Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/568

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490 DEBRETTS ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Charles Hayne Seale-Hayne, Esq., 2nd son of ist baronet, b. 1808, d. 1842 : m. 1832, Louisa (who d. 1879, having ;. 2ndly, 1856, James Buller, Esq., of Dunley, Devon), da. of Richard Jennings, Esq. : Right Hon. Charles, P.C., M.P., b. 1833 ; ed. at Eton ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1857 ; is a J.P. for Devon and Dartmouth Borough, and Lieut. -Col. and Hon. Col. 3rd Batn. Devonshire Regt. ; unsuccess- fully contested Dartmouth 1857 and 1865 ; has sat as M.P. for Mid., or Ashburton, Div. of Devon (LG) since Dec. 1885 ; appointed Paymaster-Gen. Aug. 1892. Resiliences, Kingswear Castle, Dart- mouth ; Pitt House, Chudleigh ; 6, Upper Belgrave Street, S.W. Clubs, Reform, National Liberal. An ancient Northumberland family, directly descended by marriage with the elder sister of John de Carteret, Earl Granville (ext. 1776), Governor of the Isles of Guernsey and Jersey, and Lord Lieut, of Ireland 1724-30. The ist baronet sat as M.P. for Dartmouth (L) 1832-44. SEBRIGHT, Creation 1626, of Besford, Worcestershire. Sir EGBERT CECIL SAUNDERS SEBRIGHT, zoth Baronet; b. June 1 2th, 1871 ; s. his father, Sir JOHN GAGE SAUNDERS, 1890 ; ed. at Eton ; is a D.L. for Herts. patron of 0nt jCibing Chelmarsh V., Shropshire. Crtst A tiger sejant argent, Argent, three cinquefoils sable. maned and crowned or. Residence Beechwood, Dunstable. Servare mentem. To preserve equanimity. Bachelors', Guards'.- Uncles living-EDGAR REGINALD SAUNDERS, b. 1854; ed. at Eton, and at Magdalen Coll., Oxford ; formerly Equerry (and now an Extra Equerry) to H.R.H. The Princess Mary Adelaide (Duchess of Teck) ; is Capt. 4th Batn. Bedfordshire Regt. Residence, 25, Mount Street, W. Clubs, White's, St. James's, Junior Carlton, Bachelors', Beef- steak.^^ Guy Thomas Saunders, b. 1856 ; formerly Lieut. Coldstream Guards; served in Suakin Expedition 1885: m. 1882, Olive Emily, da of Arthur Frederick, Esq. [see Frederick, Bart., colls.], and has issue living, Guy Ivo, b. 1883. Residence, Caddington Hall, Dunstable. Clubs, Arthur Edward Saunders, b. 1859 ; ed. at Radley ; formerly Lieut. 4th Batn. Bedfordshire Regt. Widow living Of 9th Baronet Hon. OLIVIA AMV DOUGLAS (Hon. Lady Sebright), da. of ist Baron Castletown ; m. 1865 Sir John Gage Saunders Sebright, 9th baronet, who d. 1890. Residence, 33, Warrington Crescent, Maida Hill, W. The ist baronet, Sir Edward Sebright, was High Sheriff of Worcestershire temp. Charles I. He was. a warm royalist, and paid i, 109 composition for his estate to the sequestrators. Sir Thomas Saunders, the 4th baronet, was M.P. for Hertford from ist George I. until his death, 1736. The 7th baronet also sat as M.P. for Hertford. Selwin-Ibbetson, see Ibbetson. SETON, Creation 1663, of Abercorn, Linlithgowshire. Sir BRUCE MAXWELL SETON, yth Baronet ; b. Jan. 3 ist, 1836; s. his father, Sir CHARLES HAY, 1869 ; is a D.L. of Tower Ham- lets, and a Principal Clerk in War Office : m. 1886, Helen, da. of Gen. Richard Hamilton, C.B. ^nns Quarterly : island 4th, or, three crescents within a double tressure counterflory gules, Seton ; 2nd and 3rd, argent, three escutcheons gules, ftrtst A boar's head couped argent, j&npportrrs Two greyhounds. Residence Durham House, Chelsea, S.W. Clubs Union, Garrick, Arthur's, Travellers'. Collateral Branches living. Grandchildren of the late Col. Bruce Seton (infra) : Issue of the late Lieut. -Col. Alexander Reginald Seton, b. 1840, d. 1887: m. 1862, Emma Elizabeth, da. of the late Major William Loch : BRUCE GORDON, b. 1868. Alexander Maxwell, b. 1875. Charles Monteath, b. 1880. Walter Warren, b. 1882. Katharine Marion. Elsie Madeleine. Aileen Mary. Issue of the late Col. Bruce Seton, 3rd son of 5th baronet, b. 1799, d. 1876 : m. ist, 18 , Miss Elphinstone ; 2ndly, 1839, Emma Orton, who d. 1889 : Bruce Outram, I'. 1841 ; formerly Major R.E., retired as Hon. Lieut. -Col: m. 1880, Louisa Harriet Manderson, who d. 1886, da. of Dep. Surg.-Gen. Charles Thomas Paske, and has issue living, Evelyn, Ruth Mary, Violet Adela. Club, Junior United Service. Charles Compton, b. 1846 ; formerly Lieut. R.E. : ;. 1868, Phoebe Elizabeth, who d. 1873, da. of Sir Henry Williair Ripley, ist baronet, and has issue living, Charles Henry, b. 1869, Bruce Hugh, b. 1871, Margaret Annie Phoebe Seton. Residences, Heath House, Shropshire ; 23, Cavendish Square, W. Clubs,