Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/673

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ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BARONETS' farricir :iHMers t Bisters, atiir The name in italics is that of the baronet, or Peer, to whose biography reference may be made for further particulars. When two or more bai-onets bear the same sur name, the family is indicated by date of creation of title ; e.g.. "Riddell, cr. 1866." Abbott, Agnes A Gibbes. Abbott, Selina M. C. .._ .. Eardley-Wilmot. Abergavenny (Caroline), Marchioness of Denuent, Baron. Abraham, Amy H Parker, cr. 1681. Acland, Caroline C Gull. Acland, Gertrude Walrond. Adams, Alice M Wilhhire. Adams, Mary S. Goold- . . Wrixou-BecJier. Adderley (Caroline E.), Hon. Mrs. Charles Dixie. Ady, Emilia Bridges. Affleck, Marian Affleck. Baggallay. Emily C. E. .. Burrell. Bagot, Euphemia E. A. . . Eliott. Bagot, Theodosia Leslie, cr. 1876. Bagshawe, Lucy Alexander, cr. 1809. Bailey, Emily H. A Clietwode. Bailie, Amy E Miller, cr. 1874. Baird, Arabella R. E Hazier. Baird (Henrietta M.), Lady. . Don-lVauchope. Baird, Susan G Fergusson, cr. '73- Baker (Augusta C.), Lady .. Fitz-Wygram. Baker, Helen A Peto. Agnew, Patricia Ramsay, cr. 1806. Ailsa (Julia), Marchioness of.. Jephson. Baker, Henrietta M Hicks-Beach. Baker, Louisa C Dancer. Alderson, Katherine G. .. Wimbome, Baron. Alderson, Mildred A Cradock-Hartopp. Alexander, Agnes C Curtis, cr. 1802. Alexander, Harriet .. .. Alexander, cr. 1809. Alexander, Henrietta C. .. Heygate. Alexander, Lucia M Clarke-Travers. Alington, Charlotte S Bellingham. Allen, Laura E Farrington. Alleyne (Augusta I.), Lady.. Fitzlterbert. Ames, Alice C Miles. Ames, Eliza S Robinson, cr. 1823. Anderson, Blanche A. M. . . Bayley. Anne, Edith . . . . . . . . Parkyns. Annesley, Emily M . . . . Dancer. Anson, Agnes H Acland. Anstruther, Zaida M Erskine. Baker, Margaret C. C Van-Notten- Pole. Baker, Mary S. T Cunyngltame. Baldock, Elizabeth M Corbet. Balfour, Isabella J Kinloch,cr. 1686. Balfour, Mary L Dundas. Ball, Amy M Wake. Barbour, Charlotte R Fowler. Baring, Helen Graliam, cr. 1783. Barker, Morna G Hatuley. Barneby, Alice M Hicks-Beach. Barrett, Jane F Proctor-Beau- champ. Barry, Adelaide W. C Dunbar, cr. 1814. Barry, Elizabeth Wrixon-Becher. Barthelmy, Julia H Curtis. Lady Dashwood, cr. Barton, Victoria A. J Peel. 1684. Apostolides, Frances A. .. Gordon, cr. 1631. Arathoon, Mary J Haggerstone. Arbuthnot, Esther J Murray, cr. 1626. Bastable, Eliza M WaBrf , cr. v&*. Batchelor, Charlotte .. .. Salusbury-Tre- lawny. Bateman (Agnes B.), Archdall, Elizabeth .. .. Stmuart, cr. 1803. Archer, Louisa S Mackenzie, cr. 1673. Arkwright, Rebecca O. .. Alleyne. Armytage (Eliza M. M.), Lady .. Radcliffe. Arnott, Caroline S WtUiais,cr.i&66. Arthur, Constance E Hobhouse. Ashmore, Marian Bailey. Bateman, Anne La Trobe- . . Fairbairn. Bates, Frances H Rh>ett-Carnac. Kathurst, (Ada) Lady Hervey- Ribton. Bathurst, Mary E. P. Hervey- Paston-Cooper. Battersby, Louisa W Dillon. Battersea(Florence), Baroness Rothschild, Bpron. Bayley (Emily A. T.), Lady . . Metcalfe. Bayly, Emily F Colthurst. Ashworth, Charlotte . . . . Blackwood. Bazett, Edith E Carew. Assheton, Frances A. E. .. Bazley. Astley, Mary C. Ludford- .. Dixie. Astley,Rosalind A. Frankland- Beale, Mary D Clerke. Bearcroft, Mary H. L. R. .. Honyman. Beauclerk, Mary H. I. C. .. Dickson-Poynder. Atherton, Mabel L Paul, cr. 1821. Athole (Louisa), Duchess of. . Moncriejfe. Atkinson, Katharine B Parkyns. Auckland, Baroness . . . . Eden. Austin, Ada F Cox. Avigdor, Rachel Goldsmid. Backhouse, Florence .. .. Salusbury-Tre- lawny. Beaumont, Anna M Blackett. Becher, Nicola S Blunden. Bell, Agnes Agnew. Bell, Frances G Armstrong. Bell, Henrietta S Hazlerigg. Bell, Katharine Fitzgerald, cr. 1880. Bellairs, Frederica J Clayton-East.