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638 KNIGHTAGE. 1888-90, and Administrator-Gen, of British E. Africa Co. 1890-91 ; appointed Comp- troller and Treasurer of the Household, to H.R.H. the late Duke of Clarence and Avondale, Jan. 1892, and to H.R.H. the Duke of York, Feb. 1892 ; m. 1864, Evelyn, da. of Christopher Rawson, Esq., of Len- noxville, E. Canada; a: C.M.G. 1882, K.C.M.G. 1884, C.B. 1888. Winkfield, Windsor ; Marlborough, United Service and Pratt 's Clubs. DIBBS, Sir George, K.C.M.G., son of Capt. John Dibbs, H.E.I.C.S. ; b. 1834 ; ed. in Sydney ; was Premier N.S. Wales Jan. to March 1880, Colonial Treasurer 1883-5, Premier and Colonial Sec. Oct. 1885, Treasurer and Premier Oct. to Dec. 1885, and Premier and Colonial Sec. 1886-7, and J ^^9 < h as again been Premier and Colonial Sec. since 1891 ; represented N. S. Wales at Australasian Federation Convention 1891 ; is engaged in mercantile pursuits : m. 18 , Annie Maria, da. of the late Hon. R. M. Robey, M. L.C., of Newtown, Sydney, N. S. Wales; cr. K.C.M.G. 1892. Penrith, Sydney, N. S. Wales. DlCKESON, Sir Richard, el. son of the late Richard Dickeson, Esq., of St. Margaret's, Rochester ; b. 1823 ; ed. at Sir Joseph Williamson's Sch., Roches- ter ; is a Merchant at Dover, having branch businesses in London, Dublin and Alder- shot ; was a Member of the Corporation of Dover 1853-85, and four times Mayor of that borough : m. ist, 1848, Elizabeth Barber, who d. 1865, da. of John Rey- nolds, Esq., of Dover; 2nd, 1878, Eliza, da. of William Garwood, Esq. , of Palace Grove, Bromley, Kent; cr. K.B. 1884. .The Grand Hotel, Northumberland Avenue, W.C. ; City Liberal Club. DICKSON, Gen. Sir Collingwood, G.C.B., V.C., son of the late Major-Gen. Sir Alexander Dickson, G.C.B., K.C.H. ; b. 1817 ; entered R.A. 1835, became Capt. and Major 1846, Lieut. -Col. 1854, Col. 1855, Major-Gen. 1866, Col. Comdt. 1875, Lieut. -Gen. 1876, and Gen. 1877 ; retired | 1884 ; was Inspector-Gen, of Artilleryi87i-5, Pres. of Ordnance Committee War Office 1881-5, and sometime an A. D.C. toH.M. ; served on the Staff of Lord Raglan in ; Crimea 1854-5 (medal with four clasps, V.C., Officier of Legion of Honour, Med- jidie, 2nd class, and orders of San Fer- i nando, Isabel la Catolica, and Charles III.): m. 1847, Harriet, 2nd da. of the Rev. ! Thomas Burnaby, M.A., V. of Blakesley, ] Northampton; cr. C.B. 1855, K.C.B. i 1871, G.C.B. 1884. 79, Claverton Street, S. W. ; United Service Club. DILLON, Gen. Sir Martin Andrew, K.C.B. , C.S.I., son of the late Major Dillon, of Lissane, co. Mayo ; b. 1826 ; entered Army 1843, became Capt. 1855, I Major 1858, Lieut. -Col. 1861, Col. 1868, j Maj.-Gen. 1878, Lieut.-Gen. 1887, and Gen. i 1892 ; served with gSth Regt. in Punjab j 1848-9 (medal), at forcing the Kohat Pass 1850 (medal with clasp), with Rifle Brig, in Crimea 1856, and in India Mutiny Cam- paigns 1857-9 (medal with clasp), as A. A. G. in China Expedition 1860 (medal with clasps), and in Abyssinian Campaign 1867-8 (medal, and mentioned in despatches); was anA.D.C. to H.M. 1868-78, and Assist. Mil. Sec. to F.M. H.R.H. the Com.-in- Ch. 1878-83 ; commanded a Div. of Indian Army 1884-7; '. C.B. 1868, K.C.B. 1887. United Service and Marlborough Clubs. DlNGLI, His Honour Sir Adrian, G.C.M.G., C.B., LL.D., son of the late Sir Paul Dingli, G.C.M.G., Pres. of H.M. Court of Appeal, Malta ; b. 1817; LL.D. of Malta Univ. 1836 ; Bar. of Malta, 1837 ; elected Member of Council of Govt. of Malta 1849 ; was Crown Advocate, Legal Adviser to Govt., and ex-officio Member of Council 1854-80, when he was appointed Ch. Justice of Malta ; reformed and codi- fied the law of Malta : m. ist, 1854, Catherine, who d. 1857, da. of the late V. Mamo, Esq., C.M.G. ; 2nd, 1879, Amy Mildred Mary, da. of William Henry Charlton, Esq., of Hesleyside, Northum- berland ; cr. C.M.G. 1856, C.B. 1859, K.C.M.G. 1860, G. C.M.G. 1868. 3, Strada Fonii, Valetta, Malta. DIXON, Sir Daniel, son of the late Thomas Dixon, Esq., of Larne, co. Antrim ; b. 1844 ; ed. privately, and at Roy. Academical Institution, Belfast ; elected Town Councillor (Dock Ward), Belfast 1871, Alderman 1882, and Mayor (subsequently Lord Mayor) 1892 ; is partner in the firm of Thomas Dixon and Sons, timber merchants and shippers, of Belfast, a Member of Belfast Harbour Board, a J.P. for cos. Antrim and Down, and Director of several cos. : in. ist 1867, Lizzie, who d. 1868, da. of the late James Agnew, Esq., of Belfast ;2nd, 1870, Annie, da. of the late James Shaw, Esq., of Belfast ; cr. K.B. 1892. Ballymenoch, Holywood, co. Down ; The Farm, Grooms- fort, co. Down ; Constitutional, and Union (Belfast}. DIXON, Sir Raylton, son of the late Jeremiah Dixon, Esq., of Balla Wray, Ambleside ; b. 1838 ; ed. privately ; was Mayor of Middlesbrough 1888 ; formerly Major ist. N. Yorkshire Artillery Vol. ; is a J.P. and a D.L. for N. Riding of Yorkshire, a Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, and head of the firm of Raylton Dixon and Co., shipbuilders, of Middlesbrough; unsuccessfully contested Middlesbrough (C) 1885: m. 1863, Eliza- beth, da. of the late Robert Walker, Esq., M.D., of Greenock ; cr. K.B. 1890. Gunnergate Hall, Marton-in-Cleveland, Middlesbrough ; Junior Carlton and Constitutional Clubs. DOBSON, Hon. Sir William Lambert, el. son of the late John Dobson, Esq. , Solici- tor and Notary Public of Hobart, and formerly of Gateshead, co. Durham ; //.