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L.R.C.P. Edin. 1872, M.B.Aberdeen 1872, M.D. 1874; formerly Assist. Govt. Med. Officer at the Seychelles, Sup. Lunatic Asylum and Res. Surg. Civil Hospital at Port Louis, Mauritius, Assist. Surg. Royal Lunatic Asylum at Aberdeen, and Surg. and House Physician at Roy. Infirmary, Glasgow ; was Ch. Med. Officer of Fiji Colony 1875-7, and also Receiver-Gen, of the Colony 1877-88, when he was appointed Administrator of British New Guinea ; has received the "Albert" (2nd class) and " Clarke " medals for saving life at sea; represented Fiji at Federal Council of Australasia 1886, and has several times administered the Govt. of Fiji and acted as High Commr. and Consul Gen. for W. Pacific : t. 1883, Mary, da. of Capt. R. Cox; cr. C.M.G. 1881, K.C.M.G. 1889. British New Guinea. LL.D., son of J. Mcllwraith, Esq., of Ayr, N.B. ; b. 1835 ; ed. at Glasgow Univ. (Hon. LL.D. 1880) ; emigrated to Mel- bourne 1854, and entered Engineering Staff of Victorian Govt. ; was engaged in constructing the Geelong, Ballarat and Melbourne and Sandhurst Railways ; in 1860 entered the service of Messrs. Cornish andBruce, railway contractors ;ini86i, com- menced pastoral pursuits in Queensland, and shortly afterwards was elected M. L.A. ; was Min. of Works there 1874, Premier 1879-83, being at first Colonial Treasurer, and afterwards Colonial Sec., and Premier, Ch. Sec., and Colonial Treasurer 1888, and Colonial Treasurer, 1890 ; formerly Vice-Pres. of Executive Council : m. 1879, Harriette Anne, da. of Hugh Mosman, Esq., of Armidane, N.S. Wales; cr. K.C.M.G. 1882. Brisbane, Queensland. M'KENNA, Sir Joseph Neale, son of Michael M'Kenna, Esq., of Dublin ; b. 1819 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin ; Bar. King's Inns, Dublin, 1848; is a D.L. and J . P. for co. Cork, and a J . P. for co. Water- ford ; unsuccessfully contested Tralee 1865,

md Youghal 1868; sat as M.P.for Youghal

(C) 1865-8 and 1874-85, and for S. Mona- ghan Div. of co. Monaghan 1885-92 : m. ist, 1842, Esther Louisa, who d. 1871, da. of the late Edmund Howe, Esq., of Dublin; 2nd, 1880, Amelia Anne, da. of the late George Keats Brooks, Esq. , and widow of Richard Warner Hole, Esq., of Loughborough ; cr. K.B. 1867. Ardogena, Youghal ; 67, Lancaster Gate, W. MACKENZIE, Sir Alexander, K. C.S.I., son of the late Rev. J. R. Mackenzie, D.D., of Birmingham and Inverness; b. 1842 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1862); entered B.C.S. 1862; was sometime Sec. to Govt. of India in Home Depart., and subsequently Ch. Commr. of Central Provinces ; appointed Ch. Commr. of Burmah 1890 : m. 1863, Georgina Louisa Huntly, who d. 1892, da. of the late Col. W. Bremner, Madras Army; cr. C.S I. 1886, K. C.S.I. 1891. Rangoon, Burmah ; Mandalay, Burmah ; HTS. 679 East India United Service and Nationa Liberal Clubs. MACKENZIE. Sir William, K.C.B., C.S.I., M.D.; b. 1811 ; entered Madras Med. Depart. 1835, and retired as In- spector-Gen, of Hospitals 1871 ; served as Senior and Field Surg. to ist Brig, in Central India 1857-8 (medal with clasp) ; was sometime Inspector-Gen, of Med. Depart., Madras ; is an Hon. Physician to H.M. : m. 1838, Margaret, who d. 1890, da. of R. Prendergast, Esq. of Tipperary ; cr. C.B. 1859, C.S.I. 1866, K.C.B. 1887. 2, Gloucester Houses, Gloucester Crescent, W. ; East India United Service Club. McKERLlE, Col. Sir John Graham, K.C.B., son of the late Capt. Robert McKerlie,ofWigton;. 1815; formerlyCol. R.E. ; was Ch. Comr. of Board of Public Works, Ireland, 1864-84: m. 1841, Sophia Caroline, da. of the late Lieut. -Gen. Henry John Savage, R.E.; cr. C.B. 1870, K.C.B. 1883. 9, Clifton Terrace, Monkstown, Dublin ; Army and Navy Club. MAC KEY, Sir James William, el. son of Stephen Mackey, Esq., Merchant, of Dublin ; b. 1816 ; ed. at Carlow Coll. ; is a J.P. for cos. Dublin and Cork, a J.P. and D.L. for Dublin city (High Sheriff 1880); was Lord Mayor of Dublin 1866 and 1873 : m. 1848, Hannah, da. of the late Sylvanus Jones, Esq., R.M., of Kircullen House, co. Galway ; cr. K.B. 1874. 23, Upper Sackville Street, Dublin; King Williams Town, co. Cork; 70, Pembroke Road, Dublin. MACKINNON, Surg.-Maj.-Gen. Sir William Alexander, K.C.B., LL.D., son of the late Rev. John Mackinnon, of Strath, Isle of Skye; b. 1830; ed. at Glas- gow and Edinburgh Univs. ; M.R.C.S. Edin. 1851, F.R.C.S. Edinburgh 1872; Hon. LL.D., Glasgow 1891; entered Med. Depart, of Army 1853, became Surg. 1862, Surg.-Maj. 1866, Dep. Surg.- Gen.i874,and Surg.-Gen.(now Surg.-Maj.- Gen.), 1880 ; served (i) as Staff. Assist. - Surg. in Ionian Islands, (it) as Assist. Surg. with 42nd Highlanders throughout Crimean Campaign 1854-5 (medal with three clasps, Legion of Honour, Tur- kish medal), (Hi) in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1858-9, on personal staff of Lord Clyde (medal), (iv) as Surg. of 57th Regt. in New Zealand War 1862-6, being part of the time attached to Depart, of Q.M.G. as Sanitary Officer and Field Surg. (twice mentioned in despatches, C.B., medal), and (v] as principal Med. Officer in second phase of Ashanti War 1873-4, and accompanied the force to Coomassie, and was present at the different actions fought during the ad- vance (several times mentioned in des- patches, medal with clasp) ; was Assist. Pro r essor of Mil. Surgery at Army Med. Sch., Netley, 1867-73, and Prin- cipal Med. Officer in China 1879-80, in