Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/587

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DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 59 The family of Spearman is of considerable antiquity in Durham. John Spearman, a lawyer and ary t STAMER, Creation 1809, of Beauchamp, Dublin. Right Rev. Sir LOVELACE TOMLINSON STAMER, D.D. (Lord Bishop Suffragan of Shrewsbury), 3rd Baronet ; b. Oct. i8th, 1829 ; s. his father, Capt. Sir LOVELACE, 1860 ; ed. at Rugby, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1853, M.A. 1856, D.D. 1888) : is V. of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, and Preb. of Lich- field ; formerly R. of Stoke-upon-Trent, Archdeacon and Rural Dean; consecrated Bishop Suffragan of Shrewsbury 1888: m. 1857, Ellen Isabel, da. of the late Joseph Dent, Esq., of Ribston Hall, Wetherby, and has issue. Drills Quarterly gules and azure, a cross ermine charged with the city sword in the scabbard in pale proper ; in the ist and 4th quarters, on a fesse dancette argent, a lion passant gules ; in the 2nd and 3rd, a cap of justice or between three castles argent. Crest A stag's head erased gorged Virtute et valore. with a mural crown or. ^Wotto obtr Crest "Jubilee." By valor and strength. Residence St. Chad's, Shrewsbury. Club St. Stephen's. Sons living LOVELACE, b. April 4th, 1859 ; is Capt. i6th Lancers. Club. Naval and Military. Rev. Frederick Charles, b. 1860 ; is R. of Keele, Staffordshire : m. 1891, Ethel, da. of the late Alexander Donovan, Esq., of Framfield Place, Sussex, and has issue living, Gladys Mabel, b. 1892. Residence, Keele Rectory, near Newcastle-under-Lyme. William Edward, b. 1864 ; formerly Lieut, ist Vol. Batn. Prince of Wales's (N. Staffordshire Regt.). Rev. Reginald Dent, b. 1865 ; is Curate of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury. Arthur Cowie, b. 1866. Daughters living Ellen Caroline. Mabel Frederica. Evelyn Lucinda. Brother living William John Alexander, b. 1833. Residence, Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Rev. William Stamer, D.D., 2nd son of ist baronet, b. 1803, d. 1866 : m. ist, 1826, Anne Margaret, who d. 1833, da. of Col. Jeremy Lock; andly, 1841, Eleanor Louisa, who d. 1886, da. of R. Houlditch, Esq., of Hampstead : Charlotte Matilda : in. ist, 1851, Richard Hall Appleyard, Esq., Barrister-at-law, whprf. 1876 ; 2ndly, 1877, the Rev. George Musgrave, who d. 1883, and has issue living (by ist marriage), three sons and five daus. Residence, Bath. The ist baronet, Sir William Stamer, was Lord Mayor of Dublin 1809 and 1819, and commanded a regiment of the Dublin Yeomanry during the Irish rebellion. STAPLES, Creation 1628, of Lissan, co. Tyrone. Sir NATHANIEL ALEXANDER STAPLES, 8th Baronet, 2nd son of the late Rev. John Molesworth Staples, brother of 7th Baronet ; b. May ist, 1817 ; s. his uncle, Sir THOMAS, Q.C., 1865 ; formerly Capt. Bengal Artillery; is a J. P. and a D.L. for co. Tyrone, and a J. P. for Londonderry: m. 1844, Elizabeth Lindsay, da. of Capt. James Head, and has issue. ^rms On a fesse ermines, between three hurts two goats' heads erased argent. Crest A demi-negro afifrontee proper, holding a bolt staple or. Residence Lissan, Cookstown, co. Tyrone. Chib Grosvenor. Sons living JOHN MOLESWORTH, b. Dec. 29th, 1848. James Head, b. 1849 ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1878, and King's Inns, Dublin, 1880 :

n. 1883, Mary Emma Radclyffe, da. of the late Robert Holbeach

Dolling, Esq., J.P., D.L., of Edenmore, co. Down. Residence, Bruach- dryne, Braemar, N.B. Robert Ponsonby, b. 1853 : m. 1883, Ada Louise, da. of H. Stammers, Esq., of London. Residence, The Grf-- House, Hornton Street, Kensington, W. Club, Hogarth. Daughter living Anne Elizabeth. Sisters living Harriett. Anne Louisa. Mary Jane. Grace Catherine : m. 1 852, John Mitche M'Clellan, Esq., who d. 1889. Residence, i, Brock Street, Bath. Charlotte Melosina : m. 1851. John Macpherson, Esq., M.D., who d. 1890, and has issue living, John Molesworth (of Craig Dhu, Simla), b. 1853 ; Bar. Inner Temple 1876 ; is an Advocate of the High Court of Judicature, Calcutta, and Dep. Sec. to Govt. of India in Legislative Depart. : /. 1880, Edith Christina, da. of Gen. C. W. Hutchinson. R.E., and has issue living, Kenneth Ian b. 1885, Norman Charles b. 188-, Elspeth Lucy, Hugh Martin Charters (of 3, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.), b. 1857 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1880, M.A. 1883); Bar. Inner Temple 1883. Residence, 26, Connaught Square, W. Collateral Branches living. Issue of the late Maj.-Gen. Thomas Staples, B.S.C.. 3rd son of the Rev. John Molesworth Staples (ante), and next brother of 8th baronet, b. 1827, d. 1886: in. 1868, Grace, da. of the Ven. William Hulbert Wolseley, R. of Kilrush [see Wolseley, Bart., colls., cr. 1744]: John Molesworth, b. 1869. Thomas, b. 1870. Noel Richard Ponsonby, b. 1879.