Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/693

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Helen, who d. 1857, da. of John F. Timins, Esq., of Hilfield, Herts ; 2nd, 1860, Anne Maria, da. of the late Maj.-Gen. Sir Thomas Simson Pratt, K .C. B. ; cr. K.C.B.I853, G.C.M.G. 1874. i.Shia Gar- dens, S. Kensington, S. IV.; Carlton Club. BARNABY, Sir Nathaniel, K.C.B. j b. , 1829 ; was Ch. Naval Architect R.N. 1872-6, and Director of Naval Construction 1876-85 ; is Vice-Pres. of Institute of Naval Architects; cr. C.B. 1876, K.C.B. 1885. Moray House, Lee, S.E. BARNARD, Gen. Sir Charles Loudon, K.C.B., son of the late Adm. Barnard ; b. 1823 ; entered R. M. Artillery 1841, be- came Capt. 1854, Major 1861, Lieut. -Col. 1862, Col. 1867, Major-Gen. 1868, Col.- Comdt. 187-, Lieut. -Gen. 1877, and Gen. 1886; retired 1888 ; served in Syria 1840-1 (medal with clasp and Turkish medal), at action of Obligado St. Lorenzo 1846 (mentioned in despatches), and in China 1859-60 (medal with two clasps, and spe- cially mentioned) : m. 1858, Julia, da. of Capt. Edwards, R.N. ; cr. C.B., 1869, K.C.B. 1887. The Priory, Usk ; United Service Club. BARNEY, Sir Joseph, son of Thomas Barnby, Esq. ; b. 1838 ; formerly Precen- j tor at Eton Coll. ; is Conductor of Roy. ; Choral So., Roy. Albert Hall ; appointed i Principal of Guildhall Sch. of Music 1892 ; cr. K. B. 1892. g,St.George?sSqitare,S. IV. BARNES, Hon. Sir John Gorell, el. son of the late Henry Barnes, Esq., of Liverpool ; b. 1848 ; ed. at St. Peter's Coll. , j Camb. (B.A. 1868, M.A. 1871); Bar. Inner i Temple 1876, and a Q.C. 1888 ; went N. ; ( 'ircuit ; appointed a Judge of the Pro- ; bate, Divorce and Admiralty Div. of the High Court of Justice 1892: m. 1881, Mary H.,da. of the late Thomas Mitchell, Esq. ; cr. K.B. 1892. 14, Kensington Park Gardens, W. ; Royal Courts of Justice, W.C. BARRINGTON, Sir Vincent Hunter Barrington KENNETT-, son of the late Capt. Vincent Frederick Kennett, of the Manor House, Dorchester, by Arabella Henrietta, da. of the late Sir Jonah Bar- rington, whose name he assumed in 1878 by Royal Licence under his mother's will ; b. 1844 ; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. in Double Honours as Wrangler 1867, and in Law Tripos 1869, M.A. and LL.M. 1871) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1872 ; formerly Lieut. Roy. El- thorne Militia ; was a Commr. under Geneva Convention (Red Cross) during Franco-German War 1870-1, Carlist- Republican and Carlist-Alphonist Wars 1873-5, l ^e Turko-Servian War 1876-7, theTurco-RussianWar 1877-8, the Suakin Expedition 1885, and the Servo- Bulgarian War 1885-6 ; received Knighthood for these services, and has medals and dis- tinctions from various Govts., and silver and bronze medals of Roy. Humane So. for saving the lives of drowning men ; is KNIGHTS. 615 Govt. nominated member of Metropolitan Asylums Board, and Dep. Chm. of St. John Ambulance Asso. : m. 1878, Alicia Georgette, da. of the late George Glas Sandeman. Esq., of Westfield, Hayling Island, and Hyde Park Gardens ; cr. K.B. 1886. 65, Albert Hall Mansions, W., Manor House, Dorchester, Oxford ; Athe- tuzum and Oxford and Cambridge Clubs. BARRY, Hon. Sir Jacob Dirk, son of the late Hon. Joseph Barry, M.L.C. of Cape Colony ; b. 1832 ; ed. at Cheltenham Coll., and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1855); Bar. Inner Temple 1858, and an advocate of Supreme Court, Cape Colony, 1860 ; was M.L.A. (Cape) 1864-9, acting Solici- tor-Gen. 1867-8, Recorder of High-Court, Griqualand 1871-8, Delegate-nominate for Griqualand at proposed S. African Con- ference 1875, an d non-elective member of Legislative, and senior member of Execu- tive Council, twice administrator of Govt. of Province of Griqualand, and Judge of Supreme Court of Cape of Good Hope 1878-80; has been since 1880 a member of Court of Appeal and Judge Pres. of Courts of E. Districts of Cape of Good Hope : in. 1867, Charlotte, da. of the Right Rev. Nathaniel James Merriman, Bishop of Grahamstown; cr. K.B. 1878. Grahams- town, Cafe Colony. B ARTLETT, Sir Ellis ASHMEAD-, M. P. , el. son of the late Mr. Ellis Bartlett, of Plymouth, New England, U.S.A.; b. 1849; ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1872) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1877 ; was sometime one of H.M.'s Inspectors of Schs., and Civil Lord of the Admiralty June 1885 to Jan. 1886 and Aug. 1886 to Aug. 1892 ; sat as M.P. for Eye (C) 1-880-85, since when he has sat for Sheffield, Eccleshill Div. ; cr. K.B. 1892. 6, Grosvenor Street, W. ; Carlton, St. Steptien's, and Wellington Clubs. BATEMAN, Sir Frederic, M.D., son of the late John Bateman, Esq. , Sheriff of Norwich 1836; b. 1824; M.D. Aberdeen 1850, F. R.C. P. London 1876 ; is Senior Physician to Norfolk and Norwich Hos- pital, a J.P. for Norfolk and for City of Norwich (Sheriff 1872), Fellow and Laureate of Acad. of Medicine of France. Corresponding Member of Psychiatrical So. of St. Petersburg, Hon. Member of New York Neurological So. , and Foreign Associate of Medico- Psychological So. of Paris; author of "Aphasia" and other medical and scientific works : m. Emma Brownfield, only da. of the late John Gooderson, Esq., of Norwich ; cr. K.B. 1892. Upper St. Giles Street, Norwich; Burlingham Lodge, Aldburgh, Norfolk. BATES, Gen. Sir Henry, K.C.B., son of the late Major Henry Bates, R.A. ; 6. 1813 ; ed. at Charterhouse, and at Sand- hurst ; entered 38th Regt. 1829, became Capt. 1845, Major 1846, Lt.-Col. 1849, Col. 1854, Maj.-Gen. 1863, Lieut.-Gen. 1872, and Gen. 1877 ; retired 1881 ; was Col.