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Dunmurry, co. Antrim ; cr. K.B, 1876. 1 8, Pump Street, Londonderry. MILLS, Sir Charles, K.C.M.G., C.B.; ed. at Bonn Univ. ; served in Army in China, India (medal), and Turkey (Medji- die) ; was High Sheriff and Sec. to Govt. and Auditor in British Kaffraria 1862-6, Ch. Financial Clerk Cape of Good Hope 1867-71, Ch. Clerk Colonial Office 1871-2, and Permanent Under Colonial Sec. Cape i Colony 1872-82 ; employed on several i special commns. at the Cape and in Eng- 1 land ; represented Div. of King William's i Town in Legislative Assembly of Cape of ' Good Hope 1867; is Agent-Gen, in London i and Commr. to Imperial Institute for Cape of Good Hope, and a M.E.C. of that Colony ; was Executive Commr. for I Cape of Good Hope and a Roy. Commr. of Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886 ; cr. C.M.G. 1878, K.C.M.G. 1885, C.B. ; 1886. Albert Mansions, no, Victoria Street, S. W. ; Wellington, St. Georges, Salisbury, and Civil Service (Cape Town} Clubs. MILNE, Sir William, son of the late William Milne, Esq., merchant, of Glasgow ; b. 1822 ; ed. at High Sch., | Glasgow ; was engaged in business in j S. Australia 1839-57; entered S. Australian Parliament 1850;; has been at various times ; a member of Govt. of that colony, and 1 was Pres. of Legislative Council 1873-82 : m. 1842, Eliza, da. of John Disher, Esq., of S. Australia ; cr. K. B. 1876. Sunny- side, South Australia ; Adelaide Club. MITCHELL, Sir Arthur, K.C.B..M.D., LL.D., son of the late George Mitchell, Esq.; b. 1826; ed. at Aberdeen Univ. (M.A. 1844, M.D. 1848, LL.D. 1875) ; M.R.C.S. Edin. 1848, F.R.S. Edin. (now Vice Pres.) 1866, Hon. R.S.A. 18 , Hon. F.R.C.P.I. 1892; was Dep. -Commr. in Lunacy for Scotland 1857-70, since when he has been Commr. ; was a Member of Commns. on Criminal Lunacy (Eng- land) 1880, and on Dundrum Asylum (Ireland) 1885, many years Sec. and twice Vice-Pres. of So. of Antiquaries of Scot- land, Morison Lecturer on Mental Diseases to Roy. Coll. of Physicians (Edin- burgh) 1867-71, Rhind Lecturer on Archae- ology 1876-8. and Chm. of Commn. on | Lunacy Administration (Ireland) 1888-91 ; ! has been Professor of Ancient History to Roy. Scottish Acad. since 1878 ; for ! many years Chm. of Medical Depart, of! Scottish Meteorological So., and now Hon. Sec. thereof ; is a Member of Univs. Commn. (Scotland) : in. 1855, Margaret Hay, da. the late James Houston, Esq. , of Tullochgriban, Strathspey ; cr. C.B. 1886, K.C.B. 1887. 34, Drummond Place, Edinburgh ; University (Edin- burgh] Club. MITCHELL, Lieut.-Col. Sir Charles Bullen Hugh, K.C.M.G., son of the late ; Col. Hugh Mitchell, R.M., and Comdt. ' at Woolwich; b. 1836; entered R.M. 1852, HTS. 685 became Capt. 1862, Major 1876, and Lieut.-Col. (retired) 1878 ; served in Baltic throughout Russian War 1854-6 (mentioned in despatches, medal), and as Col. -Comdt. of Pietermaritzburg during Zulu War 1879 (medal); was Colonial Sec. British Hon- duras 1868, Administrator of Govt. there 1870, 1874, 1876-7, Receiver-Gen. British Guiana 1877, Colonial Sec. Natal 1877-85. (Dep. Gov. of Natal during Transvaal War 1881, acting Gov. 1881-2 and 1885-6), Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of Fiji, and High Commr. and Consul Gen. for the W. Pacific Islands 1886-7, and Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of Leeward Islands 1887-8 ; appointed Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of Natal and Zululand 1889 : m. ist 1862, Fanny Oakley, who- d. 1885, da. ofW. McP. Rice, Esq. ; and, 1889, Eliza Conway, da. of the Rev. James Ind Welldon, D.C.L., V. of Ken- nington, Ashford, Kent, and Hon. Canon of Canterbury ; cr. C.M.G. 1880^ K.C.M.G. 1883. Government House, Pietermaritzbur?, Natal : United Service Club. MITCHELL, Sir Henry, son of the late M. H. Mitchell, Esq., a small manufac- turer ; b. 1824 ; ed. privately ; was mana- ger of the firm of William Fison and Co.- 1842-8, Mayor of Bradford 1875, Chm. of Jurors for Silk and Wool Fabrics at Philadelphia Exhibition 1876, and Vice- Chm. of Jurors for Wool Manufactures at Paris Exhibition 1878 ; is senior part- ner in firm of A. and S. Henry and Co. , a J. P. for Bradford, and Pres. of Technical! Coll., at the opening of which he enter- tained T. R. H. the Prince and Princess of Wales ; has successfully arbitrated numer- ous commercial disputes : m. 1853, a da. of the Rev. D. W. Gordon, Minister of Earlston, N.B. ; cr. K.B. 1887. Bradford. MITTER, Sir Romesh Chunder, son of Ram Chindra Mitter (by caste a Kayastha), Sheristadar, or Judicial Head Clerk of the Saddar Devani Adalah (now High Court), Appellate side ; b. 1840 ;. ed. at Presidency Coll., Calcutta (B.A. 1860, B.L. 1861) ; having practised for one and a half years as a pleader in the then Saddar Devani Adalah, and for 12 years in the High Court (Appellate side), he was. in 1874, appointed a Judge of the High Court of Calcutta, and retired 1890 - is a Fellow of Calcutta Univ., and a member of several educational and charitable institutions both in Calcutta and the 24 Pargonnas ; cr. K.B. 1890. Calcutta. MOLESWORTH, Sir Guilford Lind- sey, K.C.I. E. [see V.Molesworth, colls.]. MOLONEY, Capt, SzVCornelius Alfred, K.C.M.G., el. son of the late Capt. P. Moloney, of Kiltannon, co. Limerick, and Tullah, co. Clare ; b. 1848 ; ed. at Ennis Coll., co. Clare, and at Mil. Coll., Sand- hurst ; entered Army 1867, became Capt. 1874 ; was Civil Comdt. Quiah Dist. Sierra Leone 1867-8, A.D.C. to Sir James