Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/779

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the late John Roberts, Esq., of Finsbury Circus, London ; b. 1823 ; eel. at St. Paul's , Sch. and at Guy's Hospital; M.R.C.S. i Eng. and L.S.A. 1844; is Hon. Consulting i Surg. of Sydney Hospital, an Examiner, in Sydney Univ. .Pres-.ofBoardofGovt. Visitors of Lunatic Asylums, Hon. Sec. of Prince i Alfred Mem. Hospital, Sydney, and Trus- j tee of Australian Museum ; cr. K.B. 1883. ' 125, Macquerie Street North, Sydney, X.S. Wales ; Australian, and Union Clubs (Sydney). ROBERTS, Sir Owen, D.C.L.,F.S.A., sonof thelateOwen Roberts, Esq., of Dinas, Carnarvonshire ; b. 1835 ; ed. at Tarvin Hall Sch., Chester, and at Jesus Coll., ! Oxford (scholar, M.A. 1860) ; Bar. Inner i Temple 1862 ; is Clerk to the Worshipful Co. of Clothworkers, a J.P. for Carnar- vonshire, and a D.L. for co. London : i in. ist, 1867, Jane Margaret, who d. 1869, da. of Rowland Stagg, Esq., of Stoke Newington, ; 2nd, 1872, Mary Ann, who j d. 1879, da. of Richard Porter, Esq., of] Whitehall, Highgate ; 3rd, 1881, Louisa, i da. of John Chadwick, Esq., J. P., D.L. , of Woodville, Stockport ; cr. K.B. 1888. 48, Weslboiirnf. Terrace, Hyde Park, W.; Dinas, Carnarvon; Garrick and Albe- marle Clubs. ROBERTS, Sir William, M.D., F.R.S., 8th son of the late David Roberts, Esq.. Surgeon, of Anglesey ; b. 1830 ; ed. at Univ. Coll., Lond., and afterwards studied in Paris and Berlin (B.A. Lond. Univ. 1851, M.D. 1854, F.R.C.P. Lond. 1865) ; formerly Consulting Physician to Man- chester Roy. Infirmary ; is Emeritus Pro- fessor of Medicine in Victoria Univ., and a J.P. for co. Merioneth; author of "A Practical Treatise on Urinary and Renal Diseases," "On the Digestive Ferments" (Lumleian Lectures before the Lond. Coll. of Physicians 1880), "Studies on Bio- genesis," and of numerous papers in medical and scientific journals : m. 1869, Elizabeth, who d. 1874, da. of the late Richard Johnson, Esq., sometime Pres. of Manchester Chamber of Commerce ; cr. K.B. 1885. 8, Manchester Square, W.; Bryn,Lliinymowddy, Merionethshire. ROBERTSON, Sir Henry Beyer, only son of the late Henry Robertson, Esq., of Pale, Merionethshire ; b. 1862 ; was High Sheriff of Merionethshire 1892 : m. 1890, j Florence, el. da. of J. A. Keates, Esq., of j Llantysilio Hall, Llangollen, N.Wales;! cr. K.B. 1890. Patt, Cot wen, Merioneth ; Llantysilio Hall, near Llangollen, Den- bighshire ; Brooks' s Club. ROBINSON, SirUcnry^.C.-B., el. son of the late Adm. Hercules Robinson; b. 1823; served some time in (6oth) King's Roy. Rifles ; was Poor Law Inspector and Local Govt. Inspector in Ireland 1848-76, Assist. Under Sec. for Ireland 1876-9, and Vice- Pres. of Local Govt. Board for Ireland 1879-91 : ;//. 1853, the Hon. Eva Arthur Henry Medora Annesley, da. of loth Vis- HTS. 701 count Valentia; cr. C.B. 1880, K.C.B. 1886. 55, Lansdowne Road, Dublin; Junior United Service, and Kildare Street Clubs. ROBINSON, Sir John, K.C.M.G., son of the late George Robinson, Esq., of Dur- ban, Natal; b. 1839 ; elected M.L.C. of Natal 1863, and M.Ed.C. 1875; was a Delegate from Natal to S. African Con- ference in London 1876, sole Delegate to Colonial Conference in London 1887 (thanked by Legislature), and a Delegate to Capetown Conference 1888 ; appointed Chm. of Railway Commn. 1882 ; has? been Chm. of successive 1 Committees to frame New Constitution (Delegate to con- fer with Sec. of State 1892) : m. 1865, Agnes, da. of Benjamin Blaine, Esq., Resident Magistrate, of Verulam, Natal ^ cr. K.C. M.G. 1889. Withcrnsea, Durban,. Natal. ROBINSON, Sir John Charles, son of Alfred Robinson, Esq. , of Nottingham ; b. 1824 ; studied as an architect, and after- wards in Paris as pupil of the historical painter Drolling; appointed to Gov. Sch. of Art at Hanley, 1847 ; was Sup. of Art Col- lections, S. Kensington Museum 1852-69.;' is Crown Surveyor of Pictures, a Knight Commander of Orders of Isabella la Cato- lica and of Santiago ; is an Hon. Member of Academies of Fine Arts of Rome, Florence,. Bologna, Madrid, and Lisbon ; author of numerous works on Art, and a contri- butor to The Times : m. 1852, Marian Elizabeth, el. da. of Edmund Newton,. Esq., of Norwich ; cr. K.B. 1887. New- ton Manor, Swanage, Dorset ; Lee-on-the- Solent, Fareham, Hants; 107, Harley Street, W. ; Burlington Fine Arts Clnb. ROBINSON, Sir William, K.C.M.G., son of the late Rev. J. Banks Robinson, of Trin. Coll., Camb. ; b. 1836 ; ed. at Gram. Sch. Bury St. Edmunds; entered Colo- nial Office as clerk 1854 ; was Private Sec. to Mr. Herman Merivale 1858-60, to Lord- Blachford 1860-2, and to Mr. Cardwell 1864 ; representative of Colonial Office on E. African Slave Trade Commn. 1869, a member of Colonial Committee for Vienna Universal Exhibition 1873, Special Commr. for Crown Colonies, and Sup. of Colonial Court thereat, Lieut. -Gov. of Bahama Island 1874-5, ar >d Gov. 1875-80,. Acting Gov. of Windward Islands 1880-1,. and Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. thereof 1881-5,. and Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of Barbados 1885, and of Trinidad 1885-91, since when he has been Gov. of Hong Kong ; thanked by H.M.'s Govt. for settlement of "Henrietta and Josephine" difficulty with Govt. of Venezuela 1887 ; author of several articles in the " Geographical " and other magazines, and editor of Report upon British Colonies represented at Vienna Universal Exhibition : m. ist,. 1863, Julia Sophia, who d. 1881, da. of the late Rev. R. Dampier, of Rownhams, Southampton ; 2nd, 1884, Felicia Ida Helen, da. of William Gray Rattray, Esq.,