Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/812

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734 KNIGHTAGE. 1852-7, and sometime Gov. of Bermuda. 28, Hyde Park Gate, S. W. LEAKE, Lady. Louisa, da. of the late Rev. Thomas Henry Walpole, V. of Winslow, Bucks : m. ist, 1855, Sir Luke Samuel Leake. Speaker of Legislative Council, W. Australia, whorf. 1886; andly, 1887, Alfred Robert Way- len, Esq., M.D. Perth, W. Australia. LEE, Lady. Charlotte, da. of John Ede, Esq., of Bruce Castle: m. 1843, Sir George Philip Lee, who d. 1870, Lieut, of Yeoman of the Guard. 28, Bryanston Square, W. LEEKE, Lady. Georgiana, da. of the late Rev. Geoffrey Hornby: m. 1863, as his 2nd wife, Adm. Sir Henry John Leeke, K.C.B., K.H.,who d. 1870. 5, Elision Place. Leam- ington. LEES, Lady. Ellen, da. of Francis Rivaz, Esq. : in. 1849, Sir John Campbell Lees, who d. 1873, Cri. Justice, and Pres. of Legislative Council of Bahamas. 19, Pembroke Road, W. LEFROY, Lady. [See E. Zetland, colls.]. LE MARCHANT, Lady. Margaret Ann, da. of the Rev. Robert Taylor, of Clifton Campville. Stafford : m. 1839, Gen. Sir John Gaspard Le Marchant, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., who d. 1874, Com.-in-Ch. at Madras. LENTAIGNE, Lady. Mary, da. and co- heiress of the late Francis Magan, Esq., J.P., of Emoe, co. Westmeath : m. 1841, Sir John Francis O'Neill Lentaigne, C.B., F.R.C.S.I., Inspector-Gen, of Prisons in Ireland, who d. 1886. Tallaght House, co. Dublin. LIDDELL, Lady. Fanny, da. of Robert Sconce, Esq. : m. 1837, Sir John Liddell, K.C.B., M.D., F.R.S., who d. 1868, Hon. Physician to H.M. LOGIN, Lady. A da. of John Campbell, Esq., of Kinloch, Perthshire : >. 1842, Sir John Spencer Login, who d. 1863, guardian of the Maharajah Duleep Sing. Gracedieu, Water- ingbury, near Maidstone. LONGDEN, Lady. Alice Emily, da. of James Berridge, Esq., sometime Pres. of St. Christopher's : m. 1864, Sir James Robert Longden, G.C.M.G., who d. 1891. Longlwpe, Watford. LORIMER, Lady. Eliza Sarah, da. of the late James Kenwonhy, Esq., of Sydney : in. 1858, Sir James Lorimer, K.C.M.G., who d. 1889. Toorak, Melbourne, Victoria. LYCETT, Lady. Emily Sarah Amelia, I da. of John Van der Pant, Esq., of Utrecht, j Holland : m. 1837, Sir Francis Lycett, who d. 1880, Sheriff of London and Middlesex. LYNAR, Lady FAWCIT-. Isabella, da. ofj John Semple, Esq., of Dublin: m. 1819, Sir William Wainwright Fawcit-Lynar,whorf. 1849. MAcBAiN, Lady. Jessie, youngest da. of the late William Smith, Esq., of Forres, N.B. : m. 1853, the Hon. Sir James MacBain, K.C.ML.G., who d. 1892, Pres. of Legislative Council of Victoria. Scotsburn, Toorak, Mel- bourne. MACDONNELL, Lady. Blanche, da. of the late Francis Skurray, Esq., of Brighton : m. 18 , Sir Richard Graves MacDonnell, K.C.M.G., C.B., LL.D., who d. 1881, Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of Hong-Kong. MACFARREN, Lady. Natalie, da. of Heinrich Andrae, of Lubeck : m. 1844, Sh George Alexander Macfarren, who d. 1887, Principal of Roy. Acad. of Music. Dar el Mecheri, El Biar, Algiers. MACGREGOR, Lady. Charlotte Mary, da. of Frederick V. Jardine, Esq., of Orme M/VCLEAY, Lady. Augusta Annie, da. of the late William Gardner Sams, Esq., of Laun- ceston, Tasmania : m. 1890, as his second wife, Sir George Macleay, K.C.M.G., who d. 1891. Pendell Court, Bletchingley, Surrey. MACLEAY, Lady.- Susan Emmeline, da. of the late Sir Edward Deas-Thomson : m. 1856, Sir William Macleay, who d. 1891. Elizabeth Bay House, Sydney, New South Wales. MACLEOD, Lady. Sophia, da. of the late Will am Houldsworth, Esq., of Belvidere, Lanarkshire : in. 1859, Sir George Husband Baird MUcleod, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E., who d. 1892, Regius Pr ,f^s<or of Surgery in Glas- gow Uriiv 10, Woodside Crescent, Glasgow ; Finnary, Shandon, Dumbartonshire. MACNEE, Lady. Mary Buchanan, da. of Peter Macnee, Esq., of Glengilp: tn. 1859, as his 2nd wife, Sir Daniel Macnee, LL.D., who d. 1882, a celebrated portrait painter, and Pres. of Roy. Scottish Academy. MACPHERSON, Lady. Maria, da. of Lieut. -Gen. James Eckford, C.B.: in. 1859, Major-Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor Macpherson, K.C.B., K.C.S.I., V.C., Com.-in-Ch. of Madras Army, who d. 1886. MACPHERSON, Lady. Mary, da. of Lieut.-Gen. James Kennedy, C.B. : m. 1843, Lieut. -Gen. Sir James Duncan Macpherson, K.C.B., of the Bengal Army, who d. 1874. 22. Addison Gardens, Kensington, W. MADDOCK, Lady. Emily Anne, da. of Andrew Addis, Esq. : in. ist, 1857, Sir Thomas Herbert Maddock, who d. 1870, Pres. of Council of India ; 2naly, 1873, George Jeremiah Mayhew, Esq. MAINE, Lady. Jane, da. of George Maine, Esq., of Kelso, co. Roxburgh : m. 1849, Sir Henry James Sumner Maine, K. C.S.I., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., who d. 1888. 27, Cornwall Gardens, S. W. MALLET, Lady. [See V. Exmouth, colls.]. MANISTY, Lady. Mar)' Ann, da. of Robert Stevenson, Esq., of Berwick-on-Tweed : m. 1838, as his second wife, Hon. Sir Henry Manisty, who d. 1890, a Judge of the Hig4i Court of Justice (Queen's Bench Div.). 24A, Bryanston Square, W. MANSELL, Lady. Charlotte, da. of John Wood, Esq., of Guernsey: m. 18 , as his 2nd wife, Sir Thomas Mansell, R.N., K.C.H., who d. 1858. MARSHALL, Lady. Alice, da. of the late Charles Gwyllym Young, Esq., of Corby, Lincolnshire: in. 1877, Sir James Marshall, C.M.G., whorf. 1889. MARTIN, Lady. Isabella, el. da. of the late William Long, Esq., merchant of Syd- ney : m. 1853, the Hon. Sir James Martin, Ch. Justice of New South Wales 1873-86. Clat-cus, Sydney, N. S. Wales.