Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/593

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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 5*5 SHAW-STEW AKT. Creation 1667, Greenock, Renfrewshire. Sir MICHAEL ROBERT SHAW-STEWART, 7th Baronet ; b. Nov. 25th, 1826 ; s. his father, Sir MICHAEL, M.P., 1836; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; formerly Lieut. 2nd Life Guards; sat as M. P. for Renfrewshire (LC) 1855-65; is Hon. Col. ist Vol. Batn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), and Lord-Lieut, of Renfrewshire ; was High Sheriff of Wilts 1883 : m. 1852, Lady Octavia Grosvenor, da. of 2nd Marquess of Westminster, and has issue. Spero meliora. / hope for better things. Vrms Quarterly of six : ist, or, a lion rampant gules ; 2nd, quarterly, ist and 4th, gules, a fesse cheeky argent and azure ; 2nd and 3rd, azure, a chevron between three mullets argent ; 3rd, azure, three covered cups or ; 4th, or, three eagles' heads within a bordure gules ; sth, or, a chevron between three martlets argent ; 6th, or, a bend azure, between, in chief a buck's head, and in base a bugle horn. Cmts ist, a lion's head erased gules, armed and langued azure ; 2nd, a demi-savage wreathed about the head and middle with laurel and holding a club over his shoulder proper. jSnpporttrs Dexter, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure, gorged with a collar cheeky argent and of the third ; sinister, a savage wreathed round the head and middle with laurel leaves and holding a club over his shoulder all proper. Seats Ardgowan, Inverkip, Renfrewshire, N.B. ; Duchal, Paisley, N.B. ; Fonthill Abbey, Wilts, Town Residence n, Grosvenor Place, S.W. Clubs Carlton, Travellers', White's, Royal Dorset Yacht. Sons living- MICHAEL HUGH, M.P., b. July nth, 1854; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford : formerly Capt. 4th Batn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland) Highlanders ; is a J.P. force. Renfrew, and a J. P. and D.L. for co. Stirling; has sat as M.P. for E. Div. of Ren- rewshire (C) sinre 1886, having unsuccessfully contested Stirlingshire 1885 : m. 1883, Lady Alice Emma Thynne, da. of 4th Marquess of Bath. Residences, Carnock, Larbert, Stirlingshire ; 7, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. Clubs, Carlton, Travellers'. Rev. Charles Robert, b. 1856 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1880, M.A. 1882); is V. of Temple-Balsall : m. 1890, Ida Fannie Caroline, da. of H. W. Alfken, Esq., and has issue living, Una Mary, b. 1890. Resi- dence, Temple-BaNall Vicarage, Warwickshire. Clttb, Oxford and Cambridge. Walter Richard, b. 1861 ; formerly Capt. 4th Batn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders); is a J.P. and a County Councillor (Tisbury Div.) for Wilts : in, 1891, Mary Beatrice Sydney, da. of Sidney Leveson Lane, Esq. [V. Downe], and has issue living, Walter Guy, b. 1892. Residence, Berwick House, Hindon, Salisbury. Club, Junior Carlton. Archibald William, b. 1865 ; formerly Sub.- Lieut. R.N. Houston Michael, b. 1871 ; is Lieut. 4th Batn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). Daughters living Helen (Viscountess Newark) : m. 1880, Viscount Newark, M.P., el. son of 3rd Earl Manvers. Residence, Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham. Agnes Caroline. Brothers living John Archibald, b. 1829 ; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (M.A. 18 ); is a J.P. for Middlesex, aid a D.L. and a J.P. for Renfrewshire : in. ist, 1851, Helenora Margaret Angela, who d. 1865, da. of Boyd Alexander, Esq., of Ballochmyle ; 2ndly, 1881, Isabella Barbara, who d. 1883, widow of Capt. J. H. J. Alexander, C.B., and da. of T. C. Hume, Esq. ; jrdly, 1886, Constance Mary, da. of the late Edward Johnston, Esq., and has issue living (by ist marriage), Archibald Claud, b. 1859; ed. at Radley ; formerly Lieut. 4th Batn. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland) Highlanders, Helenor: m. 1882, Frank Gore-Browne, Esq., of 7, Kensington Square, W., Angela Constance. Residence, 71, Eaton Place, Belgrave Square, S.W. Clubs, Carlton, Travel- lers'. Robert Farquhar, b. 1836; late of Scots Fusilier Guards : in. 1859, Isabella Jane, da. of the Hon. C. W. Warner, C.B., formerly Attorney-Gen, of Trinidad, and has issue living, Patrick Francis, b. 1872, Mary Isabel, Agnes Ethel, Olive Margaret. Residence, Ncrth Berwick. Club, New. Sister living Jane Catherine. Collateral Branches living. Issue of the late Adm. of the Fleet, Sir Houston Stewart, M.P., G.C.B., 2nd son of 5th baronet, b. 1791, d. 1875 : m. 1818, Martha, who d. 1870, da. of Sir William Miller (Lord Glenlee), 2nd Bart. : Sir William Houston, G.C.B., b. 1822 ; entered R.N. 1836 ; became Vice-Adm. 1877, and Adm. 1881 : placed on retired list 1885; served in operations on N. Coast of Spain 1836-7, in Syrian war and bombardment of St. Jean d'Acre 1840, at bombardment of Sebastopol 1854, and operations in the Baltic and bombardment of Sweaborg 1855 ; was successively Sup. of Chatham, Devonport, and Portsmouth dockyards, Comptroller of the Navy, and Com.-in-Ch. at Devonport ; K.C.B. 1877, G.C.B. 1887 : ;. ist, 1850, Catherine Elizabeth, who d. 1867, da. of Eyre Coote, Esq., of West Park, Hants; 2ndly, 1872, Blanche Caroline, da. of the late Adm. the Hon. Keith Stewart, C.B. [see E. Galloway, colls.], and has issue living (by ist marriage), Archibald William Houston, b. 1864 : m. 1892, Flora Sarah Ann, da. of Thomas Beeson, Esq., of Stonewall, Manitoba, Canada, Catherine Coote, Louisa Mary, (by 2nd marriage), Blanche Nita Mary. Residence, 24, Chester Terrace, S.W. Clubs, United Service, National. Grandchildren of the late Adm. of the Fleet Sir Houston Stewart (ante) : Issue of the late John Erskine Douglas Stewart, Esq., b. 1832, d. 1870 : m. 1854, Julia, da. of the Rev. Henry Turton : Michael, b. 1860. Patrick Maxwell, b. 1864. Douglas, b. 1866. Meysey John Erskine, b. 1870. Nina Harriet: in. 1877, Hugh Fletcher Campbell, Esq. Margaret Douglas. Catherine Angela.