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496 DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Uncle living (son of 6th Baronet) Spencer, b. 1813 ; formerly a principal clerk in Treasury : t. 1843, Susanna, da. of the late Stephen Martin Leake, Esq., and has issue living, Spencer, b. 1843 ; is m. 1876, and has issue living, Spencer <5. 1878, Francis Hesketh, b. 1854, Georgiana Fanny : m. 1867, Richard Saul Ferguson, Esq., Bar.-at-law and Chancellor of Carlisle (she was divorced 1877), "Florentia : m. 1870, James Henry Davidson, Esq., Rosamond Blanche Isabel: m. 1892, Herbert Fullarton Dent, Esq., of Canton. Residence, 37, Bathwick Hill, Bath. Aunt living (daughter of 6th Baronet) Fanny Lucy {Hon. Mrs. George Edgcumbe) : m. 1834, the Hon. George Edgcumbe, who d. 1882 [see E. Mount Edgcumbe]. Residence, Winter Villa, Plymouth. Daughter living Of 7th Baronet Blanche Henrietta Johnes ; is el. coheir to the Barony of De Sudeley, created by writ 1299: m. 1874, Hervey Charles Pechell, Esq. [see Brooke-Pechell, Bart., colls.]. Residences, Maresfield Park, Uckfield ; 6, West Chapel Street, Mayfair, W. Widows living Of 7th and 8th Baronets LOUISA ELIZABETH ANNE (Lady S/ielley), da. and heiress of the late Rev. Samuel Johnes Knight, B.D., of Henley Hall, Salop, and R. of All- Hallows, Barking, andofWelwyn: m. 1832, Sir John Villiers Shelley, 7th baronet, who d. 1867. Residence, Maresfield Park, Uckfield, Sussex. CHARLOTTE MARTHA (Lady Shelley), da. of the late Rev. Henry Hippisley, of Lambourne Place, Berks : m. 1845, the Rev. Sir Frederick Shelley, 8th baronet, who d. 1869. Residence, Posbury House, Crediton, Devon. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Adolphus Edward Shelley, 3rd son of 6th baronet, b. 1812, d. 1854 : m. 1836, Amelia, da. of Henry John Hinchliffe, Esq. : Montagu Adolphus, b. 1842. Kathenne Cecilia: ;. ist, 1859, James Bontein, Esq., who d. i88<j, a Gentleman Usher-in-Waiting and Clerk of the Robes to H.M. ; andly 1885, as his second wife, Maj.-Gen. Francis Edward Drewe, who d. 1891, and has issue living (by ist marriage), James Shelley (of 12, Clarges Street, W.), b. 1859 : m. 1889, Emilie, widow of Hans Sloane Stanley, Esq., Eva Louisa (Hon. Mrs. John Trefusis) : m. 1883, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. John Schomberg Trefusis, of Thorncombe, Taunton [see B. Clinton]. Residence, Grange, Broadhembury, Devon. Thomas Shelley was Lord of the Manor of Shelley, Kent, temp. Edward I. This family can prove seven royal descents in unbroken legitimate lines from Henry III. and Edward I. Michel- grove Castle, the seat of the Shelley family for more than 300 years, was sold at the end of the i8th century, and is now the property of the Duke of Norfolk. SHELLEY, Creation 1806, of Castle Goring, Sussex. Sir CHARLES SHELLEY, 5th Baronet ; b. May i4th, 1838 ; s. his brother, Sir EDWARD, 1890 ; formerly Lieut.- Col. Scots Fusilier Guards : m. 1869, Lady Mary Jane Jemima Stopford, da. of 5th Earl of Courtown, and has issue. ^rms Sable, a fesse, engrailed between three whelks or, a mullet for difference. Cst->-A griffin's head erased, beaked and ducally gorged or. Seat Avington, Alresford, Hants. Town Residence 13, Rutland Gate, S.W. Chtb Guards'. Fey e fidalgia. Faith and fidelity. Sons living -JOHN COURTOWN EDWARD, b. Aug. s th, 1871 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; is Lieut. Scots Guards. Percy Bysshe, b. 1872. Cecil William Charles, b. 1873. Sidney Patrick, b. "1880. Hubert, b. 1881. Daughters living Ernestine Elizabeth Maud. Norah Kathleen. Brother living George Ernest, b. 1840; formerly Capt. Grenadier Guards. Residence, 10, Thurloe Square, S.W. WidOW living Of 3rd Baronet JANE (Lady Shelley), da. of the late Thomas Gibson, Esq., and widow of the Hon. Charles Robert St. John [see V. Bolingbroke] : ;. 1848, Sir Percy Florence Shelley, 3rd baronet, who d. 1889. Residence, Boscombe Manor, Bournemouth. SHIFFNER, Creation 1818, of Coombe, Sussex. Rev. Sir GEORGE CROXTON SHIFFNER, 4th Baronet; b. Aug. 2ist, 1819; s. his father, the Rev. Sir GEORGE, M.A., 1863 ; ed. at Harrow, and atCh. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1842, M.A. 1846) ; is R. of Hamsey : m. 1854, Elizabeth, da. and heiress of the late John Greenall, Esq., of Myddleton Hall, Lancashire, and has issue. Patron of nt gibing Hamsey R., Sussex. Jims Azure, a bend sinister, in chief two estoiles in like bend or ; in base, the end and stock of an anchor gold, issuing from waves of the sea proper. Crest An estoile or, between the rays six annulets azure. Seat Coombe Place, near Lewes, Sussex. Club Junior Carlton. Sons living JpHN, 6. Aug. 8th, 1857; ed. at Harrow ; formerly Capt. R.A. ; served in Zulu campaign 1879 (medal with clasp). Club, Army and Navy. George Bridger, b. 1866. Daughters living Emily : m. 1889, Croxton S. Johnson, Esq. Residences, Aldwick, Bognor, Wellshurst, Hellingly, Sussex Mary Louisa Elizabeth Frances. Eleanor Isabella.