Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/572

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494 DEBRETTS ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Oxford ; is V. of Swanley. Residence, Swanley Vicarage, Kent. Henry Hawley, b. 1862. Barnardiston Edward Boteler, b. 1873. Lilian Adelaide. Julia Emma Frances. Annie Maria. Dorothy Emily Augusta. Issue of the late Rev. Robert William Shavr, 5th son of 5th baronet, and the Hon. Theodosia Margaret, da. of 2nd Baron Monson, b. 1804, d. 1873 : HI. 1830, Sophia, who d. 1875, da. of John Cornwall, Esq., of Hendon, Middlesex: Rev. Robert John, b. 1831 ; formerly V. of St. Mary the Virgin, Wiggenhall : in. 1860, Ella de Visme, da. of the late Richard Thomas, Esq., of Eythorne House, Hollingbourne, Maidstone, and has issue living, Robert Reginald Monson, b. 1861, Lewis Hugh de Visme, b. 1865, John Gerard Cornwall, b. 1868, Henry Augustus Gregory, b. 1876, Eleanor Marian, Ella Florence. John Monson, b. 1832 : Jit. 1872, Sarah Pain, who</. 1887, da. of Thomas Franklyn, Esq., of Cobtree, Kent. Sophia Anna: m. 1856, the Rev. Harry Lancelot Wingfield, who d. 1891, R. of Market Overton, and has issue living, Harry Robert Shaw, b. 1850, Edward Reginald Hugh, b. 1866, Alfred Lancelot, b. 1870, Lewis William, b. 1872, George Folliott, b. 1875, Ellen Harriet : >. 1884, William Borrett Sayres, Esq., of 2, Marlborough Road, N.W., and has issue living, Hugh Wingfield b. 1888, Millicent Anna b. 1885, Winifred Ethel b. 1892, Cicely Margaret : m. 1879, the Rev. Folliott Lynch Salusbury, R. of Market Overton, Oakham, Lilian Sophia, Isabel Grace. Residence, Market Overton, Rutland. Margaret Augusta: m. ist, 1868, the Rev. Spencer Philip Harvey, who d. 1869; 2ndly, 1877, William Shaw Brooke George, Esq., and has issue living (by ist marriage), Spencer Philip Shaw, b. 1869, (by 2nd marriage), two daus. Residence, Sir John, the ist baronet, having rendered great service to Charles I. during the Rebellion, and having advanced several sums of money to Charles II. during that prince's exile, was after the Restoration appointed one of the Farmers of the Customs. SHAW, Creation 1821, of Bushy Park, Dublin. Sir ROBERT SHAW, 4th Baronet ; b. Aug. 3rd, 1821; s. his father, the Right Hon. Sir FREDERICK, 1876 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Trin. Coll., Dublin (M.A. 18 ); is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Dublin (High Sheriff 1848) ; formerly Lieut. -Col. Dublin Militia : m. 1852, Kate, da. of the late William Barton, Esq., of Grove, co. Tipperary, and has issue. .SVrms Or, on a chevron engrailed, between three eagles displayed sable, as many trefoils slipped of the field. Crist A hind's head couped sable, pierced through the neck with an arrow proper. Seat Bushy Park, Terenure, co. Dublin. Son living FREDERICK WILLIAM,/. March i 5 th, 1858; ed. at Harrow, and at Oxford Univ. ; formerly Lieut, ist Dragoons ; is a J.P. for co. Dublin, and Capt. 5th Batn. Roy. Dublin Fusiliers : in. 1885, Eleanor Hester, da. of the late Major Horace de Vere, R.E. [see De Vere, Bart., colls.], and has issue living, Robert de Vere, b. 1890, Annie Kate, Mary Margaret, Grace Eleanor, Eily de Vere. Residence, Bushy Park, Terenure, co. Dublin. Club, Kildare Street. Brother living Wilkinson Jocelyn, b. 1834; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin (M.A. :8 )r formerly Lieut.-Col. loznd Regt. ; served in New Zealand war 1863-4 (medal): m. 1873, Mary, da. of the late Edward Barrington de Fonblanque, Esq., and has issue living, Jocelyn Frederick de Fon- blanque, b. 1874, Esmee. Club, Naval and Military. Collateral Branches living. Issue of the late Maj.-Gen. George Shaw, C.B., son of 3rd baronet, /'. 1822, d. 1892 : in. ist, 1846, Marie, da. of M. Desfontaines, of the Mauritius ; 2ndly, 1872, Ellen, widow of the late James Somerville Litle, Esq., Surgeon-Maj. R.A., and da. of the late Rev. Charles Porter, D.D. ; of St. Leonards, Exeter: Teipsum nosce. Know thyself. da. of Col. Horatio Samuel Court, formerly M.S. C, and has issue living, Elsie Marie, b. iS Edward Wingfield, b. 1858. Robert John, b. 1864. Emily Marie : m. 1870, Capt. Edward Fenwick Brackenbury, formerly of R.A. Flora Louisa. Marie Harriet. Alice. Thomasine Caroline : in. 1882, Major Charles Aloysius Ryan, R.A. Louisa. Issue of the late Capt. Edward Wingfield Shaw, R.N., 4th son of 3rd baronet, b. 1827, d. 1879 : m. 1858, Louisa, da. of Col. Sir Stephen John Hill, K.C.M.G., C.B. : Edward Wingfield, b. 1867. Maria Louisa. Edith Constance : m. ist, 1880, Charles B. Buckley, Esq. (marriage annulled 1884); 2ndly, 1884, Capt. Archibald Francis Campbell-Johnston, 2nd Batn. The Buffs (E. Kent Regt.). Issue of the late Charles Shaw, Esq., Q.C., 5th son of ist barcnet, b. 1817, d. 1870 :

. 1845, Mary, who d. 1865, da. of William Barton, Esq., of Grove, Tipperary

Robert Barton, b. 1847 ; is Capt. and Hon. Major 3rd Vol. Batn. Highland L.I. Charles, b. 1855. William, b. 1857. Thomas Barton, b. 1858 ; is Capt. R.E. Katherine. Caroline. Maria. Alice Emily. The ist baronet, Sir Robert, sat in the Irish Parliament for New Ross, and for Dublin in the Imperial Parliament 1804-26: the 3rd baronet, who was Recorder of Dublin 1828-76, and a P.C. of Ireland, sat as M.P. for Dublin (C) 1830-32, and for the University of Dublin 1832-48. Shaw-Stewart, see Stewart.