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648 KNIGHTAGE. 1858, Eleanor, da. of the late Charles Pen- , nington, Esq., of Manchester ; 2nd, 1874, Laura, da. of the late John Oakes, Esq., of Manchester; cr. K.B. 1887. 26, Sussex Place, Regent's Park, N. W. ; The Ches- nuts, Shepperton ; Junior Carlion Club. GALT, Hon. Sir Alexander Tilloch, G.C.M.G.,LL.D.,sonof John Gait, Esq., a well-known author ; b. 1817 ; was Ch. Commr. of British American Land Co. 1843-55, Pres. of St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Co. 1851-3, Min. of Finance Canada 1858-62, and 1864-6, and of Domi- nion of Canada 1867 ; is a P.C. of Canada 1867 ; was a member of Confederation Conferences at Charlotte Town, Quebec, and London, and a Member of Provincial Legislature 1849-72 ; appointed 1875 H.M.'s Commr. to attend Commn. on Fisheries Question at Halifax, Nova Scotia, under Treaty of Washington, 1871, High Commr. in Great Britain for Domi- nion of Canada 1880-3, an d delegate of Canada at International Monetary Confer- , enceat Paris, i88i;Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh 1883 : m. ist, 1848, Elliot, who d. 1850, da. of John Torrance, Esq., Montreal ; 2ndly, 18^2, Amy Gordon, also a da. of John Tor- ' ranee, Esq. ; cr. K.C.M.G. 1869, G.C.M.G. i 1878. Les Ruches, Cacouna, Canada; ^Montreal, Canada; JIarlborough Club. GALT, Hon. Sir Thomas ; b. 18 ; sometime a Puisne Judge of Common Pleas Div. of Ontario, of which he has been Ch. Justice since 1887; cr. K.B. 1888. Toronto, Ontario. G ALTON, Capt. Sir Douglas, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., E.R.S., son of the late John Howard Galton, Esq., of Hadzor House, Worcester ; b. 1823 ; ed. at Rugby, and at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich (Hon. D.C.L. Oxford 1875, LL.D. Montreal 1884 and Durham 1889) ; formerly Capt. R.E. ; employed on removal of wreck of "Royal George" 1842; served in Mediterranean 1843-5, and in Ordnance Survey 1846-7 ; appointed Sec. of Roy. Commn. on application of iron to rail- way structures 1848, Inspector of Rail- ways 1851, Sec. of Railway Depart. Board of Trade 1854, Chm. of Comm. on Sub- marine Cables 1857, Referee for Main Drainage of Metropolis 1858, Member of Barrack and Hospital Commn. 1859, Assist. Inspector-Gen, of Fortifications 1859, Assist. Under-Sec, of State for War 1862, and a Member of Roy. Commns. on Thames Embankment 1861-5, on Railway Rates 1866, and on Cubic Space in Work- houses 1867 ; was Director of Public Works and Buildings 1870-5 ; since 1875 has acted as Gen. Sec. of British Associa- tion ; was a Judge on Railway Appliances at Philadelphia Exhibition 1876, and at Paris Exhibition 1878, M.E.C. of Inter- national Health Exhibition 1884, and of Inventions Exhibition 1885, and Chm. of Organizing Committee of International Congress of Hygiene and Demography 1891 : is a J.P. and a County Councillor (Hanbury Div.) for Worcestershire, a Member of Army Sanitary Commn., and of Metropolitan Asylums Board, and Chm. of Sanitary Institute, a Com. of Legion of Honour, and has Orders of the Crown of Prussia and of the Medjidie : m. 1851, Marianne, da. of the late George Thomas Nicholson, Esq., of Waverley Abbey, Farn- ham ; cr. C.B. 1865, K.C.B. 1887. 12, Chester Street, Grosvenor Place, S. W.; Himblelon Manor, Droitwlch ; Army and Navy, Athenceum, and Whitehall Clubs. GARRICK, Sir James Francis, K.C.M.G., Q.C., son of the late James Francis Garrick, Esq. ; b. 1836 ; admitted a Solicitor of Supreme Court, Queensland, 1861 ; M.L.A. of Queensland 1867-8, Bar. Middle Temple 1873, and of Queensland 1874, and Q.C. 1882 ; was Crown Prose- cutor for Queensland 1874-7, M.L.A. 1877-83, and M.E.C. 1878-9, Min. of Lands and afterwards Attorney-Gen. 1878-9, M.L.C. 1884-5, M.E.C. and Postmaster-Gen. 1884, and Agent-Gen, in London for Queensland 1885-8, and was the first Agent-Gen, who had been a Member of his Colony's Govt. ; was one of two delegates of Queensland to Australasian Federal Convention at Sydney 1883, and to Colonial Conference in London 1887, and a Roy. Commr. and Executive Commr. for Queensland at Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886 ; has again been Agent-Gen, for Queensland in London since 1890 : m. 1865, Kate, da. of the late J. J. Cadell. Esq., M.D. ; cr. C.M.G. 1885, K.C.M.G. 1886. 38, Courtfield Gardens, S. W. GARROD, Sir Alfred Baring, J/.Z>., F.R.S., son of the late Robert Garrod, Esq., of Ipswich ; b. 1819 ; ed. at Ipswich Gram. Sch. , and at Univ. Coll. , London ; M.D. 1843, F.R.C.P. 1856, F.R.S. 1858 ; is consulting physician to King's Coll. Hospital, Vice Pres. of Roy. Coll. of Phy- sicians, and Physician Extraor. to H.M. ; author of Treatises on Therapeutics, Gout, Rheumatism, and Rheumatic Gout, and on other scientific subjects : m. 1845. Elizabeth Anne, who d. 1891, da. of Henry Colchester, Esq., of Ipswich ; cr. K.B. 1887. 10, Harley Street, W. GARTH, Right Hon. Sir Richard, P.C., son of the late Rev. Richard Garth, of Farnham, and of Morden, Surrey ; b. 1820; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1842, M.A. 1845) ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1847, a Q.C. and Bencher 1866 ; was Ch. justice of High Court of Judicature, Bengal, 1875-86 ; sat as M.P. for Guildford (C) 1866-8 : m. 1847, Clara, da. of William Loftus Lowndes, Esq., Q.C.; cr. K.B. 1875. P.C. 1888. 25, Tedworlh Square, S. IV. ; J unior Carlton Club. GAUNT, Sir Edwin, son of John Gaunt, Esq., of Worthy; b. 1818 ; elected a Member of Town Council of Leeds 1 86 1, Alderman 1874, and Mayor 1886