Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/814

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736 KNIGHTAGE. Parry, K.C.B., who d. 1855, the Arctic Naviga- tor. Billingford Hall, East Derehain. PATERSON, Lady. Relict of the late Lieut. -Gen. Sir William Paterson, K.C.H.,who d. 1849. PEACOCK, Lady. Georgina, da. of the late Maj.-Gen. Showers, C.B. : /. 1870, as his second wife, the Rt. Hon. Sir Barnes Pea- cock, P.C., Judge of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, who d. 1890. 42, Cornwall Gardens, S. W. PEARSON, Lady. Charlotte Augusta, da. of the Rev. William Short, R. of St. George the Martyr, Queen Square, W.C. : ;. 1854, the Hon. Sir John Pearson, a Judge of the High Court of Judicature, who d. 1886. 75, Onst<nu Sguare, S. W. PELL, Lady. Sarah Dorothea, da. of Ed- ward Owen, Esq., of Maesmynnam, Denbigh : in. 1847, Adm. Sir Watkin Owen Pell, who d. 1869. 18, Woodland Terrace, Blacklieath. PELLY, Lady. Amy Henrietta, da. of the late Rev. J. Lowder, British Chap, at Shanghai : in. 1878, Lieut. -Gen. Sir Lewis Pelly, K.C.B., K.C.S.I., who rt'. 1892, M.P. for Hackney, N. Div. 21, Eaton Square, S.W, PERRY, Lady. Elizabeth Margaret, sister of ist Baron Derwent : >u. 1855, the Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Erskiue Perry, who d. 1882, successively Ch. Justice of Bombay, M.P. for Devonport (L), and a Member of Council of India. 51, Eaton Square, S. W. PINE, Lady. Margaretta Anne, da. of the late Col. John Simpson : in. 1859, as his second wife, Sir Benjamin Chilley Campbell Pine, K.C.M.G., who d. 1891. Versailles, France. PRESTON, Lady. Mary Ann, da. of James Johnstone, Esq., of Stoke Newington, N. ; m. 1843, Sir John Preston, who d. 1890. Diininore, Belfast. PYCROFT, Lady. Frances, da. of the late Major H. Bates, R.A. : in. 1841, Sir Thomas Pycroft, K.C.S.I., who d. 1892. RAMSAY, Lady. Mary, da. of the Rev. Chancellor Williams, of Llanfairynghornwy, Anglesey : in. 1852, Sir Andrew Crombie Ram- say, LL.D., F.R.S., sometime Director-Gen, of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, who d. 1891. Beaumaris. RAW LIN SON, Z<w)'. Georgina Maria da. of the late Alexander Radclyffe Sidebottom, Esq.: 111. 1847, Sir Christopher Rawlinson, Ch. Justice of Madras 1850-9, who d. 1888. REDHOUSE, Lady. Eliza, da. of the late Sir Patrick (MacChombaich de) Colquhoun, Q.C., LL.D. : in. 1888, as his second wife, Sir James William Redhouse, K.C.M.G., a dis- tinguished Oriental scholar, who d. 1892. 14, Kilburn Priory, .'. II '. ; Penshurst, near Ton- bridge, Kent. REMONO, Lady. Marie Elizabeth Hor- tensia, da. of the Baron de la Hausse, of Monze- ville, Lorraine, France : IK. 1840, the Hon. Sir Jean Edouard Remono, who d. 1865, Puisne Judge of Supreme Court of Mauritius, n, Square de Messine, Paris. RITCHIE, Lady. Grace Yernon, da. of the late Thomas Nicholson, E-q : in. 18 , as his second wife, Hon. Sir William Johnston Ritchi-, whii d. 189?, Co. Ju-tice of Supreme Court, Car ada. Ottawa, Canada. ROBERTON, Lady. Jeanie Anne, only da. of the late William Craig, Esq., of Glasgow : in. 1859, Sir James Roberton, LL.D., who d. 1889. i, Park Terrace East. Glasgow, ROBERTSON, Lady. Margaret Emma, da. of J. J. Davies, Esq., of Clovelly, Watson's Sir John Robertson, Clovelly, Watsons Bay, N.S. Wales : in. 1837, Sir John Robertson, K.C.M.G., who d. Bay, X. S. Wales. ROBERTSON, Lady TINDAL-. Elizabeth Anne, da. of John Leavers, Esq., of The Park, Nottingham : in. 1855, Sir William Tindal- Robertson, M.D., M.P. for Brighton, who d. 1889. 41, Eaton Place, Brighton. ROBINSON, Lady. Julia, da. of the late James Thomas, Esq., M.C.S. : in. 1851, Sir William RoseRobinson, K.C. S.I. , of the M.C.S., who d. 1886. 104, Inverness Terrace, W. ROBINSON, Lady. [See Louis, Bart.]. ROSE, Lady. Charlotte Grace, elder da. of the late Captain Winterton Snow, Madras Army : in. 1857, Sir William Anderson Rose, who d. 1881, Lord Mayor of London 1863, and sometime M.P. for Southampton. Ross, Lady. Anna Maria, da. of the late George French, Esq., Q.C. : in. 1835, Capt. Sir Thomas Ross, R.N., of Castletown, co. Carlo w, whort'. 1874. Ross, . Lady. Matilda, da. of E. M. Elderton, Esq., of Warwick Square, S.W. : m. 1856, Gen. Sir Campbell Claye Grant Ross, K.C.B., who d. 1892. Lothian House, Ryde, Isle of Wight. Ross, Lady. Relict of Sir Robert Dalrymple Ross, who d. 1887, formerly Speaker of House of Assembly, S. Australia. Adelaide, S. Australia. ROXBURGH, Lady Eleanor M. A., da. of Sir Thomas Chambers, Q.C. : m. 1888, as his second wife, His Honour Judge Sir Francis Roxburgh, Q.C., who</. 1891, Judge of County Court Circuit No. 33. 53, Westbourne Terrace, Jf. ; Tlie Beach House, Aldeburgh, Suffolk. ST. GEORGE, Lady. Elizabeth Mari- anne, da. of Thomas Evans, Esq., J.P., of Lyminster, Sussex ; in. 1860, Gen. Sir John St. George, G.C. B., who d. 1891. 22, Cornwall Gardens, S. IV. ST. JOHN, Lady. Janette, da. of the late James Ormond, Esq., of Abingdon : in. 1869, Col. Sir Oliver Beauhamp Coventry St. John, K. C.S.I., who d. 1891, Resident at Mysore [see B. St. John, colls.]. SALMON, Lady. Louisa, da. of Nelson Elliot, Esq., Lieut. R.N. : in. 1860 as his 2nd wife, Inspector General of Hospitals Sir James Salmon, M.D., wHo d. 1886. SANDEMAN, Lady. Helen Kate, da. of Lieut. -Col. J. W. Gaisford, formerly 72nd Highlanders : in. 1882, Col. Sir Robert Groves Sandeman, K.CS.L, who d. 1892. SANDFORD, Lady. Sarah Agnes, da. of James Edmond Leslie, Esq., J.P., of Leslie Hill, co. Antrim : in. 1862, Col. Sir Herbert Bruce Sandford, K.C.M.G., who d. 1892. West Hill House, St. Lconards-on-Sea. SARTORIUS, Lady. Sophia (Cotintess de Penhafirme), da. of the late John Lamb, Esq. : in. 1839, Adm. of the Fleet, Sir George Rose Sartorius, G.C.B. (Count de Penhafirme, in Portugal), who d. 1885. East Grove, Lyming- ton. SAVAGE, Lady. Mary, da. of John Turtle, Esq., of Morra, co. Antrim : in. 1838, Sir John Savage, who d. 1883, Mayor of Belfast 1872. SCRATCHLEY, Lady. Laura Lilias, da. of Sylvester Browne, Esq., of co. Sligo : tit. 1885, Maj.-Gen. Sir Peter Henry Scratchley, K.C.M.G., who;/. 1885. SHAKESPEAR, Lady. Sophia, da. of the late George Powney Thompson, Esq., B.C S. ;