Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/792

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714 KNIGHTAGE. of High Court of Judicature for N. W. Provinces of Bengal 1871-84 : m. 1859, Annie, el. da. of the late John Hall, Esq., of Dublin ; cr. K.B. 1871. 25, Kensing- ton Gardens Terrace, S. W. STUART,/fo. Sir William, K.C.M. G., C.B. [see B. Blantyre]. SULLIVAN, Sir Arthur Seymour, Mus. D., 2nd son of the late Mr. Thomas Sullivan, principal professor of Music at Kneller Hall ; b. 1842 ; ed. at Chapel Roy. , St. James's ; is a Musical Com- poser, and has written symphonies, oratorios, cantatas, grand, comic and other operas, anthems, hymn-tunes, and songs sacred and secular ; Hon. Mus.D. Camb. 1876 and Oxford 1879 ; was British Commr. of Music at International Ex- hibition in Paris 1878, and Principal of National Training School for Music 1876- 81; has five times conducted the Leeds Triennial Musical Festival ; is a Knt. of Order of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, and has Legion of Honour and 3rd class Medjidie ; cr. K.B. 1883. i, Queen's Man- sions, Victoria Street, S. W. ; Marl- borough, Athenaum, Garnck, and Port- land Clubs. SULLIVAN, Adm. Sir Francis William, K.C.B., C.M.G. [see Sullivan, Bart., cr. 1804, colls.]. LL.D., M.P., son of the late Robert Sutherland, Esq., of Aberdeen ; b. 1834 ; ed. at Aberdeen Univ. (Hon. LL D. 18 ) ; is Chm. of Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., a Director of the Suez Canal Co., of the City Bank, and of the Bank of Australasia, a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, and a D.L. for City of London : formerly a M.L.C. of Hong Kong; was a founder and first Vice- Chm. of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation ; has sat as M.P. for Greenock (LU) since 1884 : m. 1880, Alice, da. of the late Rev. John Macnaught, for- merly V. of St. Chrysostom's, Liverpool ; cr. K. C.M.G. 1891. Bute House, Crom- well Road, S. W.; Coldharbour Wood, East Liss, Hants ; Reform Club. SYMONDS, Adm. of the Fleet Sir Thomas Matthew Charles, G.C.B., son of the late Rear- Adm. Sir William Symonds, C.B., F.R.S.; b. 1811 ; ed. at Roy. Naval Coll., Portsmouth; entered R.N. 1825, became Com. 1837, Capt. 1841, Rear- Adm. 1860, Vice-Adm. 1866, Adm. 1871, and Adm. of the Fleet 1879 ; retired 1881 ; awarded Good Service Pension 1870 ; served in Black Sea during Crimean war ; was Capt. of H. M. S. " Arethusa ' ' at bombard- ment of Sebastopol 1854 (Crimean medal and 3rd class Medjidie) ; awarded pen- sion for good and meritorious service 1858 and 1870 : m. ist, 1845, Anna Maria, who d. 1847, da. of Capt. Edmund Heywood, R.N., C.B. ; 2nd, 1856, Prest- wood Mary, da. of the late Capt. Thomas Wolrige, R.N. ; cr. C.B. 1855, K.C.B. 1867, G.C.B. 1880. Sunny Hill, Tor- quay. TANNER, Maj.-Gen. Sir Oriel Vive- ash, K.C.B. , son of the late William Tanner, Esq., of Lockeridge, Wilts, and of Swan River, W. Australia ; b. 1832 ; entered H.E.I.C. Mil. Ser. 1850, became Capt. 1862, Major 1870, Lieut.-Col. 1876, Col. 1879, and Maj.-Gen. 1889 ; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1858 (medal), throughout Afghan Campaign 1878-80 (medal with clasp, bronze star, and men- tioned in despatches), and in command of Infantry Brig, of Indian Contingent in Egyptian ' Campaign 1882 (medal with clasp, mentioned in despatches, and 2nd class Medjidie) ; was in command of Quetta Div. 1883 : m. 1882, Sarah Eliza- beth, da. of the late Richard Pinder, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; cr.C.B. 1881, K.C.B. 1882. Biliich Dera, Sydenham, S.E.; United Service Club. TAYLOR, Gen. Sir Alexander, G.C.B., son of William Taylor, Esq. ; b. 1826 ; ed. at Hofwyl and Addiscombe ; entered Bengal Engineers 1843 ; became Capt. 1857, Major and Lieut.-Col. 1858, Col. 1864, Maj.-Gen. 1868, Lieut. -Gen. 1877, and Gen. 1878 ; served (i) through- out Sutlej Campaign 1845-6 (medal with two clasps), (it) throughout Punjab cam- paign 1848-9, including the action of Soorj Khound, siege of Mooltan ( wounded K battle of Goojrat, pursuit of the Sikhs to Peshawur (Adj. of Engineers, medal with two clasps), (Hi) in Indian Mutiny Cam- paign 1857-8, present at operations before Delhi, at siege and capture of that place (wounded, mentioned in despatches, and thanked by Gov.-Gen. of India), present at affairs of Futtehpoor Sikri, Gungeree, Puttialee, and Myapoorie, and in command of Bengal Engineers at siege and capture of Lucknow in March, 1858 (severely wounded, medal with two clasps), and (iv) in command of Engineers in Umbeyla Campaign 1863-4 (mentioned in despatch, and medal with clasp) ; is Pres. of Royal Indian Engineering Coll., Cooper's Hill : m. 1860, Lydia Greene, da. of the late Rev. John Read Munn, V. of Ashburn- ham, Sussex; cr. C.B. 1858, K.C.B. 1877, G.C.B. 1889. Coopers Hill, Engle- ficld Green, Surrey; East India United Service Club. TAYLOR, Sir David, son of the late David Taylor, Esq., of Perth; b. 1815; has been Chm. of Belfast Board of Guar- dians since 1862 ; was Mayor of Belfast 1867, 1883 and 1884, is a T.P. for co. Antrim and for Belfast Borough : m. 1842, Jessie, who d. 1883, el. da. of John Arnott, Esq., of Auchtermuchty ; cr. K.B. 1884. Bertha House, Belfast. TAYLOR, Gen. Sir Richard Chambre Hayes, K.C.B. [see M. Headfort, colls.]. TEESDALE, Maj.-Gen. Sir Christopher Charles, K. C.M.G., C.B., V.C., son of the late Lieut.-Gen. H. G. Teesdale ; b.