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KNIGHTAGE. 628 of Commons ; was Finance Min. of Cana- dian Govt. 1873-8; sworn of P.C. of Canada 1872 : m. 1859, Frances, da. of Col. Alexander Lawe, H.E.I.C.S. ; cr. K.C.M.G. 1879. King Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. CAVE, Hon. Sir Lewis William, el. son of the late William Cave, Esq., of Desborough, Northampton ; b. 1832 : ed. at Rugby, and at Lincoln Coll., Oxford (R.A. 1855, M.A. 1877); Bar. Inner Temple 1859, a Q.C. 1875, and a Bencher 1877 ; was a Revising Barrister 1865-75, Recorder of Lincoln 1873-81, a Commr. of Assize for Autumn Circuit 1877, and a Commr. to Inquire into Corrupt Practices at Elections 1880; appointed a Judge of High Court of Justice 1881 ; was Judge in Bankruptcy 1884-91 : m. 1856, Julia, da. of the late Rev. C. F. Watkins, V. of Brix- worth ; cr. K.B. 1881. The Manor House, Wcodman sterne, near Epsom ; 660, Royal Courts of Justice, E.G. ; Oxford and Cambtidgc, and Athenccum Clubs. CAYLEY, Sir Richard [see Cayley, Bart., colls.]. CHADS, Adm. Sir Henry, K.C.B., son of the late Adm. Sir Henry Ducie Chads, G.C.B. ; b. 1819; entered R.N. 1832, becameCapt. 1848, Rear.-Adm. 1866, Vice-Adm. 1872, and Adm. 1877 ; retired 1884 ; engaged in suppression of piracy in Straits of Malacca 1836, and in Island of Sumatra 1844 (severely wounded) ; commanded the "Styx" on W. Coast of Africa 1846-8 ; was present at cap- ' ture of Aland Islands and destruction of Bomarsund (medal) ; was Capt. Sup. of Deptford Dock and Victualling Yards 1863-6, second in command of Channel Fleet 1869-70, and Com.-in-Ch. at the Nore 1876-7 ; cr. K.C.B. 1887. Portland House, Southsea ; United Service Club. CHALMERS, Hon. Sir David Patrick, son of David Chalmers, Esq., M.D. ; b. 18 ; ed. at Edinburgh Univ. ; Advocate Scotland 1860 ; was Magistrate of the Gambia, 1867-9, Judicial Assessor of Gold Coast 1869-72, Queen's Advocate of Sierra Leone 1872-4, and of Gold Coast Colony 1874-76, and Ch. Justice of Gold Coast Colony 1876-8, since when he has been Ch. Justice of British Guiana : in. 1878, Janet Alice, da. of James Lorimer, Esq., Profes- sor of Public Law in Edin. Univ. ; cr. K.B. 1876. Georgetown, British Guiana. CHAMBERLAIN, Gen. Sir Neville Bowles, G.C.B. , G.C.S.I. [see Chamber- lain, Bart. . CHAMBERS, Sir George Henry, son of the late Edward Chambers, Esq. ; b. 1816 ; is a merchant and ship-owner, a D.L. for Tower Hamlets, Chm. of Thames Nautical Training Coll., H.M.S. "Wor- cester, " and a Director of London and St. ^Catherine's Dock Co. ; unsuccessfully contested Bristol (C) 1874 : m. ist, 1836, Mary Ann, who d. 1868, da. of W. C. Sheppard, Esq. ; 2nd, 1870, Charlotte Ma- tilda, who d. 1876, widow of Thomas Neale, Esq.; cr. K.B. 1880. Langley Lodge, Beckcnham, Kent; 4, Mincing Lane, E.G. ; Junior Carlton Club. CHAPMAN, Gen. Sir Frederick Ed- ward, G.C.B., son of Richard Chapman, Esq., of Gatchell, Somerset ; 6. 1816 ; en- tered R.E. 1835, becameCapt. 1846, Maj. 1854, Lieut.-Col. and Col. 1855, Major- Gen. 1867, Lieut. -Gen. 1872, and Gen. 1877; retired 1881; employed on a special mission to Constantinople 1854 ; served at battles of the Alma and Inkerman, and at Sebastopol (three times mentioned in despatches, medal with three clasps, Tur- kish and Sardinian medals, Legion of Honour and 3rd Class Medjidie) ; was Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of Bermuda 1867-70, In- spector-Gen, of Fortifications 1870-75, and attached to Special Mission to Italy 1878 : m. ist, 1846, Anne Weston, who d. 1879, da. of William Cox, Esq., of Cheshunt ; 2nd, 1889, Matilda Sara, da. of the late Benjamin Wood, Esq. , of Long Newnton, Wilts, and widow of John Rapp, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1865, K.C.B. 1867, G.C.B. 1877. Belgrave Mansions, Grosvenor Gardens, S. W. ; United Service and Wellington _ Clubs. CHARLES, Hon. Sir Arthur, youngest son of the late Robert Charles, Esq., of London; b. 1839; ed. at Unis-. Coll., London (B.A. London Univ. with mathe- matical honours 1858, Hon. M.A. from Archbishop of Canterbury, and Hon. D.C.L. Durham 1884) ; Bar. (certificate of honour ist class) Inner Temple 1862. Q.C. 1877, and Bencher 1880 ; went W. Circuit, of which he was a leader ; was Recorder of Bath 1878-87, Chancellor of Southwell Diocese and Commissary of Dean and Chapter of Westminster 1884-7, and Examiner in Common Law in London Univ. 1877-82 ; is a Member of Council and Pres. of Senate of Univ. Coll., London, and a Member of Council of Legal Edu- cation ; unsuccessfully contested London Univ. (C) 1880; was Ch. Commr. to inquire into corrupt practices at City of Canterbury Election 1880, and a Roy. Commr. to inquire into Ecclesiastical Courts 1881-3 ! appointed a Judge of High Court of Justice 1887 : ;;/. 1866, Rachel Christian, da. of the late Thomas Duncan Newton, Esq., of Plymouth ; K.B. 1887. Shelley House, Chelsea Embankment, S. W. : Athentsiim, Garrick, and Servile Clubs. CHARLEY, Sir William Thomas. Q.C,, D.C.L., youngest son of the late Matthew Charley, Esq., of Finaghy House, and Woodbourne, co. Antrim ; b. 1833 ; ed. at St. John's Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1856, B.C.L. and D.C.L. 1868) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1865, having obtained (1864) the First Certificate of Honour of the ist class, and (1865) the Exhibition at final examinations of Council of Legal Education ; Q.C. 1880; was Common Serjeant of London, and a Judge of Cen-