Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/534

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45 6 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. is a M.L.C. of British Honduras : ;. 1889, Emily Ada, da. of William Jex, Esq., of Norfolk, and widow of Alexander Finlay Bowman, Esq., of Serpon Estate, British Honduras, and has issue living, Ralph Chicheley Rokeby, b. 1889, Arthur Montague Rokeby, 6. 1892. Residence, Kendal, Belize, British Honduras. Thomas Plumer, b. 1861 : m. 1884, Elizabeth Laura Middleton, da.. of Richard George Collins, Esq., of Melbourne House, Collumnton, and has issue living, Thomas Ralph Plumer, b. 1885. Residence, Westwood View, Portswood Road, Southampton Hall Towrye, b. 1864 : admitted a solicitor 1886 ; Bar. British Honduras 1887 : tn. 1888, Matilda Caroline, da. of the late Richard Henry Bowen, Esq., of Regent Street, Belize. British Honduras. Residence* Regent Street, Belize, British Honduras. Alice Ellen : m. 1882, Alexander Stanley Lowndes, Esq. Residence, Rockfield, Gateacre, Liverpool. Blanche Isabel. Ellen Anderson. Eliza Plumer. Residence, Merton Lodge, Elmdale Road, Tyndall's Park, Ciifton. issue (by ist marriage) of the late Capt. Spencer Cosby Price, b. 1819. d. 1892 : m. ist, 1843, Sarah, who d. 1850, da. of John Hyde, Esq., of Castle Hyde, co. Cork, and widow of William Cooke Collis, Esq., of Castle Cooke ; 2ndly, Adelaide (now of 72, Stowe Road, Shepherd's Bush, W.), da. of George Baker, Esq. : Annie Eliza: in. 1869, Hormuzd Rassam, Esq., formerly of the Indian C.S., and has issue living-. Louisa Mary : tit. ist, 1872, Henry Charles Cutcliffe, Esq. ; 2ndly, 1875, Alfred Teevan, Esq., formerly of 55th Regt., and has issue living. Caroline Frances: tn. 1867, Col. Henry George Saunders, I.S.C., and has issue living, Daisy : in. 1888, Thomas Stephen Sandland, Esq., of Birmingham Heath, who d. 1889, Kathleen : tn. 1889, Surgeon Alexander Silcock, Indian Med. Ser. Residence, Issue of the late Thomas Price, Esq., 4th son of ist baronet, b. 1783, d. 1856: 111. 1814, Eliza, who d. 1857, da. and co-heiress of Hall Plumer, Esq., of Stockton Hall,. Yorkshire : Edwin Plumer (His Honour Judge Price), b. 1818 ; ed. at St. Peter's Sch., York, and at Lincoln Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1838); Bar. Inner Temple 1841, became a Q.C. 1861 ; has been Recorder of " "6, and a Judge of County Courts (Circuit No. 32) since 1874 : in. ist, 1841, Lucy, York since i who d. 1884, da. of John Harrison, Esq., of Ripley Court, Surrey ; 2ndly, 1884, Agnes Mary, > d. 1888, da. of William J. de Normanville, Esq., of Queen's Road, Reeent's Park, and widow of John Samuel Guy, Esq., of Panama and Aspinwall, New Grenada, U.S.C. ; 3rdly, 1889, Jannette Louisa Achsah, da. of J. M. Bird, Esq., of Eagle House, Downham Market, Norfolk, and has issue living (by ist marriage), John Harrison Price, b. 1848, Dora Lucy, Georgiana Charlotte Elizabeth : m. 1879, William Thomas Law, Esq., M.D., of 9, Norfolk Crescent, Hyde Park. W., and has issue living, Alan Rokeby b. 1881, Beatrice Mary. Residence, Holly Lodge, Unthank?- Road, Norwich. Hall Rokeby, b. 1821 ; was Master of Ironmongers' Co. 1877-8 ; is a D.L. of City of London : m. 1853, Fanny, da. of Matthew Holland, Esq., and has issue living, Arthur Rokeby, b. 1854, Wilfrid Thomas Rokeby (of Meads, Watford, and 33, Old Broad Street, E.G.), b. 1856; admitted a Solicitor 1883 : in. 1888, Emily Catherine, el. da. of Charles Frederick Murray, Esq., of Woodcote Hall, Epsom, and has issue living, Harold Rokeby b. 1889, Freda Rokeby b~ 1890, Marjorie Rokeby b. 1891, Helen Ursula Rokeby. Residence, Clementhorpe, St. Albans. Clubs, Grosvenor, City Carlton. Araminta Mary: OT. 1848, Lieut.-Gen. Burckhardt Heinrich von Schmeling, and has issue living, Mary Eliza Emilia Clementina: m. 1872, Heinrich von Schmeling, of Gross Moellen, Pomerania, and has issue living, Gross Moellen, Araminta Caroline : m. ist, 1884, Pierce William Moore, Esq., M.C.S., who d. 1886; 2ndly, 1890, James Andrew, Esq., M.C.S., Augusta Fanny: tn. i8ji, George Barnard Milbank Coore, Esq., Bar.-at-law, of Kensington Court Mansions, VV., and 4, Stone Buildings, W.C. Residence, 36, Stift Strasse, Wiesbaden. The ist baronet, Alderman Sir Charles Price, was M.P. for the City of London 180. 12, and Lord Mayor thereof 1802-3. Sir Arthur James, 5th baronet, assumed in 1874, by royal license, the additional surname of Rugge. Price-Pules ton, see Puleston. PRINGLE, Creation 1683, of Stichill, Roxburghshire. Sir NORMAN WILLIAM DRUMMOND PRINGLE, 7th Baronet; b. 1836; s. his father, Sir NORMAN, 1870; was Col. and Lieut.-Col. Comdg. ist Batn. S. Staffordshire Regt. 1882-8 ; is a J.P. for Selkirkshire ; served in Egyptian campaign 1882 (medal and bronze star), and with Nile Expedition 1885-6: m. 1871, Louisa Clementina, da. of the late Robert Stewart, Esq., M.P., of Alderston, N.B., and has issue. &nns Azure, three escallops or. Crtsts ist, an escallop or ; 2nd, a saltire azure within a garland of bay-leaves proper. Supporters Dexter, a buck proper collared or ; sinister, a greyhound proper collared as the dexter. Blotto cbtr Crests " Coronal fides" (Faith crcnuns). Clubs Junior Army and Navy, United Service, New. Friendship reflects honors. Son living NORMAN ROBERT, b. Oct.'iSth, !8 7 i. Daughters living Magdalen Valerie. Violet Louisa Maria. Sisters living Harriet Elizabeth Anne. Emilia Margaret. Daughters living Of 5th Baronet Amelia Anne. Residence, 3, Belvoir Terrace, Scarborough. Anne Crawford (Hon.. Mrs. Charles St. Clair):^ni. 1854, the Hon. .Charles St. Clair,