Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/724

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646 Temple 1866 ; was three years en staff of Weekly Reporter in Chancery Courts ; joined W. Circuit 1868 ; appoin- ted Judge of Supreme Courts, Straits Settlements 1874 ; was Presiding Judge of Penang Div. March to July 1874, and Acting Judge of Penang 1874-6, when he resigned ; reappointed Senior Puisne judge Nov. 1876, and was acting Ch. Justice 1876-8, and again in 1883 ; was Ch. Justice of Straits Settlements 1886-9 : m. 1859, Ellen Elizabeth, da. of the late Mr. George Watson; cr. K.B. 1888. 67, Linden Gardens, ftayswater, W. FORREST, Sir John, K.C.M.G., son of William Forrest, Esq., of Lesche- nault, near Bunbury, W. Australia ; b. 1847 ; ed. at the Bishop's Sch., Perth, W. Australia ; entered Survey Depart, of W, Australia 1865 ; in 1869, 1870, and KNIGHTAGE. Professor of Medicine Queen's Coll., and Consulting Physician to Gen. Hospital, Birmingham, Pres. of Allotments Asso., a member of Gen. Medical Council of the United Kingdom, a Vice-Pres. of British Medical Asso., and a Consulting Physician ; appointed Parliamentary Sec. to Local Govt. Board Aug. 1892 ; author of " Clinical Medicine," " The Sphygmograph in Heart Disease," and many pamphlets on medical and sanitary science ; sat as M. P. for Chester (L) Nov. 1885 to June 1886, when he was defeated ; elected for Ilkeston Div. of Derbyshire (GL) March 1887 : m. 1864, Emily Martha, da. of W. L. Sargant, Esq. , of Edgbaston, Birmingham ; cr. K.B. 1886. Aslifield, Edgbaston; 55. Temple Rent!, Birmingham; n, George Street, Hanover Square, W. ; Reform and Xational Liberal Clubs. 1874 commanded important exploring Fox, Sir (Charles) Douglas, son of the expeditions into interior of Australia '. (presented by Imperial Govt. with a | grant of 5,000 acres of land, gold medal of Roy. Geographical So. of London 1876, thanked by Gov. and Legislative Council) ; conducted the trigonometrical survey of Nickol Bay Dist. 1878, and of Gascoyne and Lyons Dist. 1882 ; was Acting Commr. of Crown Lands, Sur- veyor-Gen, and M.E.C. 1878-9, and Acting Comptroller of Convicts 1880- j 81, Dep. Surveyor Gen. of that ; colony 1876-82, and Surveyor-Gen, and Commr. of Crown Lands 1882-90 ; in | 1883 and 1886 went on a Special Mission late Sir Charles Fox, constructor of the Crystal Palace of 1851 ; t>. 1840 ; ed. at King's Coll., London (Fellow 1887) ; is a civil and mechanical engineer, member of Council of Institution of Civil Engineers, a J.P. for London and Surrey, and a County Alderman for Surrey ; was one of the engineers of the Mersey Tunnel, opened 1886 : m. 1863, Mary, da. of the late Fran- cis Wright, Esq., of Osmaston Manor, Der- byshire [Fitz-Herbert, Bart.]; cr. K.B. 1886. Coombe Springs, Kingston-on- Ttiames; 28, Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W. ; City of London, National, and Snrrev Clubs. to the Kimberley Dist.. N.W. Australia ; | FOX, Sir William, K.C.M.G., son of is a M.L.C., a M.L.A., first Premier and Treasurer of W. Australia under respon- sible Govt., a J.P. for W. Australia, and a Knt. of the Crown of Italy ; represented the Colony at Colonial Conference in London 1887, and at National Federa- tion Convention at Sydney 1891 : m. 1876, Margaret Elvire, da. of the late Edward Hamersley, Esq. ; cr. C.M.G. 1882, K.C.M.G. 1891. Perth, Western Australia. FORWOOD, Sir William Bower, son of the late Thomas Brittain Forwood, the late George Townshend Fox, Esq., a J.P. and D. L. for co. Durham ; b. 1812 ; ed. at Wadham Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1832, M.A. 1839); Bar. Inner Temple 1842 ; emi- grated to New Zealand 184-, and practised at the local Bar, has been Attorney-Gen., Colonial Sec. , and Sec. for Native Affairs of New Zealand ; was Premier of New Zealand 1856, 1861-2, and 1869-72 : m. 1842, Sarah, who rf.' 1892. da. of William Hal- combe, Esq. , of Poulton House, Wilts ; cr. K.C.M.G. 1879. Auckland, New Zealand. FRASER, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles Craufurd, K.C.B., V.C. fsee Eraser, Bart.]. Esq., J.P. , of Thornton Manor, Cheshire ; ? _ b. 1840 ; ed. at Liverpool Coll. ; was Pres. i T-.~" *"* /-' *'? TJ r- T-> -j of Liverpool Incorporated Chamber of FRASER, Gen. the Hon. Sir David Commerce 1871-2 and 1877-81, and Mayor McDowall, A . C '.. [see B. Saltoun J . of Liverpool 1881 ; is Chm. of Parlia- 1 FRASER, Sir Malcolm, K.L.M.G.; mentary Committee of Liverpool Corpora- b. 1833 ; employed in various Departs, of New Zealand Govt. 1857-80 ; was Commr. of Crown Lands and Surveyor Gen. of W. Australia 1870-83, and Colonial Sec. 1883- 90; appointed Agent-Gen, in London for W. Australia 1892 : m. 1861 ; cr. C.M.G. 1881, K.C.M.G. 1887. 43, Wynnstay Gar- dens, Kensington, W.; 15, Victoria tion, a J.P. for Lancashire and Liverpool, and Dep. Chm. of Quarter Sessions : m. 1862, Mary Eleanor, only da. of the late William Miles Moss, Esq., of Eller- slie, Liverpool ; cr. K.B. 1883. Ramleh. Blundellsands ; Wykefield, Ambleside ; Constitutional Club. FOSTER, Sir (Balthazar) Walter, M.D., M.P., son of the late Balthazar Foster, Street, S. W. ; St. Stephen s and New Travellers' Clubs. Esq., of Drogheda and Beaulieu, Hants ; FRASER, Sir William, ; A. C.B.,LL.D.; b. 1840 ; ed. at Drogheda Grammar Sch., ; LL.D. Edinburgh Univ. 1882 ; admitted and at Dublin (L.R.C.S.I. 1860, M.D. Solicitor before Supreme Courts of Scot- Univ. of Erlangen 1864, F.R.C.P. London land 1851; appointed Assist. Keeper of 1873); is a T.P. for Warwickshire, Emeritus General Register of Sasines for Scotland