Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/675

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MARRIED DAUGHTERS, SISTERS, AND AUNTS. 597 Calland, Annie T Alexander, cr. 1809. Calverley, Isabella M Rookwood, Baron. Calverley, Louisa M Henniker. Cama, Humabai D Petit. Cameron, Emma Tupper. Campbell, Caroline A. E. . . Rivett-Carnac. Campbell (Caroline), Lady . . Bromley. Campbell, Florence . . , . Magheramorne, Baron. Campbell, Frances A Stewart, cr. 1623. Campbell, Ivy V Clavering. Campbell, Louisa E. A. .. Anson. Campbell (Margaret A. M.), Lady . . . . , Borough. Campbell, Mildred C Haivley. Campbell, Octavia H Workman- Macnagh ten. Camperdown (Juliana C.), Countess of Philips. Cardwell, Lilian Brodie. Carew (Emily A.), Baroness Philips. Carew, Muriel M. H Heathcoat-Amory. Carey, Amelia F Onslow. Carey, Louisa J. A. . .. ffewett. Carmichael (Louisa Char- lotte), Lady Butler. Carnac, Annie M. Rivett- . . Durand. Carnegie, Albinia F Craivley-Boevey. Carnegie (Ethel M. E.), Lady Bannennan. Carnegie (Georgiana), Hon. Mrs. John Tiveedmoiith, Baron. Carr, Georgina E Duke. Carroll, Louisa Boynton. Carrow, Eleanor D. F Dunbar,cr.i6gT. Carter, Lucy Rose, cr. 1874. Gary, Dorothea M Oakes. Gary, Louisa I. S Rowley, cr. 1836. Cassidy, Ellen O'Brien. Cator, Isabella M Rhodes. Cathcart (Elizabeth Mary), Countess Crompton. Caulfeild, Grace A, . . . . . . St. George. Cavaye, Ada M Barttelot. Cave, Beatrice J Williams, cr. 1866. Cavendish (Elizabeth J.), Hon. Mrs. William . . . . Baittie. Cay, Agnes S Dixie. Cay, Annie J affray. Cay ley (Catherine L.), Lady Worsley. Cayley, Marion L Robinson, cr. 1854. Cecil (Edith), Lady Francis Brooks, cr. 1886. Chamberlain, Ramet T. .. Sivinburtie. Chamberlayne, Norah G. . . Bates. Chambers, Alice J Mahon. Chambers, Maria Wood, cr. 1837. Champain (Harriett S. Bateman-), Lady .. .. Currie. Champneys, Virginia J. . . Dalrymple, cr. 1697. Chapman, Adelaide M Fletcher, cr. 1782. Chapman, Anna M Weldon. Chauncy, Frances A Warren. Chavasse, Anna G Coghill. Chazelle (Emma L.), Vis- comtess Perrot de . . . . Barclay. Chesterfield (Dorothea), Coun- tess of Hay, cr. 1635. Chichester, Beatrice .. .. Chichester, cr. 1641. Childe, Frances C. Baldwyn- Leighton^r.ifx)?. Chitty (Clara J. ), Lady . . . . Pollock. Cholmeley (Edith S.), Lady Rowley, cr. 1786. Cholmondeley (Katherine L.), Hon. Mrs. Thomas . . . . Sykes, cr. 1783. Clapham, Millicent R. Went- WDrth- Cave-Browne- Cave. Claremont, Flora M Darell. Clarendon, Lavinia . . . . Ewart. Clark, Frances M Buchanan. Clark, Harriet C. M Dick-Cunyngham. Clarke, Louisa Moon. Clarke, Mary Clay. Clarke, Mary T Rose, cr. 1872. Clarke, Sophia Stracey. Clayton, Mary G Levinge. Clement, Louisa C Blackmood. Clements (Amelia), Hon. Mrs. Francis Verner. Clerk (Aymee E. G.), Lady.. Napier, cr. 1627. Clerk, Eleanor Mordaunt. Clifford, Sicele A De Trafford. Clinton(Margaret),Baroness. . Walrond. Clissold, Florence J. C. G. .. Gooch, cr. 1746. Clitherow, Harriot Stracey- .. Tiveedmouth, Baron. Clive, Anne S. M Farquhar. Close, Elinor C. L Maimuaring. Clutterbuck, Adelaide . . . . Barrow. Coates, Frances J Bromhead. Coats, Agnes B Muir. Cobham, Adela A. C Grant, cr. 1705. Cochrane, Elizabeth M. S. .. Ramsay-Fairfax. Cochrane, Mary E Sutttm. Cochrane (Rosetta), Lady.. Wlieeler-Cuffe. Cock, Anna Pollock. Cockcroft, Annie H De Burgh-Laiuson. Cocks, Amabel J Watson-Copley. Coles, Edith Cowper- . . . . Bailey. Colley (Edith A.), Lady Pomeroy- Borrowes. . Collins, Annette, Rigbye- .. Lethbridge. Collyer, Georgina F. A.. .. Johnston. Combermere (Isabel M.), Vis- countess Chetwynd. Commin, Catherine A Osborne. Cornpton, Laura Burrard,cr.?>oT. Congreve, Ethelred V. F. . . Cust. Connellan, Anne M Langrishe. Connolly, Letitia M Nugent, cr. 1795. Cooke, Emma J. Davies-.. Sykes, cr. 1783. Cooke (Harriet B. J. G.), ' Lady Feilden. Cooke, Mary A. H. C Brooke-Pechell. Cookson, Mary E Stirling, cr. 1666. Cooper, Constance Mordaunt. Cooper, Harriet Grant-Suttie. Cooper, Selina Weldon. Copley, Selina F. Bewicke- . . Watson , cr. 1 760. Corbet, Anna M. E Grey-Egerton. Corbett, Louisa M. .. .. Isham. Corbett, Marianne Ridley. Cordes, Margaret A Milne. Corfield, Agnes R. A A lleyne. Cotes, Isabella E Dickson-Poynder. Cottenham (Theodosia F.), Countess of Dallas. Cotton, Mary A. E Grey-Egerton. Cotton, Marion L Crofton, cr. 1838. Coulson, Charlotte Alexander, cr. 1809. Couper (Caroline P.), Lady.. Every. Court, Mary C Walker, cr. 1886. Coutts, Clara M. Money- .. Burdett, cr. 1618. Coutts (Angela G.), Baroness Burdett- Burdett, cr. 1618. Covey, Mary J. W. . . . . Farrington. Cunningham, Harriotte . . De Trafford. Craig (Elizabeth S.), Lady Gibson- Vivian. Craig, Emily D. Gibson- . . Wiltnot, cr. 1772. Cranstoun (Elizabeth), Baroness Seale. Craufurd, Frances Molesworth. Crawford and Balcarres (Mar- garet), Countess of . . . . Lindsay. Cremorne (Julia G. S.), Lady Wombwell. Cresswell, Alice L. A. Baker- Pas ton-Cooper. Creyke, Caroline Lawes. Creyke, Frances E Bacon. Crichton, Katherine C. Mait- land-Makgill- Hulse.