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5 66 DEBRETTS ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. WATKIN, Creation 1880, of Northenden, co. Chester. Sir EDWARD WILLIAM WATKIN, M.P., son of the late ABSALOM WATKIN, Esq., a J.P. for Lancashire ; b. Sept. 26th, 1819 ; is a J.P. for Cheshire (High Sheriff 1874), Lancashire, and Kent, a D.L. of the Tower Hamlets, and Chm. of the South-Eastern, the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincoln- shire, and the Metropolitan Railways ; received the honor of Knighthood 1 868, for services in connection with the con- federation of the British North American provinces ; has the orders of Leopold of Belgium and the Redeemer of Greece ' f sat as M.P. for Yarmouth (L) 1857-8 ; unsuccessfully contested that borough 1859 ; sat for Stockport 1864-8 ; unsuccessfully contested Exeter 1873 > has sat for Hythe since 1874: m. 1st, 1845, Mary Briggs, who d. 1888, da. of the late Jonathan Mellor, Esq., J.P., of Hope House, Oldham ; 2ndly, 1892, Ann, da. of the late William Little, Esq., and widow of Herbert Ingram, Esq. (founder of The Illustrated London News), of Swinshead Abbey, Lincoln, and has issue by 1st marriage. Saie and doe. s Argent, guttee de poix, between three harvest flies proper, two in chief and one in base, a eopard's head jessant de lys azure. Crrst A cock's head couped, holding in the beak a tilting spear in pale, all proper. Seats Rose Hill, Northenden, Cheshire ; Mount Felix, Walton-on-Thames ; The Chalet Beddgelert, N. Wales. Town Residence Charing Cross Hotel, S.W. Club Reform. Son living ALFRED MELLOR, b. 1846 ; is a Civil Engineer, a J.P. for Kent and for Folkestone, a D.L. for Middlesex, a Director of the South-Eastern, the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire, and the Metropolitan Railways, and a Chevalier of the Belgian order of Leopold ; sat as M.P. for Great Grimsby (L) 1877-80 : m. 1876, Catherine Elizabeth, da. of the Very Rev. Robert Payne Smith, D.D., Dean of Canterbury. Residence, Folkestone, Kent. Clubs, City Liberal, Reform. Daughter living Harriette Sayer: in. 1871, Henry Wilson Worsley, Esq., Q.C., [who has since by royal license assumed the additional surname of Taylor], and has issue living, James, b. 1872, Francis Edward, b. 1874, Mary Beatrice, Margaret Ursula. Residences, South Laund, Chislehurst Kent ; Moreton Hall, Whalley, Lancashire. WATSON, Creation 1760, of Fulmer, Buckinghamshire. Sir WAGER JOSEPH WATSON, 4th Baronet; b June 27th, 1837 ; s. his brother, Sir CHARLES WATSON-COPLEY, 1888; ed. at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1859, M.A. 1863). EstO quod esse videris. Be w/uit thou seemest to be. Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three martlets sable as many crescents or. Crtst A griffin's head erased argent, ducally gorged or. Residence 14, Albert Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W. Clubs Oxford and Cambridge, New Universitv. Brother living Rev. CECIL ESTCOURT BENYON, b. 18 ; ed. at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1863, M.A. 1869). Residence, Daughters living Of 3rd Baronet Selina Frances : >. 1886, Capt. Robert Calverly Alington Bewicke-Copley, King's Roy. Rifle Corps and D.A.A.G., Ireland [see Gooch, Bart., colls., cr. 1746]. Caroline Selina. Amabel Jemima : m. 1887, Edward Lygon Somers Cock, Esq. Residence, 39, Stanhope Gardens, S.W. The ist baronet, Sir Charles Watson, was only nine years of age when he received his title, accorded to him in consequence of tiie service of his father, Rear-Adm. Charles Watson, who so highly distinguished himself in the action of May 3rd, 1747, that even the French Admiral made honorable mention of his ship, the " Princess Louisa." In a succeeding action in the same year he again displayed great intrepidity. He died 1757, in the East Indies, where, when in command of the naval forces, he took Calcutta, and released the survivors of the " Black Hole." The 3rd baronet assumed in 1887, by royal license, the additional surname and arms of Copley.