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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. ' THE NEW REVIEW,' Edited by ARCHIBALD GROVE, A High-class Monthly Review of Politics, Literature, Science, and Art. Monthly, One Shilling-. "The 'NBW RBVIEW' the month of (October) was perhaps the best of the lot. and has far more readable matter than any of its rivals, more expensive or otherwise. . . ." St. James's Gazette. Henry Broadhurst, M.P. Rt. Hon. E. Stanhope, M.P. Professor Max Mliller. Lord Chas. Beresford, M,P. Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P. Lady Randolph Churchill. Lord Rayleigh. Canon Basil Wilberforce. Professor Ray Lankester. Rt. Hon. A. J. Mundella, M.P. Earl of Aberdeen. Henry Labouchere, M.P. Countess of Cork. Jus tin McCarthy, M.P. Rt. Hon.G.Shaw-Lefevre.M.P. Sir Edgar Vincent. Hon. St. John Brodrick, M.P. Professor Tyndall. Col, Saunderson, M.P. T. P. O'Connor, M.P. Earl of Carnarvon. Oscar Wilde. Hon. Alfred Lyttelton. Baron F. de Rothschild, M.P. THE CONTRIBUTORS INCLUDE Very Rev. Dr. Creighton. Earl of Pembroke. Walter Pater. R. B. Haldane, M.P. Earl Compton, M.P. Lady Jeune. Sir James Linton. Mrs. Emily Crawford. Sir George Baden-Powell, M.P. T. W. Russell, M.P. St. George Mivart, F.R.S. Marquis of Granby, M.P. Andrew Lang. Geo. W. E. Russell, M.P. Sydney Buxton, M.P. Frederick Greenwood. Lady Lindsay. Lady Dorothy Neville. L. V. Harcourt. W. S. Gilbert. Henry James. George Leveson-Gower. Louis J. Jennings, M.P. George Saintsbury. LONDON: LONGMANS GREEN & CO. Rt. Hon. C. T. Ritchie, M.P. Lady Frederick Cavendish. Rev. Hugh Price Hughes. Keir Hardie, M.P. H. A. Jones. Archdeacon Farrar. Lord Brassey. F.arl of Meath. Rider Haggard. H. W. Lucy. Hamilton Aldie. Comyns Carr. Moreton Frewen. Alexander Dumas. Frederick Harrison. Thomas Hardy. Count Tolstoi. Signor Crispi. Archibald Forbes. Stepniak. John Burns, M.P. Duchess of Rutland. Walter Besant. Henry George. Price Monthly THE IDLER. Edited by JEROME K. JEROME and ROBERT BARR. The Best Work of the Best Writers and the Best Artittt. ISO Pagei 10O Illustrations. Mark Twain. COHTRII Hall Caine. UTRORS. Conan Doyle. Rudyard Kipling. James Payn. Luke Sharp. Bret Harte. W. Clark Russell. E. W. Hornung. J. M. Barrie. Andrew Lang. George R. Sims. Jerome K. Jerome. Walter Besant. I. Zangwill. ART STS. J. Bernard Partridge. Dudley Hardy. Hal Hurst. Irving Montagu. " Cynicus." R. Jacks. A. S. Boyd. J. GUlich. E. M. Jessop. Ronald Gray. Fred. Pegram. Miss Hammond. Eden Phillpotts. F. W. Robinson. Barry Pain. Grant Allen. W. L. Alden, tec. J. F. Sullivan. .George Hutchinson. H. C. S. Wright. Sydnep Cowell, &c. Special Features appearing Monthly in "The IDLER." JEROME K. JEROME'S New Work, " NOVEL NOTES." A Series o/ Articles by all the mcst Popular Authors, entitled MY FIRST ROOK," Of which have already appeared Walter Besant, in June Number. I Grant Allen, in September Number. James Payn, in July Number. Hall Caine, in October Number. W. Clark Russell, in August Number. | G. R. Sims, in November Number. To appear Rudyard Kipling, Miss Braddon, J. M. Barrie, Conan Doyle. Rider Haggard, Robert Buchanan &c.,&c. A Series of Powerful Short Stories by Rudyard Kipling, W. Clark Russell. Conan Doyle, Robert Barr, Bret Harte, W. L, Alden, &c., &c. THE IDLERS' CLUB, by G. R. Sims, Barry Pain, I. Zan?will, LukeS harp, Joseph Hatton, Eden Phillpotts, Clement Scott, &c.,&c.