Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/556

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478 DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Ventis secundis. With favoring ivinds. ROWLEY. Creation 1786, of Tendiing Hall, Suffolk. Sir JOSHUA THELLUSON ROWLEY, 5th Baronet ; <>. Feb. 8th, 1838 ; s. his father, Sir CHARLES ROBERT. 1888 ; ed. at Harrow; formerly Capt. Suffolk Artillery Militia, and Lieut. - Col. and Hon. Col. and Vol. Batn. Suffolk Regt. (Vol. Officers' Decoration) ; is a J.P. and a D.L. for Suffolk, and a County Councillor (Nayland Div.) for W. Div. of that co. : m. 1887, Hon. Louisa Brownlow, da. of 3rd. Baron Lurgan, and has issue. JUiitron of Jfottr flibings Nayland V., Holton St. Mary R., Newbourn R., Stoke-by-Nayland V., Suffolk. Drills Argent, on a bend engrailed, between two Cornish choughs sable, billed and legged gules, three escallops of the field. Cnt A mullet pierced or. Seats Tendring Hall, Stoke-by-Nayland, Colchester ; Holbecks, Hadleigh, Suffolk. Club Travellers'. SOU living CHARLES SAMUEL, . Dec. 2 3 rd, 1891. Brother living Charles Robert, 6. 1849 ; formerly Col. 2nd Batn. Grenadier Guards. Club, Guards'. Sisters living Blanche Mary. Susan Henrietta. Charlotte Louisa {Baroness Hathertoii) : in. 1867, the 3rd Baron Hatherton. -Edith Sophia {Lady Cholmeley): m. 1874, Sir Hugh Arthur Henry Cholmeley, 3rd baronet. Residences, Easton Hall, Grantham ; 10, Upper Belgrave Street, S.W. Katharine {Hon. Mrs. Cecil Littleton} : m. 1881, the Rev. the Hon. Cecil James Littleton. Residence, Penkridge Vicarage, Staffordshire. Collateral Branch living. Adm. Charles Rowley, G.C.B., 4th son of Sir Joshua Rowley, ist baronet, w s created a baronet 1836 [see Rowley, Bart., of Hill House]. The ist and 3rd baronets were each distinguished naval officers. Adm. Sir Josias Rowley, G.C. B., nephew of ist baronet, was created a baronet 1813, and died unmarried 1842. ROWLEY, Creation 1836, of Hill House. Berkshire. Sir GEORGE CHARLES ERSKINE ROWLEY, 3rd Baronet, son of the late Major George Rowley, 2nd son of 1st Baronet ; b. Sept. 26th, 1844 ; s. his uncle, Sir CHARLES, 1884; ed. at Cheltenham Coll.; formerly Capt. ist Batn. Roy. Welsh Fusiliers ; retired from Army as Hon. Lieut. -Col. 1885 : m. ist, 1867, Alicia Augusta, who d. 1888, da. of the late Capt. Hollis, ist Dragoon Guards ; 2ndly, 1890. Amy Isabel, da. of the late William Foster Batt, Esq., of Cae Kenfy, Abergavenny, and has issue. ^rms Argent, on a bend engrailed between two Cornish With favoring winds. choughs sable, three escallops of the field. Crest A mullet pierced or. j&njiporttrs Two Cornish choughs proper, navally crowned or, gorged with the riband and therefrom pendent a representation of the badge of the Imperial Austrian order of Maria Theresa, also proper. Club Army and Navy. Sons living By 1st marriage GEORGE CHARLES AUGUSTUS, 6. March i8th, 1869 : ;. 1891, Caroline, da. of the late Rev. John Cuming, of The Grange, Skipton, Yorkshire. By 2nd marriage William Joshua, 6. 1891. Sisters living Elizabeth Emilie Burton : m. 1853, Lieut. -Col. Frederick William Knight (formerly of Bom. S.C.). Louisa Isabella Sophia : ;. 1878, Col. Lucius Falkland Brancaleone Cary, for- merly Comdg. 2nd Batn. Rifle Brig. (Prince Consort's Own). Residence, Daughter living Of 2nd Baronet Sophia Frances Evelyn : m. 1841, Edward Nourse Harvey, Esq., who d. 1889, and has issue living, Edward Nourse Rowley, b. 1864, Francis Evelyn Rowley, 6. 1865. Residences, Overross, near Ross ; Beechfield, Millbrook, Southampton. Collateral Branches living. Issue of the late Capt. Richard Freeman Rowley, R.N., 4th son of ist baronet, b. 1806, d. 1854 : m. 1828, Julia Elizabeth, who d. 1870, da. of John Angerstein, Esq., M.P., of Weeting Hall, Norfolk : Richard Brooke, b. 1829: m. 1874, Emily Margaret, el. da. of the late William Anthony Harrison, Esq., F.R.C.S., of London. Residence, 15, Sunderland Terrace, Westbourne Park, W. Charles John, b. 1832 ; became a Rear-Adm. 1884, and Vice-Adm. 1890 ; formerly a Naval A.D.C. to H.M. ; served in Crimean war 1854-5 (medal with two clasps, Turkish medal, and 5th class Medjidie): in. 1867. Alice, da. of the late George Cary Elwes, Esq., and has issue living, Charles Pelham, b. 1877, Windsor Angerstein, b. 1878, May. Residence, Holmesland, Botley, Hants. Club, XInited Service. Rez>. Julius Henry,/'. 1836; ed. at Magdalene Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1860, M.A. 1^64) ; is R. of S. Ockendon : m. 1861, Julia, da. of the late Rev. Capel Molyneux [see Molyneux, Bart.], and has issue living, Julius Richard Capel, b. 1862, Julius Leigh, b. 1864 ; formerly Lieut. Roy.