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the late Capt. W. H. Shippard, 2gth Regt. ; b. 18 ; ed. King's Coll. Sch., , and at Oriel and Hertford Colls. , Oxford (B.A. 1863, M.A. 1864, D.C.L. j 1878) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1867 ; was Acting Attorney-Gen, of Griqualand W., . 1873-5, and a M.L.C. and M.E.C. 1873-7, i Attorney-Gen. 1875-7, Acting Recorder of ! High Court of Griqualand 1877, and a ; Judge of Supreme Court of Cape Colony 1880-5 '< appointed in 1884 British Commr. , on Joint Anglo-German Commn. on the, Angra Pequena and W. Coast Claims, and in 1885 Commr. -Administrator, Ch. Magis- trate and Pres. of Land Commn. of British J Bechuanaland and Dep. High Commr. for ' those parts of Bechuanaland and the , Kalahari under H.M.'s protection: m. 1864, Maria Susanna, who d. 1870, da. of Sir Andries Stockenstrom, ist Bart. ; or. C.M.G. 1886, K.C.M.G. 1887. Vryburg, Bechuanaland, S. Africa ; Union Club. SHUTE, Gen. Sir Charles Cameron, K.C.B., son of the late Thomas Deane Shute, Esq., J. P. andD.L. , of Bramshaw ; and Burton, Hants ; b. 1816 ; ed. at Win- chester Coll. ; entered Army 1834, became Capt. 1847, Major and Lieut .-Col. 1854, Col. 1858, Maj.-Gen. 1868, Lieut.-Gen. 1877, and Gen. (retired) 1881 ; served with I3th Light Dragoons in Kurnoch Cam- paign 1839, and with 6th Dragoons as A.G. of Cav. Div. in Crimean Campaign 1854-6 (mentioned in despatches, medal with three clasps, Legion of Honour, 5th class ; Medjidie and Turkish medal, Brevet Lieut. - Col., C. B.); commanded 6th Dragoons i 1857-61, and 4th Dragoon Guards 1862-71 ; was Col. i6th Lancers 1878-86, since ' when he has been Col. 6th Dragoons ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Sussex, and a ; J.P., for Hants; sat as M.P. for Brighton (Q 1874-80 : m. 1858, Rhoda, da. of the late Rev. Henry Tumour Dowler, V. of Aldeburgh, Suffolk ; cr. C.B. 1869, K.C.B. 1889. 12, Brunswick Place, Brighton ; Dinsdale, Bournemouth; United Service, Carlton, Bournemouth, and Orleans (Brighton] Clubs. SlEVEKING, Sir Edward Henry, M.D., LL.D., son of the late Edward Henry ; Sieveking, Esq- (a descendant of two i senatorial and still flourishing families of ; Hamburg) ; b. in London 1816 ; M.D. ' Edin. 1841, F.R.C.P. 1852, LL.D. 1884 ; formerly Physician to St. Mary's (of which he is now consulting physician) and other Hospitals ; was Physician Extraordinary i to H.M. 1870-88 ; has been Physician in ; Ordinary to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales since 1863, and to H.M. since 1888 ; author of numerous medical works and ; papers,' and some time Editor of ' ' British ! and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review " : j m. 1849, Jane, da. of John Ray, Esq., J.P., of Finchley ; cr. K.B. 1886. 17, Manchester Square, W. ; Atheuceum Club, SIMMONS, Field Marshal Sir John Lintorn Arabin, G.C.B., G. C.M.G., son of Capt. Thomas Frederick Simmons, ! KNIGHTS. 707 R.A., of Langford, Somerset ; b. 1821 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad. , Woolwich ; entered R. E. 1837, became Capt. 1846, Maj.- and Lieut. -Col. 1854, Col. 1857, Maj.-Gen. 1868, Lieut. Gen. and Col. Comdt. R.E. 1872, Gen. 1877 (retired 1888), and Field Marshal 1890 ; was three years em- ployed in disputed territory on N. E. frontier of U.S.A. constructing works of defence and making military explorations ; was an Inspec. of Railways 1846-50, Sec. to Rail. Commrs. 1850-1, and to Railway Depart, of Board of Trade 1851-4 ; joined Omer Pasha in March 1854 ; present during part of siege of Silistria ; laid out and threw up the lines of Slobodzie and Georgevo on the Danube, having entire charge of 20,000 men of all arms ; appointed H. M. 's Commr. with Ottoman Army (July) 1854 ; went to 'the Crimea (Dec.) 1854 to concert with Allied Corns. -in-Ch. as to movements of Turkish Army ; present at battle of Eupatoria, and laid out and superintended construction of entrenched camp in front thereof ; present at siege and fall of Sebas- topol ; accompanied Omer Pasha to the Caucasus ; at forced passage of the Ingur, commanded div. which captured enemy's works and guns ; has Crimean medal with clasp, Turkish medal, Turkish gold medal for Danubian eampaign, Turkish medal for Silistria, a sword of honour from Turkish Govt. , the Grand Cordon of the Medjidie, and the Legion of Honour ; received a Commn. as Pasha, 1856 ; was British Commr. for regulating Turco- Russian boundary in Asia 1857, Consul- Gen, at Warsaw, 1858-60, in command of R.E. at Aldershot 1860-5, Director of R. E. establishment at Chatham 1865-8, Lieut. - Gov. of Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich, 1869, and Gov. 1870-5, and Inspector-Gen, of Fortifications 1875-80 ; served on Roy. Commn. on Accidents on Railways 1874-5, and on Defence of British Possessions and Commerce abroad 1880-2 ; attached to special mission of Lords Beaconsfield and Salisbury to Berlin 1878, and attended Conference at Berlin 1880 ; was Gov. and Com. -in-Ch. of Malta 1884-8, and Envoy Extraor. and Min. Plen. on special mission to His Holiness the Pope 1889-90 : m. ist, 1846, Ellen Lintorn, who d. 1851, da. of the late John Lintorn Simmons, Esq., of Keynsham, Somerset ; and, 1856, Blanch, da. of the late Samuel Charles Weston, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1855, K.C.B. 1869, G.C.B. 1878, G. C.M.G. 1887. 36. Cornwall Gardens, S. W.; United Service and Athenceutn Clubs. SIMON, Sir John, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., son of the late Louis Michael Simon, Esq. ; b. 1816; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1838, F.R.C.S. Eng. 1844, F.R.S. 1845, Hon. D.C.L. Oxford 1868, Hon. Med. Chi. Doct. Munich 1872, Hon. LL.D. Camb. 1880, and Edinburgh 1882, and Hon. M.D. Dublin 1887 ; was Lecturer on Gen. Pathology at St. Thomas's Hospital 1847-70, and Surg. to that Hospital 1853-