (posthumous). b. 1876. This baronet is descended from William Piers, Esq., son of Piers, of Piers Hall, Yorkshire, who is said at one time to have saved the Princess Elizabeth from the fury of her sister, Queen Mary, by conveying her privately away. After that princess ascended the throne, he was sent by Her Majesty to Ireland, and received a grant of the abbey of Tristernagh, in Westmeath. He was afterwards appointed Governor of Carrickfergus and Seneschal of the county of Antrim, and in 1567 obtained the reward of 1,000 marks for bringing in the head of the rebel Shane O'Neil. Tout foys prest. Always ready. PIGOT, Creation 1764, of Patshull, Staffordshire. Sir GEORJGE PIGOT, 5th Baronet ; b. Dec. i5th, 1850 ; s. his father, Sir ROBERT, 1891 ; ed. at Eton : m. 1879, Alice Louisa Raynsford, da. of Sir James Thompson Mackenzie, 1st Bart., and has issue. $rms Ermine, three lozenges in fesse sable. Crest A wolfs head erased. Residence Pembroke Lodge, Sunninghill, Berks. Clubs Carllon, Marlborough. Sons living ROBERT, b. May 3rd, 1882. George Douglas Hugh, b. 1883. Daughters living Eileen Marguerite Elinor. Norah Edith. Brother living Arthur John, b. 1852. Sister living Elinor : /. ist, 1880, Charles Herbert Whaley, Esq., who d. 1885 ; 2ndly, 1890, Alfred Jacobson, Esq., formerly 6th Dragoon Guards. Residence, Widow living Of 4th baronet EMILY GEORGIAN* ELISE (Lady Pigof), da. of Samuel _Yates Benyon, Esq., of Ash Hall, Salop, and Stetchworth Park, Cambridgeshire : m. 1850, as his 2nd wife, Sir Robert Pigot, 4th baronet, who</. 1891. Residence, Hillside, Bracknell, Berks. Collateral Branch living. Grandchildren of the late Col. Robert Pigot, 2nd son of 2nd baronet : Issue of the late Charles Henry Pigot, Esq., b. 1806, d. 1840 : m. 1833, Leonora, who*/. 1848, da. of Sir William Russell, M.D., ist baronet : Hugh, b. 1839; Kar. Lincoln's Inn 1860 : m 1873, Gwendoline, da. of the late Capt. Richard Beaumont, R.N. Residence, 6, Cottesmore Gardens, Kensington, W. Club, Arthur's. Julia : m. ist, 1880, Arthur Frederick Astley, Esq., who d. 1883, son of Sir Francis Dugdale Astley, 2nd baronet ; 2ndly, 1887, the Rev. Arthur Castell Wright, Chaplain R.N. Residence, 46, Great Cumberland Place, W. Selina. Residence, 22, Lower Belgrave Street, S.W.