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524 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. at a tournament by Henry IV. Alexander Steward (son of Andrew) was knighted, and received an honourable augmentation to his arms from Charles VI., King of France. The ist and 2nd baronets each held the office of a Chamberlain of the Exchequer. The 2nd and 3rd baronets successively sat as M.P. for Hampshire. In 1829, on the death of his grandfather, the last Earl of Carhampton, the 5th baronet was offered a fresh patent by George IV., which, however, he did not accept. The present baronet is representative of the Earldom of Carhampton (ext.), and the Barony of Waltham STUART, Creation 1840. Sir CHARLES JAMES STUART, 2nd Baronet ; b. Jan. 24th, 1824; s. his father, Sir JAMES, LL.D., 1853; ed. at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1845, M.A. 1848); Bar. Inner Temple 1848. ^rms Or, a fesse cheeky azure and ermine, between, in chief, two crosses patee gules, and in base a thistle proper, all within a bordure of the second. Crest A Roman fasces fessewise, therefrom issuant a demi-lion rampant holding in the dexter paw a thistle. Residence 20, Chester Square, S.W. Clubs Athenasum, Oxford and Cambridge, St. James's. Justitise propositique tenax. Tenacious of justice and of purpose. Brothers living EDWARD ANDREW, b. 1832 ; formerly Col. Roy. Scots (Lothian) Regt. ; is a Maj.-Gen. and Lieut.-Gov. of Chelsea Hos- pital ; served in Crimean war (severely wounded ; medal with clasps, and Medjidie), and in China campaign 1860 (medal with clasps). Residence, Royal Hospital, Chelsea, S.W. Clubs, Army and Navy, United Ser- vice. Ker. James, b. 1837 ; ed. at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862) ; is R. of Portishead. Residence, Portishead Rectory, Clevedon, Somerset. Sister living Mary Catherine. Residence, 20, Chester Square, S.W. The ist baronet, Sir James Stuart, LL.D., was Chief Justice of Lower Canada. Stuart-Menteth, see Menteth. STUCLEY, Creation 1859, of Affeton Castle, Devonshire. Sir GEORGE STUCLEY STUCLEY, ist Baronet, son of the late Lewis William Buck, Esq., M.P. for N. Devon ; b. Aug. 1 7th, 1812; ed. at Eton, and r*t Ch. Ch., Oxford; for- merly Lieut. Royal Horse Guards; is a D. L. and a J.P. for Devon (High Sheriff" 1863) and Cornwall, and Hon. Col. Devon Artillery, W. Div. R.A. ; sat as M.P. for Barnstaple ( C) 1855-9, and 1865-8 ; unsuccessfully contested Exeter 1852, and Barnstaple 1859 ; assumed the surname of Stucley, by royal license, 1858: m. Ist, 1835, Lady Elizabeth O'Brien, who d. 1870. da. and coheir of 2nd Marquess of Thomond ; andly, 1872, Louisa, 4th da. of the late Bernard Granville, Esq., of Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, and has issue. patron of brtt gioinas Bideford R., West Worlington R., Devonshire; Bellement et hardiment. Launcells V., Cornwall. ^rms Quarterly : ist and 4th, azure, three pears or, Stucley', 2nd and 3rd, per fesse embattled argent and sable, three bucks' attires, each fixed to the scalp, counterchanged, Buck. Crtst Between a buck's attires as in the arms sable, a lion rampant or, the sinister paw holding a battle-axe resting on the shoulder proper. Seats Moreton, Bideford ; Affeton Castle, West Worlington, Devonshire ; Hartland Abbey, Bideford. Sons living By 1st marriage WILLIAM LEWIS, b. Aug. 27th, 1836; ed. at Eton; entered Grenadier Guards 1854, and retired as Capt. and Lieut. -Col. 1871 ; is a J.P. and a County Alderman for Devon: m. ist, 1869, Rosamond Head, only da. of Head Pottinger Best, Esq., of Donnington Grove, Berks; zndly, 1879, Marion Elizabeth, da. of the late Lieut.-Col. Henry Edward Hamlyn Fane [see E, Westmoreland, colls.]. Residence, Hartland Abbey, Bideford. Edward Arthur George, b. 18 = 2. By 2nd marriage Hugh Nicholas Granville, b. 1873 Humphery St. Leger, b. 1877. The Stucley familyl(which has possesssd Affeton Castle for over 600 years) came from Great Stucley, Huntingdonshire, and were Sheriffs of that county, tetnp. John. Sir George assumed the surname of Stucley a^ lineal representative of that ancient family-