Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/795

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KNIGHTS. 717 Lodge, Norwood ; b. 1824 ; ed. at King's Coll. , London ; formerly head of metro- politan firm of James Truscott and Son, printers and stationers ; elected an Alder- man of London 1871 ; is a J. P. for Middle- sex, Surrey, Westminster, London, and Cornwall, a Commr. of Lieutenancy for London, a Gov. of Queen Anne's Bounty, and a Conservator of the River Thames; was Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1871-2, and Lord Mayor of London 1879-80 ; unsuccessfully contested Dudley (C) 1865, and Gravesend 1880 ; has orders of Leopold of Belgium, Legion of Honour of France, and the Saviour of Greece : m. 1847, Eliza, da. of Mr. James Freeman, of Turnham Green ; cr. K.B. 1872. 123, Victoria Street, S. W. ; Oakleigh, East GriJistcad ; Junior Carlton, City Carlton and Savage Clubs. TRUTCH, Sir Joseph William, K.C.M.G., son of William Trutch, Esq., solicitor, of Ashcott, Somersetshire ; b. 1826 ; ed. at Exeter ; M.I.C. E. England 1870, and a Member of Canadian So. of ' Civil Engineers 1886 ; was Ch. Commr. of Lands and Works and Surveyor-Gen, and a M.E.C. and M.L.C. of British Colum- bia 1864-71, Lieut. -Gov. of that Province 1871-6, and Resident Agent ot Canada I for British Columbia 1879-89 : ;. 1855, Julia Elizabeth, da. of Louis Hyde, Esq., ' of Batavia, New York ; cr. C.M.G. 1877, K.C.M.G. 1889. Fairfield, Victoria, British Columbia. TRYON, Vice-Adm. Sir George, K.C.B., son of T. Tryon, Esq., of Bui- wick Park, Northamptonshire ; b. 1832 ; entered R.N. 1848, became Com. 1860, Capt. 1866, Rear-Adm. 1884, and Vice- Adm. 1889; served with Naval Brig, before Sebastopol 1854-5 (medal with two clasps, 3rd class Medjidie, and Turkish medal), and as Director of Transports duringAbyssinian War 1868 (medal, and specially mentioned in despatches) ; was Private Sec. to First Lord of the Admiralty 1871-4, British Commr. Sfax inquiry 1881, Permanent Sec. to Admiralty 1883-4, a Naval A.D.C. to H.M. 1879-84, Com.-in-Ch. on Aus- tralian Station 1884-7, an( i Adm. Sup. of Naval Reserves 1888-91, since when he has been Com.-in-Ch. of Mediterranean Fleet ; has ist class Medjidie ; unsuccess- fully contested N. Lincolnshire, Holland, or Spalding, Div. 1887 : m. 1869, the Hon. i Clementina Charlotte Heathcote, da. of, ist Baron Aveland [see E. Ancaster] ; cr. C.B. 1868, K.C.B. 1887. 45, Eaton Place, S. W. ; United Service Club. TURNER, Sir Charles Arthur, K. C.l.E. , son of the late Rev. John Fisher Turner, M.A. ; b. 1833; ed. at Exeter Gram. Sch., and at Exeter Coll., Oxford (Fellow 1855, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1859) ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1858 ; was a Puisne Judge of High Court of Judicature, N. W. Provinces, 1866-79, an( ^ Ch- Justice of Madras 1879-85 ; appointed a Member of Council of the Sec. of State for India 1888 : m. 1866, Emily Ayscough, da. of William Sampson Hodgkinson, Esq., of Wookey Hole, Wells, Somerset ; cr. C. I. E. 1878, K.B. 1879, K. C.l.E. 1888. 24, Aslibiirn Place, S. W. ; New University Club. TURNER, Sir Llewelyn, son of the late William Turner, Esq., of Parkia, Carnarvonshire (High Sheriff of co. Car- narvon 1823 and of co. Merioneth 1833) ; b. 1823 ; is Dep. Constable of Carnarvon Castle, aJ.P. and a D.L. for co. Carnar- von, and Vice-Commodore of Roy. Welsh Yacht Club ; received thanks of Admiralty and of Officers commanding W. Coast of England and Wales in 1860, and of Coast Guard Depart. 1862, for his exertions in promoting the R. N. Reserve Forces ; was High Sheriff of Carnarvonshire 1886: m. 1878, Agnes, da. of George Bell, Esq., of Brooklands, Lancashire; cr. K.B. 1870, Parkia, Carnarvonshire. TuRNER,5zr William, LL.D.,D.C.L., D. Sc. , F. R. S. , son of the late Mr. William Turner, of Lancaster ; b. 1832 ; M.R.C.S. 1853, M - B - London 1857, F.R.C.S. Edin. 1861, and D.Sc., Dublin 1892 ; formerly Examiner in Anatomy in Univs. of London and Oxford, Lecturer in Anatomy and Physiology in Roy. Coll. of Surgeons, Eng., Pres. of Roy. Coll. of Surgeons Edin., Dean of Faculty of Medicine of Edinburgh Univ. , and Member of Medical Acts Commn. ; formerly Hon. Lieut. - Col. Queen's Rifle Vol. Brig. (V.ol Officers, Decoration); is F.R.S. and F.R.S.E., Hon. LL.D. Glasgow, D.C.L. Oxford and Durham, Professor of Anatomy in Edin. Univ. and to Roy. Scottish Acad., Member of Gen. Medical Council, a D.L. for City and Co. of City of Edinburgh, and Hon. Member of Roy. Irish Acad. ; author of numerous scientific works and papers : m. 1863, Agnes, da. of Abraham Logan, Esq., of Burnhouses, Berwick- shire ; cr. K.B. 1886. 6, Eton Terrace, Edinburgh ; Athenceum Club. TURNEY, Sir John, son of John Turney, Esq., of Birmingham ; b. 1839 ; ed. at Lincoln Gram. Sch. ; several times Mayor of Nottingham ; is a manufacturer and a J.P. of Nottingham (Sheriff 1878) : m. ist, 1866, Mary Eleanor, who d. 1867, da. of Edward Nicholson, Esq, , of Man- chester ; 2nd, 1870, Juliette Emma, da. of Alfred Topham, Esq., of Calais ; cr. K.B. 1889. Springfield, Nottingham. Twiss, Sir Travers, Q.C., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.R.G.S., el. son of the Rev. Robert Twiss, LL.D., ofTrevallyn House, Denbigh, and Hoseley, Flint ; b. 1810 ; ed. at Univ. Coll., Oxford (B.A. in Honours 1830) ; was sometime a Fellow and Tutor of his Coll., and a Public Examiner at Oxford Univ. in Classics and Mathematics 1835-9 i Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1840, an Advo- cate of Doctors Commons 1841, and a Q.C. and Bencher 1867 ; was Professor of Political Economy at Oxford Univ. 1842-9, Commissary-Gen, of city and diocese of