Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/627

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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. 549 VANE, Creation 1786, of Hutton-in-the-Forest, Cumberland. Sir HENRY RALPH VANE, 4th Baronet ; b. Jan. I3th, 1830; s. his father, Sir FRANCIS, 1842 ; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; is a D.L. and a J. P. for Westmoreland and Cumberland (High Sheriff 1856), a County Alderman for Cumberland, and Hon. Col. Westmoreland and Cumberland Yeo. Cav. : m. 1871, Margaret, da. of Thomas Steuart Glad- stone, Esq., of Capenoch, co. Dumfries. gatron of fi)nt jCibing Wythop P.C., Cumberland. JVrms Or, three gauntlets azure, and a canton gules. Crest An armed hand couped at the wrist, grasping a sword in bend sinister all proper, pommel and hilt or. Seats Hutton-in-the-Forest, Penrith ; Scarness Cottage, Bassenthwaite. Cumberland. Clubs Carlton, Arthur's. Nee temere, nee timide. Sister living Gertrude Elizabeth : m. 1857, Major Vincent Wing, who Neither rashly nor d. 1874, and has issue living, Frederick Drummond Vincent, b. 1860 ; is timidly. Capt. R.A., and A.D.C. to Lt.-Gen. Sir H. E. Wood, V.C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., Comdg. Troops at Aldershot, Evelyn Diana. Residence, Uncle living (son of 2nd Baronet) FREDERICK HENRY, b. May i8th, 1807 (heir to title only) ed. at Eton ; formerly Lieut. i2th Lancers : in. 1859, Rosa Linda, da. of John Moore, Esq., of Prospect Hill, Galway, and has issue living, Francis Patrick Fletcher (of 6, Collingham Place, S. Kensington, S.W. Clubs, Northbrook, Isthmian, Queen's), b. 1861 ; formerly Lieut. 2nd Batn. Scots Guards; is a F.R.A.S., and a Knight Com. of Mil. Order of Christ of Portugal and 'the Holy See : m. 1888, Anna O'.iphant, da. of Baron da Costa Ricci, Attache to Portuguese Legation, and Financial Agent in London of Portuguese Govt. Residence, 4, Eaton Place, Brighton. This family is of common ancestry with the Vanes, Dukes of Cleveland (ext.) and Barons Bar- nard, and the Fanes, Earls of Westmorland, and is descended from Sir Henry Vane, knighted at the battle of Poitiers, temp. 1356, through Sir Henry Vane of Raby, an eminent statesman of the reign of James I. and Charles I., and Sir George Vane, the immediate ancestor of the Vanes of Hutton. The 2nd baronet sat successively as M.P. for Winchelsea and Carlisle. Van-Notten-Pole, see Pole. VAVASOUR. Creation 1801, of Spaldington, Yorkshire. Sir HENRY MERVYN VAVASOUR, 3rd Baronet ; b. June I7th, 1814 ; s. his father, Lieut. -Gen. Sir HENRY MAGHULL MERVIN, 1838; ed. at Eton; isaJ.P. and a D.L. for E. Riding of York ; formerly Major E. York Militia: m. 1st, 1853, the Hon. Louisa Anne Neville, who d. 1889, da. of 3rd Baron Bray- brooke ; 2ndly, 1891, Alice Emily Olivia Georgina, da. of the late Christopher William Codrington, Esq., M.P. [see Codring- ton, Bart., cr. 1721, colls.], and has issue by ist marriage. ^rms Or, a fesse dancettee sable, thereon a fleur-de-lis argent. Crtst A cock gules, legs and comb or, on the breast a fleur-de-lis argent. Town Residence 26, Thurloe Square, S.W. Daughter living Constance. Sisters living Anna Mervinia : m. 1839, the Rev. Joseph Dunnington-Jefferson, whorf. 1880, Preb. of York and V. of Thorganby, and has issue living, Joseph John (of Thicket Priory, York), b. 1845 ; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1871); Bar. Inner Temple 1871 ; is a J.P., a D.L., and a County Councillor (Melbourne Div.) for E. Riding, a J.P. for W. Riding of York, and Capt and Hon. Major Yorkshire Hussars Yeo. Cav. : in. 1870, Emma Sarah, da. of Thomas Butler Stoney, Esq., of Portland Park, Roscrea, co. Tipperary, Mervyn (of Middlethorpe Hall, near York), /'. 1850 ; formerly Capt. ist Batn. Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regt.), and 3rd Batn. King's Own Yorkshire (Yorkshire L.I.) ; is a J.P. for E. Riding of York : ;. iSSi, Louisa Dorothy, da. of the late Rev. John Barry, R. of Great Smeaton, Yorks, and has issue living, a son b. 1884, a son b. 1892, a da. b. 1882, a da. b. 1887, a da. b. 1888. Emma Matilda: m. 1852, Capt. Whitehall Dod (formerly of 6th Dragoons), who d. 1878. Residence, VAVASOUR, Creation 1828. of Hazelwood, Yorkshire. Sir WILLIAM EDWARD VAVASOUR, 3rd Baronet ; son of the late William Joseph Vavasour, Esq., 2nd son of ist Baronet ; b. Nov. 28th, 1846 ; s. his uncle, Sir EDWARD, 1885 ; formerly Capt. Yorkshire Hussars Yeo. Cav. : m. 1870, Mary Teresa, da. of the late Edward Weld, Esq., of Lulworth Castle, Wareham, and has issue. fintron of >nc gibing (but, being a Roman Catholic, cannot present) Draycott-le-Moors R., Staffordshire. ^rms Quarterly : ist and 4th, or, a fesse dancettee sable, in the dexter chief a cross-crosslet for difference of the second, Vavasour; 2nd and 3rd, sable, a bend or, between six fountains, Stourton. Crtsts ist, a cock, gules charged with a fountain ; 2nd, a demi-friar habited proper, holding in his right hand a scourge, and in his left an open book. Seat Hazelwood Castle, Tadcaster. Clubs Yorkshire, Wellington.