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6go KNIGHTAGE. 1873, C.I.E. 1878, G.C.M.G.and G.C.B. 1887. Brisbane, Queensland ; United Service and Atlien&um Clubs. NORTH, Hon. Sir Ford, son of John North, Esq., of Liverpool; b. 1830; ed. at Winchester and at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1852) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1856, a Q.C. 1877, anda bencher 1881 ; wasajudge of the Queen's Bench Div. of High Court of Justice 1881-83, when he was transferred to Chancery Div. : m. 1857, Elizabeth, da. of the late William Mann, Esq., of Liscard, Cheshire ; cr. K.B. 1881. 76, Queensborongh Terrace, W. ; Oxford and Cambridge and Athenamm Clubs. NUGENT, Col. Sir Charles Butler Peter Hodges, K.C.B. ; b. 1825; ed. at Winchester, and at Woolwich ; entered R.E. 1845, became Capt. 1854, Major 1855, Lieut.-Col. 1866, and Col. 1873 ; retired 1884 ; served as Comdg. R.E. in Baltic during Russian War 1854-5 (medal with clasps) ; was Pres. of Torpedo Com- mittee 1870-2, Assist. Director of Works and Fortifications at War Office 1871-5, Dep. Director of Works 1875-80 ; served as Brig. -Gen. Comdg. R.E. in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal with clasp and 2nd class Medjidie) : m. 1868, Emma, da. of I the Rev. R. A. Burney, R. of Brightwell, Berks; cr. C.B. 1873, K.C.B. 1882. Junior United Service Club. NUGENT, Sir John, M.D., son of the late John Nugent, Esq., of Grenan, ! co. Kilkenny ;. 1806; B.M.D. Trin. Coll., Dublin, and L.R.C.S.I. ; was In- j spector and Commr. of Control in Lunacy, Ireland 1847-90 : m. 18 , Sarah, da. of T. T. Belts, Esq., of Broomfield, Clap- ham, S.W. ; cr. K.B. 1890. 14, Rutland : Square East, Dublin. NUGENT, Sir Oliver, son of the Hon. Nicholas Nugent, Speaker of House ' of Assembly of Antigua ; b. 1815 ; ed. at Edinburgh Univ. ; was Speaker of House of Assembly, Antigua, 1846-66, Vice. Pres. , of Legislative Council of Antigua 1866-9, , and Pres. thereof 1868-72, to which office he was re-appointed 1875 ' appointed M.E.C. of Antigua 1868, and Col. Comdt. j Antigua Yeo. Cav. 1870 ; was Pres. of Legislative Council of Leeward Islands, 1872-82 ; is a M.E.C. of Antigua and of Leeward Islands : m. 1845, Lucretia, da. ; of the Hon. George Weatherall-Ottley, of Antigua ; cr. K.B. 1872. Antigua.' OAKELEY, Sir Herbert Stanley,; Mus. D. [see Oakeley, Bart.]. OAKLEY, Sir Henry, second son of the late Herbert Oakley, Esq., of Not- tingham Place, W. ; /;. 1823 ; formerly in Civil Ser. ; is Gen. Manager of the Great Northern Railway, Col. Engineer and Railway Vol. Staff Corps, an A.M. I.C.E., a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, and i Chm. of Railway Benevolent Institution : m. 1850, Fanny, da. of Francis Thompson, Esq., H.E.I. C.S. ; cr. K.B. 1891, 37, Chester Tcn:i; AV,v//.' 's Park, A'. Ii". . Union Club. O'BRIEN, Lieut.-Col. Sir John Ter- ence Nicolls, K.C.M.G., son of the late Major-Gen. Terence O'Brien, sometime Acting Gov. of Ceylon ; b. 1830 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst ; entered 67111 Regt.i847, transferred to 7Oth Regt. 1848, became Capt. 5th Fusiliers 1858, Major 2oth Regt. 1859, and Lieut.-Col. 1870 ; passed as a Surveyor and Engineer 1853 ; served during troubles in S. of Ireland 1848, on N.W. Frontier (medal and clasp) ; throughout Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8, and in Oude Campaign 1858-9, and as D.A.Q.M.G. to a column in tin- Field (medal, mentioned in despatches, and thanked) ; was Assist. Mil. Sec. to Com. of Forces in Ceylon 1860-4, m com- mand of ist Batn. 2oth Regt. 1864-5, Brig.-Major and A.A.G. Gwalior Dis- trict 1865-6, Inspector Gen. of Police, Mauritius, 1897-81 ; and Poor Law C'omr. and Director of Orphan Asylum ; attached as A.D.C. to H.R.H. the Duke of Edin- burgh during his visit to the Colony 1870 ; was Gov. of Heligoland 1881-8, since when he has been Gov. of Newfoundland : m. ist, 1853, Phillippa Leeds, who d. 1867, da. of the late Capt.W. Eastgate. H.E. I.C.S. ; 2nd, 1880, Victoria, da. of the late W. Temple, Esq., and widow of Col. J. W. Fane, M.P. [see E. Westmorland, colls. ; cr.C.M.G. 1879, K.C.M.G. 1887. Govern- ment House, St. John s, Newfoundland ; United Service and St. George's Clubs. OGG, Sir William Anderson, youngest sonof the late Robert Ogg, Esq. , of Arbroath , N.B. ; b. 1823 ; in 1843 went to Sydney, and was one of the founders of the mer- cantile firm of Prince, Ogg, and Co. ; re- turned to England 1854 ; was Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1881-2 ; a Commr. in London of the Sydney Exhibition ; is a J.P. for cos. Surrey and London, and a D.L: for City of London : m. 1851, Anne Anderson, el. -da. of Andrew Smith, Esq., of Arbroath ; cr. K.B. 1882. O.ikficld, Dnlwich, Sumy ; Gresham and National Liberal Clubs. OLDFIELD, Sir Richard Charles, el. son of Henry Swann Oldfield, Esq., B.C.S. ; b. 1828 ; ed. at Eton, and at Haileybury ; entered B.C.S. 1848 ; served as a Vol. during Indian Mutiny 1857, being present at action at Agra (dangerously wounded, medal) ; was additional Judge of High Court of Judicature N.W. Pro- vinces 1874-81, anda Puisne Judge 1881-7: m. 1854, Maria, who d. 1885, da. of the late Major Frederick Angelo ; cr. K.B. 1889. East India United Service Club. OLIVEY, Col. Sir Walter Rice, A'.C./>'., son of the late Hugh Oliver Olivcy, iiq., of My lor, Falmouth ; b. 1831 ; formerly Lieut, gist Regt.; became Paymaster T2th Foot 1855, Hon. Major 1866, Staff-Pay- master 1878, Chief Paymaster and Hon. Lieut. -Col. 1881, and Hon. Co!. i836.