Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/766

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688 KNIGHTAGE. 1867 ; has taken a leading part in introduc- ing foreign plants into Australia, and in disseminating Australian vegetation abroad, especially for industrial and hygienic purposes ; author of numerous works and essays relating to the subjects mentioned ; received Roy. Medal of Roy. So. ; created a Baron of the Kingdom of Wurtemburg 1871 [see ' ' Foreign Titles "] ; cr. C. M . G . 1 869 ; K. C. M. G. 1 879. Mel- bourne. MUIR, Sir William, K.C.S.I., D.C.L., LL.D., Ph. D., son of William Muir, Esq., J of Glasgow ; b. 1819 ; ed. at Edinburgh and Glasgow Univ. (Hon. LL.D. Glasgow and ' Edinburgh, Hon. D.C.L. Oxford, and ! Ph.D. Bologna) ; entered B.C.S. 1837 ; has been inter alia Sec. to Gov. of N.W. Provinces, a Member of Agra Revenue i Board and of Supreme Legislative Council, ] and Foreign Sec. and Member of Council : of Gov. -Gen. of India ; was Lieut. -Gov. of ! N.W. Provinces 1868-74, an d Financial i Minister to Govt. of India 1874-76, and ; a Member of Council of Sec. of State for India 1876-85 ; has been since Jan., 1885, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Edin- i burgh Univ. ; is a D.L. for Midlothian : m. 1840, Elizabeth Huntly, da. of James Wemyss, Esq. [see E. Wemyss, colls.] ; ; cr. K. C.S.I. 1867. Dean- Park House, Edinburgh. MURRAY, Ri%ht Hon. Sir Charles Augustus, P.C., K.C.B. [see E. j Dunmore]. NARES, Vice-Adm. Sir George Strong, K.C.B., son of the late Capt. i William Henry Nares, R.N., of Danes- town, Aberdeen ; b. 1831 ; ed. at Roy. Naval Sch., New Cross ; appointed Lieut. 1854, Com. 1862, Capt. 1869, Rear-Adm. 1887, and Vice-Adm. 1892 ; served (z) in j H.M.S. "Canopus," of the Channel Squadron; (ii) in the "Havannah," in; Australia ; (Hi) in Arctic Expedition ' 1852-4; (iv) as First Lieut, of the 1 "Britannia"; (v) in the " Boscawen " ' training ship ; (vi) in command of ' ' Sala- ; mander' 1 in surveying E. and N.E. Coasts ; of Australia and Torres Straits ; (vii) : in command of the "Shearwater" in surveying Gulf of Suez; (viii} in command cf the " Challenger" 1872-5, making exten- sive soundings in Atlantic and Southern Oceans and elsewhere ; (/.v) in command of Arctic Expedition 1875-6 ; and (x) in ; command of H.M.S. "Alert" 1878-9 ; is Professional Member of Harbour Dept., i Board of Trade : m. 1858, Mary, da. of: the late William Grant, Esq., of Ports- mouth ; cr. K.C.B. 1876. St. Bernard's, j Surbiton ; United Service Club. NATHAN, Sir GUSTAVUS, son of the late N. P. Nathan, Esq. ; 6. 1835 ; was Consul (unpaid) at Vienna 1877-83, and Consul-Gen, there 1 885-91 ; cr. K.B. 1891. 24, Queen's Gate Gardens, S. W. NAUDl,^VSalvatore, C.M.G., LL.D., el. son of the late Francesco Naudi, Esq., LL.D., one of H.M. Judges at Malta ; b. 1821 ; created LL.D. of Malta Univ. 1842, and in same year was received at Bar of Malta ; elected Member of Council of Govt. of Malta 1854 ; appointed a Judge 1859, and Judge of Court of Ap- peal 1867 ; was a Joint Commr. to inquire into and report upon certain claims of the Maltese Nobility 1877 : m. 1854, Eliza- beth, da. of Maj.-Gen. Gatt ; cr. K.B. 1878, C.M.G. 1888. 41, Strada Gcnio, Valctta, Malta. NAZ, Sir Virgile, K. C.M.G., son of the late Jean Baptiste Naz, Esq. , of Port Louis, Mauritius ; b. 1825 ; ed. at Roy. Coll., Mauritius ; Bar. Inner Temple 1857 ; was a member of Council of Education. 1863-73, and Pres. 1873 and 1883 ; has been unofficial member of Council of Govt. of Mauritius since 1865, twice Pres. of Acclimatisation So., which So. he found- ed, four times Pres. of Roy. So. of Arts and Sciences (Mauritius), six times Pres. of So. d' Emulation Intellectuelle, four times Pres. of Chamber of Agriculture, twice Pres. of Mauritius Institute, and Pres. of Mauritius Committees for Paris and Melbourne Exhibitions ; was Re- porter of the Fever Enquiry Commn. 1868, and Pres. of Cattle Plague Enquiry Commn. 1880, and Acting Procureur and Advocate-Gen, of Mauritius 1880 ; ap- pointed M.E.C., Mauritius 1889 : m. 1859, Julie Hersilie, da. of Jules David Constantin, Esq., sugar planter, of Be- nares ; cr. C.M.G. 1874, K. C.M.G. 1880. Port Louis, Mauritius ; Belvedere, Cure- pipe, Mauritius. NEEDHAM, Sir Joseph, son of J. Needham, Esq., of London ; b. 1812 ; Middle Temple 1837, and Bar. 1846 ; was Ch. Justice of Vancouver Island 1865-70, and of Trinidad and British Columbia 1870 to Oct. 1885 : m. 1842, Jane, el. da. of Gen. Roderick Fraser, of Inverness-shire; cr. K. R. 1873. NELSON, Lieut.- Gen. Sir Alexander Abercromby, K.C.B.; b. 1816 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; entered Army 1835, became Capt. 1846, Major 1856, Lieut.-Col. 1864, Col. 1869, Maj.- Gen. 1880, and Lieut. -Gen. (retired) 1883 ; served in Afghanistan 1841-2 (medal), at battle of Hyderabad 1842 (medal and thanked by Bombay Govt. and by Gov.- Gen. of India), as A.D.C. to Sir Thomas Valiant in action of Maharajpore 1843 (mentioned in despatches, bronze star), and as Brig. -Gen. commanding troops to suppress insurrection in Jamaica 1865 (thanked by Gov. , awarded a testimonial of 200 guineas by Jamaica House of Assembly) ; held various Staff appoint- ments 1855-76 ; was Lieut.-Gov. of Guern- sey 1879-83 ; is a J.P. for Middlesex: ///. 1846, Emma Georgiana, who d. 1892, da. of Robert Hibbert, Esq. , of Hall Barns, Altrincham, Cheshire ; cr. C.B. 1875, K.C.B. 1891. The Manor Hjuse, Lani?- ley, Bucks ; United Sen/ice Club.