Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/744

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666 KNIGHTAGE, 1854-6 (2 medals with clasp), with Naval Brig, at assault and capture of Canton 1857 ' (medal with clasp), at Bombardment of Kagosima (wounded andbadly burnt), and during operations in Inland Sea 1864 ; (specially mentioned in despatches) ; was ! Hon. Sec. of Roy. Naval Exhibition 1891 : m. 18 , Harriet, da. of Archibald Camp- bell, Esq., of Thornhill, Quebec ; cr. K.B. : 1891. Marlbarough Club. JERVOIS, Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Francis Drummond, G.C.M.G., C.B., /'"../?. 5., son of the late Gen. Williamjervois, K.H., Col. 70th Foot; b. 1821 ; entered R.E. 1839, became Capt. 1847, Major i854,Lieut.-Col. 1861, Col. 1867, Maj.-Gen. 1877, and Lieut. -Gen. (retired) 1882 ; ser- ved on CapeColony frontier 1841-8, making surveys and roads, and building bridges, &c. ; was Brig. -Ma j. to Field Force against Dutch Boers 1842 ; engaged in Kaffir War 1846-7 ; employed designing and execut- ing fortifications at Alderney 1852-5 ; appointed Assist. Inspector-Gen, of Forti- fications War Depart. 1856, Sec. to Roy. Commn. on Defences of United Kingdom 1859, and Dep. Director of Fortifications 1862 ; was a Member of Commn. on Appli- cation of Iron to Ships and Forts, on other Govt. Commns. and Committees relating to defences of the Empire, Gov. of Straits Settlement 1875-77, Gov. of S. Australia 1877-82, and Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of New Zealand 1882-8; is Adviser of Australasian Govts. on defence questions, and a Gov. of the Imperial Institute : m. 1850, Lucy, da. of the late William Norsworthy, . Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1863, K.C.M.G. 1874, G.C.M.G. 1878. Merlewood, Virginia Water, Surrey; Athcna-nm and United Service Clubs. JEUNE, Right Hon. Si'rFrancis Henry, P. C., D. C.L., el.son of thelate Lord Bishop (Francis Jeune, D.C.L. ) of Peterborough ; b. 1843 ; ed. at Harrow, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (ist class Moderations and Stanhope Univ. Prize 1863, B.A., ist class Litera; Humaniores 1865, Arnold Univ. Prize 1867, Fellow of Hertford Coll., 1874, M -A. 1875, Hon. Fellow of Hertford 1891) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1868, Q.C. 1888, and Bencher 1891 ; was a Member of Royal Commns. on Ecclesi- astical Patronage 1874, Ecclesiastical Courts 1881, and the Sandwich Election 1880 ; unsuccessfully contested Colchester (C) 1880 ; formerly Chancellor of the Dio- ceses of St. Albans, St. Asaph, Bangor, St. David's; Durham, Gloucester and Bristol, and Peterborough, and Commissary of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster ; is a J. P. for Essex ; appointed a Judge of the High Court of Justice (Probate and Admiralty Div.) 1891, and Pres. thereof and ex-officio Member of Court of Appeal 1892 : m. 1881, Susan Mary Elizabeth, elder da. of the late Keith William Stewart Mackenzie, Esq , of Sea- forth [see E. Galloway, colls.], and widow of Lieut-Col, the Hon. John Constantine Stanley see B. Stanley of Alderley] ; cr. K.B. 1891, P.C. 1892. '79- Harley Street, IV. ; Arlington Manor, Neivbitry. Berks ; Athenccum and Carlton Clubs. JOBNES,Lteut.-Gen.SirJaxn/es H ILLS-, K.C.B., I'.C., son of James Hills, Esq., of Nichindepur, Bengal; ^.1833; ed. at Addis- combe ; entered Bengal Artillery 1853, be- came Capt. 1862, Lieut. -Col. 1868, Col. 1876. Maj.-Gen. 1879, and Lieut .-Gen. 1884, retired 1888 ; served (i) in Indian Mutiny Campaign 18^7-^8 (dangerously wounded, mentioned in despatches, and by Gov.- Gen. in Council, V.C., medal with two clasps), (it) in command of 8-inch mortars in Abyssinian Campaign 1868 (mentioned in despatches, medal), (Hi) in Looshai Expedition in command of Peshawur Mountain Battery 1871-72 (medal with clasp, C.B.), and (zV) in Afghan Cam- paigns 1878-80, as A.A.G. of S. Field Force and Gen. Comdg. Div. of N. Field Force, and Military Gov. of Kabul (medal with clasp, thanked by both Houses of Parliament, K.C.B.) ; assumed in 1883 the additional surname of Johnes ; is a J.P., a D.L. and a County Councillor for Carmarthenshire (High Sheriff 1886), and Hon. Col. Carmarthen Artillery, W. Div. R.A. : m. 1882, Elizabeth, da. of the late John Johnes, Esq.,ofDolaucothy, Carmar- then ; cr. C.B. 1872, K.C.B. 1881. Dolau- cothy, Carmarthenshire ; United Service Club. JOHNSON. Gen. Sir Allen Bayand, K.C.B. [see Johnson, Bart., cr. 1818]. JOHNSON, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles Cooper, K.C.B. I see Johnson, Bart., cr. 1818]. JOHNSON, Gen. Sir Edwin Beau- mont, G.C.B., C.I.E. [see Johnson,. Bart., cr. 1818.] JOHNSON, Hon. Sir Francis God- schall, son of the late Capt. Godschall Johnson, loth Hussars ; b. 1817 ; ed. at St. Omer; became a Q.C. 1849; was Recorder of Rupert's Land, and Gov. of Assimbria 1854-8 ; appointed a Puisne Judge of Stipends Court, Lower Canada, 1865 ; was Special Commr. to Manitoba 1870-71 ; gazetted Lieut. -Gov. of Manitoba 1872, but did not enter upon office ; has been Ch. Justice of Superior Court, Quebec, since 1889 : m. 1840, Mary Gates, who d. 1852, da. of Nathaniel Jones, Esq., mer- chant, of Montreal ; cr. K.B. 1890. Montreal, Canada. JOHNSON, Sir George, M.D., F.R.S., el. son of the late George Johnson, Esq., of Goudhurst, Kent ; b. 1818 ; ed. at King's Coll., London (successively Sen. Scholar, Medical Tutor, and Professor of Materia Medica and of Medicine) ; M.B. London (Scholarship in Physiology) 1842, M.D. 1844, and F.R.C.P. London 1850; for- merly Senior Physician at King's Coll. Hospital, of which he is now Consulting Physician and Emeritus Professor of Clini- cal Medicine ; is a Fellow and Member rf