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656 KNIGHTAGE. Commn. to inquire into the condition of Colonial Defences : m. ist, 1863, Caroline, who d. 1875, da. of the late Frederick A. Geary, Esq. ; 2nd, 1877, Teresa Felicia, da. of the late Major Reynolds, 5 8th Regt. ; cr. C.B. 1883, K.C.B. 1884. Government House, Hol'art, Tasmania. HAMLEY, Gen. Sir Edward Bruce, K.C.B. , K.C.M.G., son of the late Adm. William Hamley ; b. 1824 ; entered R.A. 1843, became Capt. 1850, Major 1854, , Lieut. -Col. 1854, Col. 1863, Major-Gen. 1869, Lieut. -Gen. 1882, Col. Comdt. 1886, and Gen. (retired) 1890) ; served in Crimean campaign 1854-5 (medal with four clasps, Sardinian and Turkish medals, Legion of Honour, Medjidie, several times men- tioned in despatches, and C.B.) ; was Professor of Mil. History at Sandhurst ; 1858-64, a Member of Council of Mil. Edu- ; cation 1866-70, Comdt. of Staff Coll. 1870-7, and H.M.'s Commr. for delimitation of j Bulgaria 1879, for demarcating the frontier | of Turkey in Asia 1880, and on International ; Commn.' iSSitosupervisetheevacuation by Ottoman army and occupation by Greek armv of territories ceded by Turkey to Greece ; grand officer of the Medjidie 1881, and of the Saviour of Greece, which latter order he was not (by Foreign Office rules) permitted to accept ; commanded 2nd Div. in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal with clasp,' bronze star, and thanked by Parliament, and 2nd class Osmanieh) ; sat as M.P. for Birkenhead (C) 1885-92 ; cr C.B. 1855, K.C.M.G. 1880, K.C.B. 1882. Army and Navy, Carlion, and, Athen&um Clubs. H ANBURY. Surg. Maj.-Gen. Str James Arthur, K.C.B., son of the late Samuel Hanbu'ry Esq. ; b. 1832; ed. atTrin. Coll., Dublin (M.B. 1853); M.R.C.S. Eng. , 1859, and F.R.C.S. England 1 8 ; en- tered Med. Depart, of Army 1853, be- came Surg. 1863, Surg.-Maj. 1873, Bng.- Sur. 1879, Dep. Surg. -Gen. 1881, and Surg. -Gen. 1887 (now Surg. -Maj. -Gen. ); retired 1892 ; served in China, India, and America ; was principal Med. Officer of a Div. during Afghan Campaigns 1878-9 and 1879-80, present with Bazar Valley Ex- pedition (several times commended in despatches, and specially thanked by } Gov.-Gen. in Council, and by Com.- in-Chief in India for services during the "Return March" of the troops through the Kyber in June, 1879, when cholera was raging in the ' ' Pass ") ; served as principal Med. Officer of Force under Lieut -Gen. Sir F. Roberts on the march from Cabul to Kandahar in Aug. 1880, and was present at battle of Kandahar Sept ist, 1880 ; was subsequently princi- , pal Med. Officer of S. Afghan Field! Force (medal with clasp and bronze star) ; served as Principal Med. Officer in Egyp- j tian Campaign 1882, with rank of Surg - j Gen. and was present at battle of Tel-el- Keber (medal with clasp and 2nd class ; Medjidie , and as Principal Medical Officer at Horse Guards prior to 1887, at Gibraltar 1887-88, and at Madras 1888-92 : m. 1876, Hannah Emily, widow of Col. Carter, C.B., and da. of the late J. Anderson, Esq. , of Coxlodge Hall, Northumberland ; cr. C.B. 1881, K.C.B. 1882. Army and Navy and Junior United Service Clubs. HANCOCK, Hon. Sir Henry James Burford BURFORD-, C.M.G., only son of the late Henry Hancock, Esq., F.R.C.S., of Stanclen, Wilts, and Harley Street, W., sometime Pres. of Roy. Coll. of Surgeons, England ; b. 1839 ; ed. at Eton ; formerly Lieut. 45th Regt. and Capt. Kent Artillery Militia ; Bar. Inner Temple 1866; received Medaille d'hon- neur from H.I.M. Napoleon III. for a "Treatise on International Fishery Laws ; " appointed a District Judge in Jamaica 1876, Attorney-Gen, of Leeward Islands 1878, M.E.C. and M.L.C. of Lee- ward Islands, M.E.C. of St. Kitts, Nevis, Montserrat, Dominica, and Virgin Islands 1878, Ch. Justice and Judge of Vice-Ad- miralty of Leeward Islands, and Commr. of Encumbered Estates Courts of Antigua and Montserrat 1879 ; administered Govt. in Ch. of Leeward Islands 1881; has been Ch. Justice and Judge of Vice- Admiralty of Gibraltar since 1882 ; assumed by Roy. License 1881 the additional surname of Burford : m. 1861, Hannah, da. of the late Capt. Thomas Jacob Settle, R. N. ; cr. K. B, 1882, C.M.G., 1891. The Palace, Gibral- tar; Standen, Vilts; National Club. HARCOURT, Right Hon. Sir William GeorgeGranvilleVenablesVEKXON-, P. C. , M.P. [see B. Vernon, colls.].. HARDING, Sir Robert Palmer, son of Robert Harding, Esq. ; f>. 1821 ; formerly head of the firm of Harding, Whinney and Co., Accountants ; appointed in 1864 a Commr. to inquire into the working of the Bankruptcy Act ; was Pres. of Insti- tute of Accountants in England (which he took an active part in forming) 1882, and Ch. Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, Depart of Board of Trade, 1883-90 ; m. 1845, Marion, da. of Joseph Ryle, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; cr. K.B. 1890. 20, Wetherby Gardens, S. Kensington, S. IV. ; Conserva- tive Club. HARRIS, Sir Augustus Henry Glossop, el. son of the late A. Harris, Esq. ; b. 1852 ; was Sheriff of London 1890-91 ; is one of H.M.'s Lieuts. for City of London, and Lessee and Manager of Covent Garden and Drury Lane Theatres ; has for some years past successfully produced Italian Opera in London ; joint author of many theatrical pieces : m. 1881, Florence Edge- cumbe.da. of William Edgecumbe Rendle, Esq., of Plymouth; cr. K.B. 1891. The Elms, Avenue Road, Regent's Park, N. IV. ; Prince's, Lyric, and Savage Clubs. HARRIS, Sir George David, son of the late David Nicholas Harris, Esq., of Laleham, Middlesex ; /'. 1827 ; was a Member of Colonial Parliament, Bahamas,